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楼主: 润土II代
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发表于 2009-1-22 15:56:42 | 只看该作者
New Year's Resolution,个人感觉不能理解为新年愿望,中国人说“一年之计在于春”,Resolution应该是“计”,是自己给自己制定的计划,是否能实现取决于自己的努力。

New Year's Wish,Wish是愿望,就像大家过生日,会说make a wish,你可以许愿你明天买彩票中8千万美元,但是否能实现是你无法控制的。

Yes, you got it.

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发表于 2009-1-22 16:32:54 | 只看该作者
If the author wants to express the New Year's resolution as to learn ski or buy a car, it is a resolution.

Wishes usually present to something that hard to realize and complete

All Canadians I know use New Year's resolution and it makes sense to translate Chinese New year's wish to resolution because in Chinese, New Year's wish is equal to new year's plan, what you want to achieve but not daydreaming

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发表于 2009-1-22 20:56:55 | 只看该作者
If the author wants to express the New Year's resolution as to learn ski or buy a car, it is a resolution.

Wishes usually present to something that hard to realize and complete

All Canadians I know use New Year's resolution and it makes sense to translate Chinese New year's wish to resolution what you want to achieve but not daydreaming

I really wonder if you are a chinese, if your are, how can you say"because in Chinese, New Year's wish is equal to new year's plan, " ? just like you said,New Year's resolution as to learn ski or buy a car, it is a resolution,yes,  it 's a plan, because you can do it if you want. but can you make a resolution to win 649 in this year? can you? of course not! whatever you do , you can not make sure you are going to  get it, right?

so, wish is not equal to resolution!

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发表于 2009-1-22 21:04:53 | 只看该作者
I really wander if you are a chinese, if your are, how can you say"because in Chinese, New Year's wish is equal to new year's plan, " ? just like you said,New Year's resolution as to learn ski or buy a car, it is a resolution,yes,  it 's a plan, because you can do it if you want. but can you make a resolution to win 649 in this year? can you? of course not! whatever you do , you can not make sure you are going to  get it, right?

so, wish is not equal to resolution!

New Year Wish 不能用 New Year Resolution 来替代这么简单的问题搞到现在还是有人没有搞明白,可想而知其它问题了。 :sad:

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发表于 2009-1-23 12:06:26 | 只看该作者
New Year Wish 不能用 New Year Resolution 来替代这么简单的问题搞到现在还是有人没有搞明白,可想而知其它问题了。 :sad:

所以你认为楼主新年找份工作是New Year's Wish, 够阴暗!
我们加拿大说 You wish就是你作梦的意思

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发表于 2009-1-23 15:27:42 | 只看该作者
所以你认为楼主新年找份工作是New Year's Wish, 够阴暗!
我们加拿大说 You wish就是你作梦的意思


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