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发表于 2011-11-5 13:02:28 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 从来就没救世主 于 2011-11-5 14:16 编辑







Carlo Ancelotti





When something (food) good is served, forget about all his discipline and all his methods, including his beloved Christmas Tree. He can't stand to keep all that abundance to himself. So he starts calling us over: "Paolo, come here. You have to taste this." "But Carlo, I'm the captain, I'm supposed to set a good example." "And I'm your coach; have a little taste of this. It's good."


Only once in my life have I felt like I needed a psychiatrist. I was looking at Yuri Zhirkov, but all I could see was a rib-eye steak.


Here I am, 007 on a top-secret mission for myself. Sitting behind a driver with the face of an assassin.




I had an idea: I'd keep raising my demands, until they got sick of it. "I want a villa on the beach."

Answer: "Yes."

"I want a car with a driver."

Answer: "Yes."

"You have to pay for all my air travel to and from Italy."

Answer: But of course.

"I pick my own technical staff and no one else has any say in it."

Answer: We wouldn't want it any other way.

"I bet you, stop giving me carpets."












It was good meat, we at it 365 days a year, and no one ever had problems with cholesterol. In fact, if you ask me, they invented cholesterol later. What I'm try to say is that if I think of a pig, I feel like I'm thinking of something nice, almost a sacred animal, like a cow in India, say, or else Zlatan Ibrahimovic for an Inter fan.



The middle finger that I raised in the general direction of Curva Scirea (the notoriously violent section of the stands at the Stadio Delle Alpi in Turin) one evening, when I was the coach of Milan, was dedicated to them. They lacked imagination, it was always the same refrain: "A pig can't coach." It just annoys the hell out of me. It shows an intolerable lack of respect toward pigs.

那时我是米兰的主帅,我对Curva Scirea看台(尤文阿尔皮球场一个臭名昭著的暴力看台)的方向竖起的中指就是给那些人的。他们缺乏想象力,总是那一套:“一只猪无法执教。” 简直烦死我了。他们对猪的不尊敬让人难以容忍。



If it hadn't been for the hard work of my mother and father--mama and papa--I'd be no different from anyone else. In the old days, you had to sacrifice: you worked the land with your hands and a few tools; there was no farm machinery, the days were long, and the work was endless. What you sow you can only hope to harvest a year later. There was no instant gratification; you had to be patient, you couldn't lose heart when the going got touch.


 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-5 13:08:51 | 只看该作者
二. 球员时期 罗马

Our coach had a brilliant idea. We dropped by to watch our archrivals Lazio play at the Stadio Flaminio. "Come on, boys, it's on the way..." Li mortacci sua, as they say in Rome: "Curse his ancestors and forebears." We were going to pay a call on Lazio.

我们教练有个天才主意。我们一起去看死敌拉齐奥的比赛!“来吧,伙计们,反正顺路。。。” Li mortacci sua,160;160;就像罗马当地的脏话,“日他祖宗十八代!” 我们居然会去看拉齐奥比赛!

Everything imaginable was flying through the air in our general direction, and, for the first time, I put the Maestro's teachings into practice. "Dribble with your right foot," and I gave a Lazio fan a sharp kick in the ass. "Dribble with your left foot," and I let fly with another vigorous kick in the ass. "Slalom dribble," and I avoided a couple of biancazzurri. "Do a leg fake," and I faked my way past two more Lazio hooligans. "Fake a leg fake," and I did my best to pretend I wasn't dying.
背景: 安胖膝盖受伤歇了将近半年,夏天球队集训的时候,发现他胖了 Francesco Rocca,也就是他原来的队友兼室友,负责单独训练安胖,并帮助他减肥。

"Why aren't you losing weight? Carletto, what am I doing wrong?"

"Francesco, I don't understand it either. But it's got to your fault."

If he took the blame, credit went to the fans. In Brunico, not all the players slept in the main wing of the hotel. Many of us were housed in an annex where each room had a kitchen of its own. Fans would bring us wild mushrooms, we got hungry at a certain time of the evening, and at midnight we started cooking up fettuccine ai funghi. If those mushrooms had been poisonous, today Rome would have just one soccer team. We ate epic quantities of pasta. I finally recovered completely in October 1982, round as a soccer ball but happy, just in time to begin the preseason leading up to the Scudetto and skip the World Cup entirely. "Champions of the World. Champions of the World. Champions of the World." They were. I would only become a champion later, with AC Milan.



任何你能想象到的东西都朝我们的方向飞了过来,然后,生命中第一次,我把“师傅”交给我的运用到了实战中。 “用右脚带球!” 我用力一脚踢到一个拉齐奥球迷的屁股。“左脚带球!” 我又对那人的屁股飞起一脚。“变向带球过障碍物!” 我逃开了几个拉齐奥球迷。“腿部假动作” 我又躲开了2个拉齐奥恶棍。“假装做假动作” 我努力做到不被打死。
如果他认为自己有责任的话,要“感谢”那些球迷。在Brunico,不是所有球员都住在酒店的主楼。我们很多人在另外一面,住在有厨房的屋子里面。球迷会送给我们野生蘑菇,我们每晚都在几乎同一时间感觉肚子饿,于是在半夜我们就开始下厨做蘑菇意大利面!如果球迷给的是些毒蘑菇的话,现在罗马城内恐怕只有一只足球俱乐部了。我们像饿死鬼一样吃了无数碗面!1982年十月,我总算痊愈了,身体圆的像个足球,但却很开心。回来的时候正好赶上意甲的赛前备战,刚好完完全全的错过了世界杯。“世界冠军!世界冠军!世界冠军!” 他们才是世界冠军。我以后会成为冠军的,和AC米兰一起.


"I'm sorry about this, but we're going to have to do another minor procedure. It's called a 'manipulation under anaesthesia.'" I didn't like the sound of that; I got a shiver down my spine. "Maybe you should perform a manipulation under anesthesia on your sister, Professor."

