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楼主: leibogong
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发表于 2007-8-2 12:48:59 | 显示全部楼层

回复:take it easy--refering to 福州人???

take it easy

这世上到处是人渣,身为“技术移民”的我们, 必须要有耐心。

有人靠着难民法律的漏洞而赚呆了(refering to 福州人, Sri Langkans, Mexicans etc...). 而身为有着专业知识的我们却常常吃闭门羹,必须自我检讨一番。灵活点,不给对方吃点甜头,又怎能让他上当呢。


"refering to 福州人"?
  I'm 福州人.What do you mean?
发表于 2007-8-2 13:14:25 | 显示全部楼层


自卫反击战: 1962年10月20日到1962年11月21日
http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogv ... 706&postID=3320
发表于 2007-8-12 14:32:12 | 显示全部楼层



以我周边的朋友来看,有一个perfect 英语固然重要,但是并不是最重要的。我老婆的一个亲戚说得一口流利的BROKEN ENGLISH。那浓浓的陕西口音,让人听得十分的亲切。可是她是那个老外公司的“白骨精”(白领。骨干,精英)。挣70块/小时。老板需要他加班都小心翼翼地看他的脸色。我老婆的老板说得一口流利的匈牙利英语,那奇怪的口音,简直不知所云。可是十几年得进出口生意做下来,买名车,买大房,买办公室,买仓库。所以,兄弟们,千万不要让英语吓着了。也千万不要让别人误导,或误导别人了。大胆的冲出去。就是我们的天地。

:smile:  大胆的冲出去。就是我们的天地 。

      为了求生存,我等不及改善MY BROKEN ENGLISH 就得去打工.
先找华人老板,后有机会与阿米哥(墨西哥裔)同事聊天,信心大增---他们 ENGLISH 跑调也多,却说得理直气壮.而自己总不敢开口...大胆的冲出去! 现在找工多找西人厂或通过西人中介,连蒙带猜听懂也就3-5成,电话或面试时就关注几个关键词如:地址及交叉路口,时间,工资...成了,就好好干.不成,又练了回口语.愈挫愈奋,再接再厉.
发表于 2007-8-12 14:48:03 | 显示全部楼层

回复:Not the English

Not the English

Sorry chinese is not available in my pc. My chinese is much better than my English though.

I feel sorry to see so many criticisim on your English where the original issue is actually the interview for a job. No matter how your English is, as long as you can understand and express properly, you should be able to find a professional job. Two years in Canada is long enough.

If I am not wrong, I would like to raise an issue here is the unfairly treated in the employment process, I can not say if it is employment discrimination. But definitely, when you were called for an interview, you needed to present your skills to them, at the mean time, you have the right to know or ask some questions about the employer. If you feel not right, you can always sue the ACHA using Legal AID, the URL: http://www.legalaid.on.ca/

I had gone through many interviews, never, ever had this kind of experience. As a chinese, I think we all should get together to help each other to get through the hardship.  :smile:
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