本帖最后由 宗祖 于 2017-5-8 11:06 编辑
原文在此 https://www.thestar.com/life/tra ... -potato-museum.html
O’LEARY, P.E.I.—If you build a giant something, they will come, cameras in hand. Here at the Canadian Potato Museum, that giant something is a spud named “the Big Potato.”/ 如果你修建一个巨大的东西,人们一定会来看的,而且还会带着相机跑来。在加拿大马铃薯博物馆Canadian Potato Museum,这个巨大的东西名为“大马铃薯the Big Potato”。 假如你造个巨物,人们就会拿着相机纷至沓来。在加国土豆博物馆里就有个巨型土豆,名叫“大土豆”。
It is about four metres tall and two metres in diameter. It has no gender, no face and no clothes, although it once became a “he” and was dressed for a hockey event./ 大马铃薯大约有四米高,直径两米。它没有性别、没有脸,也没有穿衣服,不过它曾经被人们当成一个男性的身份“他”,并为一场曲棍球活动穿上了衣服。 大约4米高,2米宽。虽然一度称其为“他”,还为冰球赛穿过球衣,但其实这大土豆无性无颜又一丝不挂。
The Big Potato, a Russet Burbank variety that might be packaged as a Netted Gem, used to be out where you turn into the museum, but people drove right by it./ 这个大马铃薯是一种Russet Burbank品种。曾经你开车很容易就错过这个博物馆。 大土豆属于Russet Burbank品种,市场包装上称之为“花宝石”,曾一度立在博物馆的外面入口处,可人们开车经过它时基本熟视无睹。
Now, you can’t miss it by the front door. It is possible, though, that when you take a selfie, your friends will ask what the beige blob behind you is. 但是现在你不可能再错过了。当你和这个大马铃薯自拍时,你的朋友很有可能会问你背后是什么东西。 现在,它就立在前门,谁也别想绕开它。假如你来个自拍,亲朋好友肯定会问你身后的那个土色大疙瘩是啥。
It is a giant, but ever so humble, potato. 它是一个巨大的、但是如此谦虚的马铃薯。你真的以前从来没有见过。 这可是个巨型土豆,但以前却没人瞧得起。 |