“我很抱歉的告诉你,我们需要再做个小手术。手术的名字是‘在麻醉下(对你的腿)动手脚。’” 我不喜欢手术的名字;我背上感到一阵冷风吹过。“大夫,或许你可以把你妹麻醉后动动手脚”

Challenges and difficulties aren't obstacles: you can and you must go beyond them. Aside from my second injury, there was Sven-Goran Eriksson, who had, in the meantime--June 1985--replaced Liedholm in the dugout. He was young, Swedish, and he had already won the UEFA Cup with IFK Gothenburg; he had just come to Italy from Protugal, and you couldn't understand a word he said in Italian, practically the same as now. "Tre muuuu tre." At first, some people thought he was saying "three times three" and they'd answer: "Nine?" Then it dawned on us that he was trying to say "three against three." We played a lot of practice mathces, tre muuuu tre, and later quattro muuuu quattro.

挑战和困难并不是障碍:你可以也必须超越他们。 我第二次受伤时,也就是1985年6月,埃里克森接过了利德霍尔姆的教鞭。他和年轻,是个瑞典人,而且已经率领IFK Gothenburg赢得了欧洲联盟杯;他刚刚从葡萄牙来到意大利,那时候他说的意大利语你根本一个字也听不懂,现在也是一样。“三成三。” 一开始,有些人以为他说“三乘以三” 于是回答到:“等于九?” 后来我们才恍然大悟,原来他说的是“三对三。” 我们训练时踢了很多对内练习赛,三成三,后来是四成四


I was pretty comfortable, even if, during that period, I began to understand just what it meant to be benched. I had recovered from my injury, but he wouldn't let me play; he believed in Setfano Desideri and Giuseppe Giannini, both of who had come out of the youth league. I felt that I had been sidelined, I thought he was overlooking me or that he had it in for me. That wasn't the case at all; he put me back on the first team, and the following year he even offered to make me captain, because Agostino Di Bartolomei had moved over to AC Milan and Conti didn't want to take on that level of responsibility. Me--Captain of Roma. I represented a team and three-quarters of the city, because, let's admit it, there really aren't that may Lazio fans in Rome.



Right before one game, we walked into the locker room in I can't remember which stadium, and we were suddenly hit with a serious wave of nausea. It was a stink the likes of which none of us had ever encountered before. Ciccio Graziani hurried over to the toilets and, with his usual savior faire attempted delicately to determine who was behind that stench: "Aho, ma che te sei magnato? I ratti der Tevere?" Roughly translated: "What have you been eating, rats from the Tiber?" A door swung open, and Eriksson emerged, red-faced. "Relax, boys. It's just the coach who's crapped his pants." Like Liedholm, he never lost his temper. He was Liedholm's natural successor. He really was a great coach. One of the reasons that my relationship with Roma cooled considerably was the team's decision to get rid of Eriksson in April of 1987. The previous year, we had lost a spectacular championship match for the Scudetto, the famous game against Lecce, even though we had played beautifully. Undici muuuu undici--eleven against eleven.

有一场比赛前,忘了是哪个球场了,我们走进更衣室就闻到一股恶心的味道。那种臭味我们没人闻到过。格拉吉亚尼跑去马桶,用他常有的风格仔细的判断谁是罪魁祸首:"Aho, ma che te sei magnato? I ratti der Tevere?" 大概意思就是:“你们中午吃什么了?Tiber河边的老鼠?” 这时门开了,埃里克森红着脸走了进来,“没什么大不了的,伙计们,只不过是教练上了个大号而已。” 就像利德霍尔姆一样,埃里克森从来不发脾气。他是利德霍尔姆的天生接班人!他是个很伟大的教练。我和罗马俱乐部关系变差的一个原因就是因为俱乐部在1987年4月开除了他。之前一年,我们在一场精彩的意甲冠军争夺战中输了球,在对莱切的那场著名的比赛,虽然我们发挥出色。十一成十一--十一人对十一人。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-6 13:33:57 | 只看该作者
球员时期 米兰

In 1987, AC Milan hired a young coach named Arrigo Sacchi, and for some reason or another he was obsessed with putting me on the team. He wanted me at all costs, even more than he wanted Ruud Gullit and Marco van Basten.



On the table was a nice little spread: champagne and finger pastries. I left the alcohol alone, but I ravaged the trayful of pastries, leaving only crumpled paper wrappers. Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, an AC Milan executive popped into the room; he looked young and vigorous, but there wasn't a hair on his head. Not a single, blessed hair; I know, I checked carefully.



I put myself in his position, behind the reception desk, and it all made sense. In comes a bald gentleman who asks for champagne and a tray of finger pastries to be delivered to room such-and-such, then he sees me arrive, Carletto, aka II Bimbo--the Kid, and ask for the keys to that same room. Now I understand the wink: he thought we were lovers.

我把自己摆在他的角度看问题,结果全明白了,一切都是明摆着的。先是一个秃头点了香槟和小吃,让他送到那个房间,然后他看到我,卡洛,绰号II Bimbo--也就是孩子,来管他要同一个房间的钥匙。现在我懂他为什么冲我眨眼了:他以为我和加利亚尼有基情。

My journey from Trigoria to Milanello was a voyage to a different planet. And when I landed on that planet, I met someone who struck me as insane at first: Arrigo Sacchi. Before long, though, it dawned on me that Sacchi was a genius, not a madman. Truly a great man. Another mentor, another maestro. My first training sessions with him were challenging, to say the least. Usually I spend the time between soccer seasons exercising and training. That summer, instead, since I knew I was being let go, I just lay around and relaxed. I was in terrible shape, and my first warm-up with Arrigo was a terrible experience. His methods were completely innovative. Let’s say that the benchmark for intensity of training had been twenty. Well, at Milanello the level of intensity was a solid hundred. There was just a world of difference, a tremendous and exhausting challenge. At the end of the day, we were all terrified at the thought of climbing the stairs to our bedrooms; we couldn’t face it. Grown men though we were, we broke down sobbing. It was an ordeal, we moved like a squadron of zombies. The short walk from the dining hall to the locker room was a struggle of the will: “We will go out for training … we can’t go out for training …” In the end, of course, we always went out for training; in fact, the pace only increased. The problem was that the day wasn't over at seven in the evening, after our second training session. Then it was time for dinner, and after an espresso (and before we were allowed to go to bed), Sacchi held a team assembly. Not a technical meeting, a psychological meeting.



