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楼主: 公司税
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发表于 2011-5-24 13:26:39 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


土生土长的加拿大人,是我所在部门的系统管理工程师,年收入7万多加元,比加拿大人均收入高了一倍多。麦克6年前结婚,之后添了一男一女两孩子,3年前买了一栋大洋房,生活可谓美满幸福,典型的北美中产阶级。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2011-5-24
I don't know if chinese has such power to affect Canadian real estate market, but I definitely know the $70 K is impossible more than double average income of Canadian.  It is just a little bit above average income.  If author is a competent financial professional how could he made such basic mistake?
发表于 2011-5-25 13:43:05 | 显示全部楼层
是这么回事. 投资移民80万元借给加拿大5年就拿到公民身份不用再花钱了, 英语不行找不到好工作也不去打labor工, 不用交收入税还能领低收入补贴. 相当于花14到15万给全家买个加拿大身份可以得到免费医疗孩子上学的低学费和养老金(拿政府给低收入的最高养老金), 肯定比15万的花销多几倍. 没给加拿大提供新的就业机会来降低失业率. 总之又来一批吃闲饭的.
法官 发表于 2011-5-25 09:59

They don't work but they consume, so they still stimulate canadian economy.  
They have big house so they could not eligible to apply for the low income benefit ( plus they don't want to-how much money that would be?).   
They pay tax for their real estate.
Their kids generally go to private school and spend bunch of money for various course such as piano or dance.
They will go back to China when their kids grow up, finish university.  so they will not ask for pension, plus how much would that be?  do they care several hundreds dollars per month?

They are here to enjoy life not to eat for free since they have bunch of money feed themself up.

Don't use poor people's mind to judge rich people's life.  Only those refugee or human smuggle be here eat for free.  To some people, they really don't care about couple of thousand dollars per month.

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