发表于 2013-12-3 11:58:15
Highbridge Air Quality & Deodorizing
fresh air delivery
416 562 3338
[email protected]
专业清除房屋 汽车 冷库 餐馆恶臭 异味 烟味 宠物味 咖喱味 发霉味 食品味,一切奇难杂症怪味。杀菌除毒。清除过敏和敏感源
Permanent House ,Car & Refrigerator odor removal with ozone will also kill microorganisms and get rid of mold and mildew.
House ,Car & Refrigerator odor removal is necessary because smells develop from various sources such as tobacco smoke, pets, cooking, moisture, mold, and body odors. These odors and vapors are not only in the air but adhere to the walls, ceilings, cabinets and crevices. They also get embedded in the carpet, the furniture, the drapes and clothing, as well as in the bathroom, kitchen and closets.Ozone generators remove household odors very effectively. For example, a rental property designated as non-smoking is often smoked in by the occupant. Simply cleaning it will not eliminate smoking odors because the fumes penetrate the furniture and fabrics, and tobacco smoke residue clings to the walls, ceilings, inside closets and cabinets and most other surfaces.
Highbridge Air Quality & Deodorizing
http://airdeodor.wix.com/air-deodorizing |