There was a psychologist named Bruno De Michelis andanother executive, a man named Zaccuri, who wasdirector of human resources for Fininvest, Berlusconi’sholding company. De Michelis: “Give me a list offifty objects, and I’ll write them on this blackboard,numbering them from one to fifty.” The first thing thatcame into

everyone’s mind: “Okay, so they’re crazy,not us.” We decided to humor them, and began listingobjects: loaf of bread, house, football, bowl oftortellini (guess who came up with that one), goal, stadium,pussy, car, cup of coffee, and so on, until we’d namedfifty objects. De Michelis: “Now I’m going toturn the blackboard around, and I’m going to namethem all, in order, without looking.” He did it, too:loaf of bread, house, soccer ball, bowl of tortellini,goal, stadium, pussy, car, cup of coffee … He didn’t missa single one. “Now I’ll repeat all the words inreverse order: cup of coffee, car, pussy, stadium, goal,bowl of tortellini, soccer ball, house, loaf ofbread.” Incredible. We thought we were smarter than him, weweren’t about to let him get away with it.

Pardon me, Doctor, but what was number thirty again?”

Sheet of paper.”

What about number twenty? “Pen.”

And number forty-seven? “Sofa.”

New lesson: the brain can do an amazingnumber of things. Every night, after two dailytraining sessions, that’s what we did for an hour and a half.Then we started learning relaxation techniques. Wewould attain a state of complete relaxationthrough music and words. First we studied the theory ofrelaxation, and then we’d put it into practice. We’dlisten to a piece of music, usually the theme song fromChariots of Fire, with the lights turned down low.De Michelis and Zaccuri would talk over the thememusic: “Now, relax your body, listen to your heartbeat.Imagine that you’re on the soccer field, you see thestadium full of fans, the match is about to begin, yousmell the aroma of the grass.” They were like a couple ofcelebrity hypnotists. I still use their techniquestoday when I’m in a stressful situation. The first teammember to collapse was usually Francesco Zanoncelli.He didn’t just fall asleep, he fainted. We could havestuck a fork in him, he was so cooked. By the end of therelaxation session, half the team was sleeping.

会议上有个叫Bruno De Michelis的心理医生,还有另一个叫Zaccuri的,是贝总旗下的Fininvest公司的HR总监De Michelis说:“请大家给我列举50个东西,我会一一把他们写到黑板上,从1号到第50号。”大家的第一反应就是:“OK,疯了的是他们,不是我们。”我们决定来点儿有喜感的:一块面包,房子,足球,一碗意大利面(猜猜这个是谁想出来的),球门,球场,女性阴部,车,咖啡等等,直到我们凑齐了50个。De Michelis又放话了:“现在我把黑板转过去,然后把你们列举的50件东西按顺序背出来。”他也确实做到了:一块面包,房子,足球,一碗意大利面,球门,球场,女性阴部,车,咖啡……他一个也没错过!“现在我把顺序反过来再来一次:咖啡,车,女性阴部,球场,球门,一碗意大利面,足球,房子,一块面包。”真TM不可思议。我们球员们不甘心就这么放过他,我们决定耍耍他。







我们受益匪浅:原来大脑可以这么神奇。每天晚上,两节训练课后,我们都接受一个半小时的心理培训。然后我们学习放松的技巧。我们争取通过音乐和简单的言语达到一种完全放松的境界。首先我们学习了放松理论,接着就是练习放松。我们会听着一段音乐,一般都是在昏暗的灯光下听电影烈火战车的主题曲。De MichelisZaccuri会随着音乐对我们说:“现在,放松你的身体,用你的心跳去聆听。想象自己在球场上,看台上球迷坐的满满的,比赛马上就要开始了,你都能闻到草皮的味道。”他们就像一对儿超级催眠师一样。直到今天,每当压力很大的时候,我还会运用那时学到的放松技巧。记得那时第一个被催眠的队友是Francesco Zanoncelli。他不是仅仅被催眠那么简单,他直接昏过去了!你可以用叉子叉他,他都不会醒!而到了最后,基本上半个球队都睡着了。


So that was A. C. Milan, the team that was scheduled to win the Italian Scudetto thisyear, the UEFA Champions’ Cup the next season, andthe Intercontinental Cup the third season. Semmis ben, as the Milanese would say: We’re all set.When they turned the lights back on, we’d pick upZanoncelli’s lifeless body and head upstairs to bed.When training began, I weighed 84 kilos (185 pounds); bythe time it was done, I was down to 78 kilos (171pounds). After training camp, I went back home. I knockedat the door, and my own mother didn’t recognizeme. There was a stranger at the door. “What have theydone to was a stranger at the door. “What have theydone to

you? Look at you, you’re just skin andbones …”

Psychologically, we were becomingpowerhouses. Part of it was the sheer challenge oftolerating Arrigo Sacchi. He’d explain game plans at night,just as you were falling asleep. He’d sketch them outon the door of your room. He was especially pricelesswhen he had to explain strategy to Gullit and vanBasten, who spoke no Italian. In that case, thefallback was English, which made it hard to keep astraight face. When we had to sit through the firstmeetings in English, it was pure torture to keep fromlaughing out loud. To avoid snorting, or just burstinginto hilarity, we would pretend to clear our throats. Me andTassotti started, and soon everyone was doing it.“Its

nesessari tu ev a sciort tim”: if I had towrite it down in black and white, that’s how it looked tome, as an

Italian. It’s necessary to have a shortteam. “Uen de boll arraivs, uan go e uan cam.” When theball arrives, one go and one come. It truly wasimpossible to understand.

那就是AC米兰,一支3年内要先后赢得联赛冠军,冠军杯,和洲际杯冠军的球队。Sem mis ben,用米兰人的话说:我们准备好了。当他们把灯重新开亮时,我们直接抬着Zaconcelli那毫无生命的身体上楼睡觉。当集训开始的时候,我84公斤重,而结束的时候,我只有78公斤了。回到了家,我亲妈都认不出我了。“他们对我的安胖胖做了什么?看看你,瘦得只剩皮包骨了……

心理上,我们无比强大。一部分原因是因为需要忍受萨基憋出来的。他会在晚上你打瞌睡的时候讲解比赛方案。他直接在你的门上画战术图。最搞的是当他需要给古力特和巴斯滕解释的时候,因为那两位爷不会意大利语。萨基只能用英语,于是我们就只能强忍着不喷饭。记得我们第一次上纯英文的战术课,强忍着不笑出声来简直就是活生生的折磨啊!为了避免喷出来,或者直接笑出来,我们就假装咳嗽,假装清理嗓子。我和塔索蒂先开始,然后每个人都学会了。如果我必须白纸黑字的给你们写出来萨基说了什么,作为一个意大利人,这就是我看到的。萨基说:Its nesessari tu ev ascoirt tim。我们必须有个短的球队。(愿意应该是球队3条线要紧凑)接着对两位荷兰人说:Uen de boll arraivs, uan goe uan cam.



