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发表于 2022-12-4 11:15:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


近日,CBC记者对加拿大最大的营利性职业学院之一CDI学院进行了调查,他们发现有一种误导性做法被用来向潜在的学生施压,让他们报名参加费用高达$20,000元的在线课程。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2022-12-4
发表于 2022-12-4 12:15:43 来自客户端 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-4 12:33:07 | 只看该作者
I went to CDI many years ago when it was still under Control Data Corporation (at that time it was one of the biggest computer companies in the U.S. and CDI was Control Date Institute).  I met a gentleman and we talked about CDI, my course, my plan, etc.  I took a 1 1/2 hours test which I could not finish and some questions I had no answers. After the test, he told me several of my weakness and strong points, the chance I could complete the course.  Compared with other people, the rank I could made.  If I took the course, the grade I could have, etc.  The last thing we talked about was tuition.

About 25 years ago, I was laid-off and I went to CDI (it already changed hand and sold to a private company) and wanted to upgrade my skill. The first thing the lady asked me was my unemployment.  She took down the unemployment office I went to, the person I talked to and the phone number of that person. The interview was mostly about how I paid for the course.  She told me to take a test which she said would take about 45 minutes.  The test was a big different from the one I took before.  Very easy and I finished in 15 minutes.  She looked at the test and told me I passed the test.  She told me I could start my course next week and how I wanted to pay.  I told her I needed to think about it again.

I did not go back to CDI.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-4 13:35:22 来自客户端 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-4 17:48:21 | 只看该作者
01234 发表于 2022-12-4 13:35
这学校何来有50年?当年我刚到加拿大几年后才有!只有20多历史。Eminata更是后来才收购,早于它是另一公司 ...

Don't know it is 50 years old or not but I am quite sure it is at least 35 years old because I studied there.   At that time it was owned by Control Date Corporation.  CDI was sold by Control Data and then changed hand couple times until Eminata owns it.

使用道具 举报

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