• 实时天气:多伦多
  • 实时天气:温哥华
  • 实时天气:卡加利
    温度感觉: -1°
  • 实时天气:蒙特利尔
  • 实时天气:温尼伯 15°
    温度感觉: 14°
楼主: artist
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[这样不算什么穷人吧?] 我在多伦多穷并快乐着

发表于 2005-2-10 13:43:20 | 显示全部楼层

回复:[这样不算什么穷人吧?] 我在多伦多穷并快乐着

[这样不算什么穷人吧?] 我在多伦多穷并快乐着

首先, 我肯定和欣赏作者的平和心态和生活的态度. 好样的!

1) 没车没房没手机("三无"),不一定算穷人吧? 只有钱不买,而不是没钱买.两种心态是不一样的.
2) 如果放在中国, "三无"的话,还能有这样的心态吗? 至少我做不到........     这也许是加拿大的好处之一吧.


A great 心态 for new year.

However, you can live without car and house, but how can you survive without a cell phone?
Maybe life for those gusy are different? How could you boss find you if there are something important when you are somewhere else? How could you friends find you if they are planing for the party? You are dead man! Thatz not just a good心态. We always consider someone without cell phone+MSN a invisible dead man.

Maybe you old dont think so. BUt for sure, in the future, without wireless or cell phone, you must lose more than the money.

Happy new year guys~~~~~~^_^
发表于 2005-2-10 13:48:10 | 显示全部楼层

It is true....I haven't found the SONY k700 here. THe SONY 620 Series hasn't appeared(it is sold from early 2004 in CHina). The one being sold here is 610 series.....such an old machine..

In SONY store, can you find the E-10? Can you find PSP? Can you find any new released items? you can find nothing but some out-of-fashion things.

Have you seen SOny T-series on sale in most stores? In CHina, it is sold a long time ago and new types have already appeared in Stock same time as Japan.

To be brave to face the true, men! Canada is the countryside of the US.
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