But as a human beingwell, thats another matter.He was a grouch, he didnt know how to talk to players, and, most importantly, he didnt like discussingtechnical matters with us. A dialectical exchange of views on strategy wasalien to him, and so it never happened. Maybe that’s why there were so manyverbal clashes with the players. Maybe that’s why one day Gullit hung him up onthe wall in the Milanello locker room.

Capello, reading the newspaper: Ruud, yousaid things here that werent true. Youre a liar.

Gullit, without reading the newspaper: Now Im going toset you straight.

Brawl. Im pretty sure that alot of the players were rooting for Gullit, but we all pitched in and separatedthem.





But to Capellos credit,after anything of the sort happened he just canceled it from his memory. As if nothinghad happened. He started over from nothing. He pretended not to remember, forthe good of the team. And for his own good. I have to say that there are timeswhen I am just like him. As a coach, I have witnessed a great many argumentsbetween players; its routine. Usually, I just watch; I keep my distance. If theargument drags out, I intervene; otherwise, I wait for them to resolve it ontheir own. When Clarence Seedorf first joined A. C. Milan, he would pick fightswith everyone. It was one quarrel after another with his teammates, especially duringthe first year. Clarence likes to talk a lot, and he likes to talk aboutsoccer. At first, since he was a new player, this habit of talking freely wasnt particularlywelcome. He was considered a know-it-all, an egotistsomebody whowould always tell you how to do it better. Kaladze and Rui Costa couldnt stand him.Just days after he arrived in Milanello, Seedorf already wanted to tell Rui Costahow to take the field and how to play. No one wanted to acknowledge hisleadership because he was a new recruit. Over time, though, things improved.Because, in reality, Clarence is aleader. He rallies the team in the locker room.



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 20:51:02 | 只看该作者
四. 助教阶段

Arrigo was even crazier than usual:Carletto,have you ever visited the Louvre?

No, is he in the hospital? I hadnt heard he was sick …”

I was trying to be funny, but he wasdetermined to take me to a museum: Come on, Carletto,lets go to the Louvre, lets go to the Louvre.

Thats fine with me, fine with me.

We hopped into a taxi, and, before I couldeven dream of seeing the Mona Lisa, wepulled up in front. It was closed, locked tight, no admittance. Arrigo, youre notthinking of going to the airport this early?

No, Carletto, lets go for a walk.

Unfortunately, right next to the Louvre isan enormous park. Trees and flowers, stretching off into the distance. Look, Carletto,its beautiful. Lets go take a stroll in the park. Me, him, Paris, strollingtogether in the park, the birdies singing. One thought humming through my brain:please dont let anyone see us.

Carletto, this will only take a few minutes. Just a fewminutes. Well, 240 minutes, to be exact. Four full hours. A botany lesson likeno other. Apparently, Sacchi knows every tree and every flower on earth. Heknew everything. Carletto, this is Crataegus monogyna.Well, of course it is; Id know it anywhere. Perhaps if hed told me it was a hawthorn tree, it might have been easier to workup some enthusiasm.

Wonderful, Arrigo. Just wonderful. I really didnt give ahoot, but I was afraid to tell him that. He stopped every three feet, craninghis neck and explaining in detail: Incredible,Carletto, theres Narcissus pseudonarcissus.

Well, I guess it must have been incredible,because I didnt have the slightest idea what he was blabbering on about.








“安胖,咱们就在这里逗留几分钟。”几分钟?是啊,正好尼玛240分钟。四个小时整!一次独一无二的园艺课!很明显,萨基能识别地球上的每一种树和每一种花。他什么都知道。“安胖,看,这是Crataegus monogyna(植物的拉丁名字,我tm才不翻译呢)。”当然是了;我上哪儿知道啊!如果他说那是山楂树,或许我会更有精力陪他玩儿。


他每隔3颗树就停下来,伸着脖子滔滔不绝地解释:“真是不可思议啊!安胖!这是Narcissus pseudonarcissus.


It was during that same period that I beganto see Sacchi in a different light. I was still intimidated, but ourrelationship became a little warmer, a little more personal. There was a newintensity. I felt a genuine love for the man. In the professional sphere, he continuedto demand the utmost of himself, but also of those who worked alongside him. Forme, that was the best way to learn. I liked it. Pietro Carmignani and I werehis assistants, his deputies: Carmignani sat next to him on the bench while Iwatched the match from the stands and prepared the match report. The terriblematch report It was a detailed report on everything that happened on the field.Nowadays, its simple; everythings computerized. But back then it was grueling, maddening work.Maddeningin fact, people probably thought that I was mad, because I talked out loud while my assistant made notes of everythingI said. Pass by Baggio, shot by Albertini, Mussi breaks free, Baggio makes a run,Baggio takes a shot. A steady stream of words, exactly like that, frombeginning to end, without a pause. Anyone who was unlucky enough to have seatsnear us
eventually moved away. We were intolerable,but we did it out of necessity. Its what Sacchi wanted.





In the sixtieth minute, with Nigerialeading, 10, I started to have the nagging thought: whats the bestway to get back into Italy unobserved? How can we avoid a blizzard of overripetomatoes at the airport? Maybe we can take a ferry from the island ofLampedusa. Or else, come south through Como. Whether to return from the northor the southa difficult choice.


I have wonderful memories of that 1994World Cup, despite the weather. It was brutally hot, the humidity wasintolerable, and after dinner all I felt like doing was going to bed andpassing out. But every night after dinner, Sacchi would say, Shall we gotake a walk? No, please, not The Walk, anything but The Walk But therewas no arguing; he always won, with only one saving grace, as far as I wasconcerned. There were no trees, there were no flowers. And no one spoke Latin.


