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发表于 2004-9-25 16:33:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


第一个 来到加拿大,发现同系中居然有一个我的大学校友J。一天这位老兄忽然问我:“狸猫,你认识不认识你们年级一个叫ZQ的女生?陕西人。”我左思右想也想不起这一个人,就问:“长得什么样?”“样子很土气,就象 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2004-9-25
发表于 2004-9-30 22:13:23 | 只看该作者
The way you talk about others, especially other people's appearance is really really bad.  Even you are a super beauty, you should not describe other people's appearance in such a manner.
You'd better learn to respect other people, no matter how they look alike.
发表于 2004-10-1 13:33:54 | 只看该作者

What the hell is going on here?

What the hell is going on?

I couldn't believe my eyes. I am shocked.

This is gonna be the most judgemental, stupid and shallow story I have ever read. The author was so mean to others, and so self-centered. What a shame!!

Futher more, what a horrible comment '忆唐' posted!! Is your personality twisted, or you don't have a personality? It was not a comment, it was a curse. Shame on you!!

Just be nice to other people, OK????


those stupid SBs=whores,
bad future is waiting for them. god bless them!!!!!!!!!
发表于 2004-10-2 09:26:17 | 只看该作者
You know what, what you said is based on the story, but the story is a bad story.  Everybody has their own life, and they live on their own life, they didn't hurt anyone else, so they should not be cursed by the reason of their marrying non-Chinese.

Speaking of bad fate, who knows?  Maybe they are very happy but they didn't show off?  Did you have a good fate because you are not married a non-Chinese?  Dont' be so childish.

And for the author, what's wrong with bald head?  Bald head men can't make women happy?  Nonsense!  Don't you know what makes people happy is from mind not hair?

What the women doing is for their own happiness.  Everybody has the right to do so.  What kind of shame is that?

By the way, you don't need to declare you being Chinese.  We all know that from your dirty word posted here which is not English.

what I said is a fact, no matter you accept it or not.
most of those stupid women have a same bad fate. shame on them.
I am  a chinese.
发表于 2004-10-2 09:53:06 | 只看该作者

发表于 2004-10-2 09:55:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-10-4 08:57:59 | 只看该作者

Agree with September1

FACT? What fact is that?

- How many women in your life do you know who married non-chinese guys?

- How many of them treated you like a real friend, and told you that they had an unhappy life??

- How did you get the conclusion 'most of them have a same bad fate'??? Did they tell you??

What a joke!!

what I said is a fact, no matter you accept it or not.
most of those stupid women have a same bad fate. shame on them.
I am  a chinese.
发表于 2004-10-4 09:24:08 | 只看该作者
I never used any statistics, or even tried to use any of that to state my point. I don't care about any so-called statistics.

On the other hand, what is to me to judge? It is their personal life. I cannot put in any of my opinions, because I am not like you.

Leave people alone, be nice to people, don't judge them, don't swear at them and DO NOT curse people.

I have never met anybody as rude as you though!!!!   :rolleyes:

haha, do you know the statistics?
do you know the fact? I don't want to
talk to you anymore, take care.
god bless you. pity stupid...
发表于 2004-10-5 16:33:42 | 只看该作者
What's there to beg for? This is a free country. Chinese girls can married white male and chinese guys can marry white female. Nothing wrong with that.

However, from what I understand, most canadian white male are indeed poor. Unlike canadians, many american white male are wealthy.  
To all the chinese woman out there, if you are going to marry a white man, don't marry white canadian, marry a white american.

let me tell u the fact:
many foreigners(including white,black, indian,south american,even tailand) told me they have chinese girlfriends.
From their words I knew they wanted to tell me they are very cheap, although they have high level education. one of them told me he was sleeping with 3 girls at the same time.
Can you imagine my feeling about that? What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told them they are prostitutes, true chinese girls are very good,
and they don't like foreigners.
Maybe some of my words are rude, but as a chinese,
I just want to tell you things are not as what u think about.
please be careful and show ur dignity when u date a foreigner.
Show ur dignity, I beg you!!!!!!!!!
发表于 2004-10-5 19:08:00 | 只看该作者


