My kid started his education from grade one in Canada. At the beginning, I helped him a little big with his English, guided him once in a while when he started learning new things and couldn't get on the right tract. I always asked him what did he want to be when he grow up. I guide him, never force him. I never force him to study. He would finished his home work and played his games. He's always the top few of the class. He chose Software
Engineer program for himself. I took him to the information sesstion at Waterloo then he chose Waterloo. I didn't force my kid at all. Because the requirement of the high qualification for immigration, immigrant communities averagely have higher IQ and so do their kids, result in the higher percentage of university student population is just normal. The goverment and the educators should be aware of that. I don't believe our chinese force our kids to go to universities.
East Sun 发表于 2010-11-11 21:59
应该承认,华人家长在对孩子上大学上是比较pushy, 其实许多韩国人、南亚人也是这样的。华人对子女教育往往只看成绩,不及其余。这是导致他们独立性及社交技巧缺乏的主因。许多家长对这些方面不屑一顾,影响了孩子的全面发展。其实language, manners, character education, arts, and sports & games 这些方面的发展与成绩单上的科目同样重要。华人在海外为当地社会贡献了不少工程师、科学家,程序员。但想一想,在无论是美国、还是加拿大的Top 100 CEO 名单上有几个华人?华人议员又有多少?世界一流的艺术家华人又有几个?与华人在当地社区所占的比例一致吗?海外华人要进一步提高自身的经济、政治、文化地位,目光就必须超越成绩单,超越大学,将思考聚焦在Leadership skill,为自己的孩子量体裁衣,而不是拔苗助长,注重全面的“营养”,给孩子更多选择,而不是包办。这样,即使孩子进了college,他们也能在今后发展得比某些勉强进了多大、滑铁卢的更好,活得更开心。
另外,华人孩子如果能在“肉”(academics)与“水果蔬菜”(Non-academic areas)的摄取上保持一种更好的平衡,对他们与其他族裔的融洽相处也大有帮助,别的族裔就不会觉得我们很另类,甚至觉得是一种威胁。
I went to University when I was 15. How old when you went to University, if you ever did? I go my PhD at age of 24. When did you get yours, if you ever did?
My son have played all kinds of sports since he was 5. He is now learning business in Western and he picked himself. I offer advices whenever he needs me.
Personal attacks do not make you right.
As a parent, you want your kids have a happy life, not necessarily graduate as a MD.
I believe you.
However you do not compare individually when we talk about universities. You compare by a bloc. For that sense, there is a reason that top universities are better.
狡辩的《星报》记者Louise Brown
撰寫「亞裔學生成功所受的苦楚」( Asian students suffering for Success) 一文的《星報》教育記者布芸(Louise Brown)昨日亦有出席平權會的記者會。
法官 发表于 2010-11-11 21:07
What is your intention of publishing her name and picture?