We played the first game, against theRepublic of Ireland, in New York. We got to the stadium and went straight outonto the field. You couldnt survive for long. It was 108 degrees, 90 percent humidity. Thosegeniuses from FIFA had decided to schedule the game for noon. To encourage theplayers, Carmignani and I lay down on the grass and exclaimed: How nice. Atlast, its comfortable today. Cooler than usual, isnt it? At thatpoint, the players took a good hard look at us and decided that the sun hadfried our brains.



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 20:53:25 | 只看该作者

五.初掌教鞭 雷吉纳 帕尔玛

本帖最后由 从来就没救世主 于 2011-11-8 20:57 编辑

五.初掌教鞭 雷吉纳 帕尔玛



The general manager, Dal Cin, had reassuredme: Well do great things together. Its a promise.

One day, right after the Anglo-Italian Cup,I walked into my little office. There, waiting for me, was Nando De Napoli, aformer teammate on the Italian national team at the World Cup of 1986: Nando, whata surprise! How are you?

Fine, Carletto. How are you?

Doing great, Nando. You should have called me. I didnt know youwere in the neighborhood. If Id known you were coming, we could have had lunch.

Oh, yeah, well …”

By the way, Nando, what brings you to this neck of the woods?

Im your new midfielder.

I pretended to smile, but inside I wassobbing.

(雷吉纳)的经理Dal Cin向我保证:“咱俩一起,一定能干大事业!我保证!”









I found myself in the middle of a transfercampaign that had been planned and executed by others (its somethingthat happens ). I was coaching players I didnt know, footballersthat Id never even heard of: Thuram, Crespo, Chiesa, Veron, Rivaldo, andCafu. Then there was Bravo, coming from Paris Saint-Germain, Amaral, and ZeMaria (Jose Marcelo Ferreira). Well, I knew who Rivaldo was, but I didnt know theothers. To make it worse, they wanted me to send a kid out to play goalie inSerie A, a child, a goalkeeper who was still green behind the ears. I thoughtthey were joking, but they were dead serious.

Carletto, look; hes a good goalie. He can block anything.

Fine, fine. Whats his name?

Gianluigi Buffon.

And who is he?







I had a bad feeling. I wasnt feelingoptimistic. But I decided to take the initiative: the evening before the game,I asked the entire team to come to my room at the Hotel Doria. We openedchampagne and we toasted: To us. We said goodbye; we all agreed that it had been good workingtogether. Short but intense. A farewell celebrationa sadoccasion. Despite my sense of doom, the adventure continued. We won, 10. At SanSiro. Against A. C. Milan. On the eve of the seasons winterbreak. I always suspected that it was a sort of Christmas gift from Sacchi;maybe he thought that if Id been fired it would have been a defeat for him too. After theholidays, we won 10 against Juventus too. In that season, we won eleven times with scoresof 10. Eleven times. Because we had an unknown goalkeeper, Buffon. Twocentral defenders who werent anything special,Thuram and Cannavaro. An unimpressive striker, Crespo.

We let the Scudetto slip out of our handsin the return match against Milan, 11, but more importantlyin Turin against Juventus. We were ahead once again by 10 whenCollina called a scandalous penalty kick against us. It was shameful. There hadbeen a disagreement between Cannavaro and Vieri, a scuffle between the two ofthem: no justification for a penalty kick. Invented. An optical illusion. WhileCollina was walking back toward midfield, I was yelling at him from the bench: Nice work!Good job! Great decision! I said it again: Nice work! Good job!
Great decision! He turnedand walked toward me; I stood up, he pulled out his red card. I couldnt believe it.What are you doing?Im ejecting you.That much I had already figured out; I washoping for a more complete answer. Thrown out for my first offence; I doubtthat many other coaches in history have enjoyed that particular honor.After the game, I went to see him. I askedhim why hed ejected me. Chairmen of several teams hadnt been ableto do it. What made him so smart?Well, I tossed you out because I read your lips. You called me anasshole.Youre wrong; I thought it, but I never said it.I guess hereally was good; hed read my mind.(虽然帕尔马发挥很出色)但我们还是在主场1-1和米兰战平后丢掉了意甲冠军。更关键的是在都灵对尤文那场比赛。我们一直1-0领先,然后科里纳吹了一个莫须有的点球!真是可耻!卡纳瓦罗和维埃里之间有些小冲突,仅此而已,根本不该判点球。他创造了这个点球。眼花了!当科里纳往中场走的时候,我对他大喊:“干的好!真漂亮!点球判的好!”紧接着我又喊了一次“干的好!真漂亮!点球判的好!”这时他向我走了过来;我站了起来,他向我出示了红牌。难以置信!“你干嘛?”我问道。“我把你踢出去。”这我早就知道了;我只是希望他能给我一个更完整的答案。第一次对裁判大喊就被罚出去,我怀疑意大利历史上还有没有和我一样倒霉的人。比赛结束后,我去找他。我问他为什么把我赶出去。好多俱乐部老板都没做到。他凭什么那么有才?“其实,我罚你出去是因为我读了你的唇。你骂我混蛋。”“你错了。”我心里想到。我猜他确实很有才,他直接读到了我大脑里的想法。 ------------------

Now, years later, I regret how it went. Iwas wrong to be intransigent. Over time, I learned that there is always a wayof allowing a lot of great and talented players to work together and get along.At Parma, I still thought that 4-4-2 was the ideal formation in all cases, butthats not true. If I had a time machine, Id go back and ofcourse Id take Baggio. I could have handled the situation very differently.All of this, of course, caused problems for me. I was branded a coach who wasopposed to attacking midfielders, and that wasnt entirely unfair.For that matter, the year before, Id turned down Zolaas well. Ancelotti, the anti-imagination. Give me anything, but not another number10. The truth is that I was afraid of moving into territory that I thought I knewtoo little about. It was a lack of courage, but I made up for it in the yearsthat followed. I found a new source of courage, in part because I went to coachJuventus. And I really couldnt bench Zidane. 多少年后再回想,我确实后悔。我错在不知道变通。时间一长,我明白了怎么把多个大牌,有天赋的球员同时放在场上,并且让他们有效地合作。在帕尔马,我仍然认为442在任何情况下,都是最理想化的阵型,但那不是真的。如果我能乘坐时光机,我当然会回去并且接受巴乔。我可以处理的更好。我的这些顽固,确实也给我带来不少问题。作为教练我被打上了“不喜欢创造型中场”这样的烙印,不过也确实不能说这样的评论对我不公。毕竟,几年前,我还拒绝过佐拉。安切洛蒂,一个没有想象力的人。给我任何球员,只要不是另一个经典10号。说实话,我当时是害怕踏入一个陌生的,我不太懂得领域。我缺少勇气,但随着时间我改正了这个缺点。我找到了一种新的勇气,一半是因为我去了尤文。而我真的不能把齐达内放到板凳上。