对任何事,不管是好,是坏,人们都应当有评论。因为只有这样,后面的人才能知道什么应当做,什么不应当做。知识是经验的积累,总结,提高。也只有这样人类不断进步。人的私事也是如此,它也有对和错。举一个简单的例子,在一个冬天的天晚上,你开着窗,脱光衣服,一丝不挂地睡觉。结果,着凉感冒了。先不说花其他纳税人的钱看病。你说这种睡眠方法是好是坏,应当不应当有个评论? 将来你的小孩也这样睡眠,你会不会告诉他不可以?如果他说:这是他的私事,你管不着,怎么办?

I never used any statistics, or even tried to use any of that to state my point. I don't care about any so-called statistics.

On the other hand, what is to me to judge? It is their personal life. I cannot put in any of my opinions, because I am not like you.

Leave people alone, be nice to people, don't judge them, don't swear at them and DO NOT curse people.

I have never met anybody as rude as you though!!!!   :rolleyes:
发表于 2004-10-5 22:18:17 | 只看该作者


But don't you think that people should be aware of the way they making any kind of comments regarding others personal life?  They can say anything in their home.  This is public, so I think at least they should comment any people or any thing fairly and with a little respect.


对任何事,不管是好,是坏,人们都应当有评论。因为只有这样,后面的人才能知道什么应当做,什么不应当做。知识是经验的积累,总结,提高。也只有这样人类不断进步。人的私事也是如此,它也有对和错。举一个简单的例子,在一个冬天的天晚上,你开着窗,脱光衣服,一丝不挂地睡觉。结果,着凉感冒了。先不说花其他纳税人的钱看病。你说这种睡眠方法是好是坏,应当不应当有个评论? 将来你的小孩也这样睡眠,你会不会告诉他不可以?如果他说:这是他的私事,你管不着,怎么办?
发表于 2004-10-5 22:31:19 | 只看该作者
If all foreigners you know told you that, that's absolutely not a nice fact to you.  They just want to put you down.

let me tell u the fact:
many foreigners(including white,black, indian,south american,even tailand) told me they have chinese girlfriends.
From their words I knew they wanted to tell me they are very cheap, although they have high level education. one of them told me he was sleeping with 3 girls at the same time.
Can you imagine my feeling about that? What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told them they are prostitutes, true chinese girls are very good,
and they don't like foreigners.
Maybe some of my words are rude, but as a chinese,
I just want to tell you things are not as what u think about.
please be careful and show ur dignity when u date a foreigner.
Show ur dignity, I beg you!!!!!!!!!
发表于 2004-10-6 00:26:35 | 只看该作者



最初由[September 1]发布

But don't you think that people should be aware of the way they making any kind of comments regarding others personal life?  They can say anything in their home.  This is public, so I think at least they should comment any people or any thing fairly and with a little respect.


对任何事,不管是好,是坏,人们都应当有评论。因为只有这样,后面的人才能知道什么应当做,什么不应当做。知识是经验的积累,总结,提高。也只有这样人类不断进步。人的私事也是如此,它也有对和错。举一个简单的例子,在一个冬天的天晚上,你开着窗,脱光衣服,一丝不挂地睡觉。结果,着凉感冒了。先不说花其他纳税人的钱看病。你说这种睡眠方法是好是坏,应当不应当有个评论? 将来你的小孩也这样睡眠,你会不会告诉他不可以?如果他说:这是他的私事,你管不着,怎么办?
发表于 2004-10-6 21:45:39 | 只看该作者


You are also talking about people!

Just try to put your feet in those people's shoes, if you still feel good, then I would think that you like the way you are teased.  But still it doesn't mean that other people like it as much as you do.  Most people prefer to be respected.  It's just that simple.


发表于 2004-10-6 22:21:04 | 只看该作者
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