非常佩服安胖这种自我批评精神,安胖不是什么Special One,他是那个Honest One。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 21:06:03 | 只看该作者
During my time coaching Juventus, I met oneof the players who was destined to make me a success: the legendary Pippo. PippoInzaghi who, though he is pushing forty, still eats Plasmon biscuits. The discoveryof the century. When I first arrived at Juventus, he was out of commission witha sports hernia. Still, we immediately hit it off; we had an instinctiveunderstanding. Pippo has always been something of an animal. If I think of theperfect striker, hes certainly not the first one to come to mind. Hes anincomplete player. Still, inside the penalty area, no player on earth can competewith him. He woos and seduces the soccer ball. Inside that limited area, hescores in every way imaginable: striking with his right foot, his left foot, withcannon shots, ricochets, shots off the thigh, the shin, back heels, with eyesshut tight, shots off his ass (often off his ass), with his fingertip, goalsoff of penalty kicks gone astray, off his ear, his big toe, through mind control,and even with his shoelace. There are times when another player scores and he

celebrates anyway. My favorite descriptionof Inzaghi is by Emiliano Mondonico: Is Pippo in lovewith goals? No, goals are in love with him. And its a red hot passion.


They were his shadows, they were his guardianangels, they never left his side. Agnelli was crazy about him; Montero was justplain crazy. When they looked at Zidane, they saw a pure and glowing light, a trafficlight that was permanently green. A right of way to extraordinary transport,and he was certainly extraordinary; too bad for us if he often showed up late.

One day, during my first year on the Juventusbench (a year that began in February 1999), we were scheduled to leave for anaway game, and Zidane hadn’t arrived yet. He’d vanished, and his cell phone wasturned off. I waited for a while, then I made a decision: “Let’s go.”

“But, Carletto, how will he catch up with us?”

“That’s his problem.”

From the back of the team bus, Montero jumpedto his feet, marching up the aisle toward me. “Coach, we need to talk.”

“Sure, Paolo. Let’s get this bus on the road,and then I’m all ears.”

He marched up to the driver and crossed hisarms. “No, that’s exactly what we need to talk about. No one is leaving herewithout Zidane.”

I took a few seconds to think it over. Ievaluated the situation with a certain mental clarity: “Okay, here I am, facinga homicidal maniac who is staring furiously into my eyes as he clenches andunclenches his fists. Given the choice between the good and the not-so good, hehas always sacrificed the good: he aims at the ball, and he kicks your leg; heaims at your foot, and he kicks your leg; in fact, when he aims at your leg, hekicks your leg.”

“OK, Paolo, let’s just wait for him.” Theimportant thing, after all, is your health, right?

Zizou showed up ten minutes later, apologizedfor being late, and the bus pulled out.












Zidane was the greatest soccer player I ever coached—thesole inhabitant of a very different planet. Before every match, the Avvocatocame into the locker room, said hello to Alessandro Del Piero, and then wentstraight to Zizou. He was head over heels in love; he took Zizou aside and hada little chat.

It was a scene that I witnessed dozens oftimes. Often, Agnelli was accompanied by his grandsons John and Lapo Elkann;they would appear, greet the team, and go talk to Zidane. They were just liketheir grandfather. Then it was Moggi’s turn: where’s Zidane? And Giraudo: where’sZidane? And then Bettega: discreetly, in a private corner of the locker room, becausehe was shy.



That was when I started to get a littlelonely. Everyone was ignoring me; they all came to see Zidane. Sometimes eventhe fans ignored me. For instance, one morning at Turin’s Caselle Airport. We werereturning from Athens, we’d just played an embarrassing Champions League matchagainst Panathinaikos, and there, waiting for us as we got off the airplane, wasa small mob of young men who weren’t especially interested in paying tribute toour athletic prowess. As Zidane went past, they shoved him. That marked themfor—well, maybe not for death, but sudden and certain punishment. Montero witnessedthe scene from a distance, removed his

glasses and, with an elegant gesture thatstruck me as incongruous, slipped them into a case. It was handsomely done, butit boded badly for the young men. A few seconds later, he was running at top speedtoward the little cluster of hoodlums, fists flying. Backing him up was DanielFonseca, another willing brawler. In my mind, I imagined a boxing announcer rightbehind them, hovering just outside the ring: “And that’s a right, a left hook,another left hook. Technical knockout, that’s a TKO. Zinédine is safe. Irepeat, Zinédine is safe.”

Oh, the beating those poor guys took. Theyleft a few on the ground. The problem was that a few hours later, we realized theywere soccer hooligans, and vicious ones at that. In fact, they came to pay acall on us in the days that followed.

这时我会感觉有点儿孤独。每个人都冷落我;他们都是来看齐达内的。(OMG!安胖太有爱了!)有时连球迷都“冷落”我。比如,有一次在都灵机场。我们刚从和帕纳希纳科斯踢了场耻辱般的欧冠,从雅典回来。在机场,等着我们的是一小群,怎么说呢,不太尊重我们运动能力的年轻人。当齐达内走过他们的时候,他们推了下他。妥了,他们这下被盯上了,倒不是说他们一定会被干掉,不过皮肉之苦少不了了。蒙特罗从远处看到了他们的恶行,摘下他的眼镜,走了过去。他下手很漂亮,虽然这对那些年轻人来说不是好事儿。几秒钟过后,他已经飞到那些人中间,拳打脚踢了!帮他的是方塞卡,另一个打斗爱好者。在我脑海里,我变成了一个站在拳台外的拳击直播员:“一记右钩拳!又一记左勾拳!又是一次左勾拳!技术性击倒!TKO!齐达内得救了 !我重复,齐达内得救了!”


Ours was a team that was always ready for abattle. A single spark was enough to unleash an inferno. Paolo Montero, DanielFonseca, Edgar Davids: the Ivy League, present and correct. If they caught awhiff of a brawl, they would rush in without thinking twice. One time, at theStadio Olimpico in Rome during halftime, the whole team was already down in thelocker room. We heard angry voices outside, the sounds of an incipient brawl.Montero shouted, “Where’s Zidane?” (he really was sort of fixated …) and boltedout in person to see what was happening. He rushed into the fray, only todiscover that it was just a crowd of Roma players, angrily quarreling amongst themselves.They looked up to see a furious Montero bearing down on them, ready to mow themto the ground, for absolutely no good reason. Paolo Montero adored Zizou, and,for that matter, I adored Paolo, who was pure of heart and stout of spirit. Hecould easily have been a convicted felon, but he had a code of honor all hisown. And a mission, for which he was willing to fight: “Keep your hands offZidane.”


Zizou’s son, Enzo, was just as amazing as hisdad. He’d come to the stadium and imitate his father’s fakes. He never missed amove. He was a genius and the spitting image of his dad. I am increasingly certainthat I coached a supernatural being: supernatural in every way, in hisremarkable talent and in his great humility. Zidane is the soccer player who,in my life, produced the greatest array of chills, thrills, and sheerenjoyment—a living spectacle who put on an amazing show every single day. Thebest description of him that I ever heard came from José Altafini: “The way he used his foot, it wasas if he were spreading butter on a slice of bread.” He had one shortcoming: henever scored all that many goals, he didn’t spend a lot of time in the penaltyarea. He seemed to be allergic to that section of the field, but he was anabsolute master of all the others. Training was a thing he loved—a thing we allloved. He invented, and we watched openmouthed. I watched because that was my job;his fellow players watched because you can’t stop an artist. You just admirehis work.

齐达内的儿子,恩佐(现在皇马二队的那个),和他父亲一样神奇。他回来球场,模仿父亲的假动作。他从来没做错过一个动作。他是个天才,是和他父亲一个模子里出来的。我越来越确定我执教的是个神:他的天赋和他的谦虚都不同凡人。齐达内是我见过的球员中,创造了最多惊喜和享受的人一个每天都带来壮观表演的大师。我听过对他最好的概括是来自Jose Altafini的:“他踢球就象往面包上抹奶油那样(舒畅)。”他只有一个缺陷:他从来没进过很多球,他很少到禁区内,就像对那个地方过敏一样。不过在所有其他方面,他都是大师级的水准。他很喜欢来参加训练我们也喜欢。他负责发明创造新动作,我们负责一边看他一边惊讶。我必须要看他,因为那是我的工作;他的队友们看他因为你不能打断艺术家。你只能仰慕他的艺术。

Juventus was a completely new environment forme. Very different. I never really felt comfortable. I was a cog in the machine—justanother employee in a huge corporation. If you’re looking for feelings, please applyelsewhere. On the job, everything went smoothly, but outside the workplace,nothing. I saw Moggi every day, we were neighbors. I lived downstairs from him,on the Via Carlo Alberto. Of the three members of the Triad, I was closest tohim. He liked me, he cared about me, and the feeling was mutual. I still talkto him occasionally; the same goes for Giraudo. But Bettega basically vanishedinto thin air.
That Moggi—Lucianone, as he was known—was animportant and influential person was common knowledge. Even a few refereesseemed to be aware of it. One in particular. Everyone respected Moggi, and so,in effect, there could be a sense of intimidation at times. His strength, andlater his downfall, was his public relations: he never said no; he would meetwith as many as thirty people a day. He was outgoing and open-minded, whichmade him more powerful and more widely hated. The fact that he was withJuventus made him powerful, and that is he was with Juventus made him powerful,and that is why there were people who found him intimidating. 尤文对我来说是个完全不同的环境。非常不同。我从没真的觉得舒服自在。我只是大公司里的另一个雇员。如果你是那种把感情融入工作的人,那请不要来尤文应聘。工作时,一切顺利,但工作外,什么也没有。我每天都能看到莫吉,我们是邻居。我住在他楼下。三巨头中,我和他关系最近。他欣赏我,也关心我,我对他也是如此。现在我们有时还会联系;和吉拉乌多也一样。但贝特加基本不扯这一套。莫吉或者卢西亚诺是个非常重要有影响力的人是常识。甚至有几个裁判都在意这一点。尤其是有一个裁判。每个人都尊敬莫吉,所以,给人看起来,他很有威慑力。他的长处,也是以后他垮台的原因,是他的公关(PR)的能力:他从不对人说不;他每天都新认识30个人(简直tm一王牌销售!)。他很外向,思想也很开放,这些让他变得很有能力,也让很多人恨他。因为身处尤文图斯,所以他很有势力,于是很多人都怕他。


Everyone was sloshed on champagne: finally, abubbly, cheerful Juventus. And while they were eating and drinking, I was calculatingthe check in my mind, trying to figure out how much I had lost on that (probablyfixed) bet. At least two hundred thousand lire apiece, which, multiplied bytwenty, added up to four million lire. That, it turned out, was optimistic: “Signore Ancelotti, here is the check.” Tenmillion lire. Ten. Million. Lire. I expected a receipt, but what they broughtme was an ancient Greek scroll. A foot and a half of bill. I felt faint; I pulledout my checkbook, hating all twenty of my guests as I did so. Galliani’s tiehad veered from purple to yellow, he’d guzzled so much champagne. Behind myback, I heard someone laughing. It was Giraudo. He could be likable, even thoughin public he was always serious, at times verging on arrogant. “It was a joke, Carletto. I’ll pay.” Thefuture of my daughter and son, Katia and Davide, suddenly brightened. Theirinheritance was safe.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 21:09:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 从来就没救世主 于 2011-11-8 22:57 编辑

七. 回到米兰

In a not-too-distant past, for that matter, Ihad sworn an oath that one day I’d coach the rossineri. I had just started coaching Reggiana, and Iwas a guest at Sebastiano Rossi’s wedding. In the church, I went over to Gallianiand started whispering sweet blandishments in his ear: “Adriano, everything Ido in the years to come will be nothing but an apprenticeship. One day, I’mgoing to coach A. C. Milan, and you’re going to hire me.”

“Well, I certainly hope so, Carletto. But nowget your lips off my ear, please. It looks like we’re the ones getting married.”

It was like that time in Rome, at the Palazzoal Velabro, the first time we met. I was starting to develop a taste for this.Rossi was at the altar, exchanging vows; Galliani and I were just beginning ourcourtship.




I got a lot of help from Pirlo, who came to see me in the locker room one fine day: “I can try to play as a defensive midfielder. I played that position with Mazzone, and it worked great.” From one Carletto (Mazzone) to another (me). I had my doubts: I was afraid that Andrea Pirlo might create problems in terms of timing, because he likes to take the ball and keep it. A safe with a slow combination. I wasn’t overly confident in this new approach, but I listened to him and gave it a try at the Berlusconi Trophy. I was astonished. He started playing with beautiful simplicity, and he became an unrivaled player. His name may have an unfortunate sound (pirla in Italian is an insult), but it’s a name to conjure with.  

And so it went until the away game against Deportivo de La Coru241;a in the UEFA Cup, a game in which A. C. Milan’s genetic mutation came to completion. Deportivo’s midfielders typically set the pace of the game, so in order to generate more space in the center of the field I told Rivaldo and Rui Costa to fall into more defensive positions. Inzaghi, further forward, was left unguarded, and he scored three goals. Our opponents were completely baffled: they weren’t sure whether they should send a midfielder or a defender out against Rivaldo and Rui Costa. They lost their equilibrium, they left huge gaps for us to take advantage of; we were nimble, danced on through, and scored. Bullets and tap-dancing, 4–0 on our tiptoes. We were magnificent, and we began winning against teams all over Europe. Even in Munich against Bayern and in Dortmund against Borussia; Germany lay at our feet. I was proud to be Father Christmas: here, enjoy the contents of this Christmas stocking. We were the team of December 25, always ready for a little celebration, whoever might happen along.

I’m proud of my invention. Our formation has even been translated into English: from Albero di Natale to Christmas Tree. I like the sound of that; it works for me. And it made us winners of the Champions League, though there was an element of sheer luck, because with Ajax in the quarterfinals we were out of the running: what saved us was a goal by Tomassonin the last minute: 3–2 in our favor, and the San Siro was packed. We played Internazionale in the semifinals: it was a real derby.


于是到了客场对拉科鲁尼亚的冠军杯比赛,一场体现米兰改变的比赛。拉科的中场一般都能控制比赛节奏,所以为了在球场中间创造更大空间,我告诉里瓦尔多和鲁伊科斯塔位置拖后一点,更接近防守时站位。因扎吉,因为更靠前,所以空间很大,他上演了帽子戏法。我们的对手彻底被打傻了:他们不确定到底是该派一个中场还是后卫出来盯住里瓦尔多和鲁伊科斯塔。他们失去了平衡,留给了让我们利用的巨大空间。我们灵活的跳着自己的舞蹈,顺便也进几个球。4-0轻松获胜。我们非常出色,也开始了在欧洲各个客场赢球。甚至在拜仁和多特蒙德的地盘上击倒德国人。我很自豪自己是“圣诞树之父”,大家一起享受圣诞吧~ 我们是一支12月25号的球队,总是准备好庆祝,不管哪个对手前来挑战。


We had lost our determination in Serie A, so our focuswas now on the European championship. We were under enormous pressure, and Icould feel my bench starting to wobble dangerously. Finally, I felt at ease;the customary burning sensation on my buttocks helped me to get comfortable. Interms of physical conditions, there were beginning to be a few problems, and soI told the team to take a prudent approach: to keep from scoring goals. I’deven written it in the handouts I distributed during the last technical meeting,shortly before the game: “Ensure effective possession,avoid frenzy, don’t carry the ball. Play two-touchfootball, and do your best to play deep behind the line of their midfielderswhenever possible.” Here’s anotherone: “Don’t be in a hurry, everyoneshould be involved in constructing the game, including the strikers. Bide yourtime, wait to find an opportunity for sudden counterattacks … Playwith confidence, remember that we’re the stronger team,we have the better ideas.”

I’m still an old-fashioned guy; I writeeverything by hand, even today—pen on paper, includingthe notes that I hand out to my players. It gives a touch of humanity to what Ido; you can’t write a love letter on a computer. Thatmatch ended with a score of 0–0, and I was happy aboutit. We had set aside a small advantage with a view to the return game, which weplayed the following week. I put pen to paper, and I prepared a second challengefor Inter. In among the technical suggestions and tactical tips, I added a heartfeltappeal: “This match is nothing more or less than the culmination of all our work, all our sacrifices.We should be happy that this moment has finally come.” Anote written at the bottom of the page, just before the assigned markings: Costacurta–DiBiagio, Nesta–Crespo, Maldini–Materazzi,Kaladze–Coco, Inzaghi–Cordoba,and Shevchenko–Cannavaro. In black ink on white paper,I also jotted down a list of the penalty takers, just because you can never be sure; Pirlo, Rui Costa, Seedorf, Inzaghi, Costacurta, Shevchenko, Nesta, Maldini,Kaladze, and Gattuso. We never needed them; we were satisfied with the 1–1 scoreline. The final seven minutes, from when Martins evenedthe score to the end of the game, were the longest minutes of my life. Timeseemed to stand still, my heart was racing, I probably actually had a heartattack without even realizing it. In the end, all that passes, too. Mostimportantly, we passed. Old Trafford, here we come. To the Theater of Dreams, againstJuventus. An insane final.



Absolutely the last technical meeting was held at ourtraining grounds just before we left for Old Trafford. All the players werethere, in tracksuits, with a companion dressed slightly better than them—a littlemore elegant and distinguished. It was Silvio Berlusconi. He sat in the middleof the team, he wanted to take part. The fact that he was there made quite animpression on me. I handed out sheets of paper with the formations and the plays; he wanted copiesfor himself. (Later, I saw them published in a book by Bruno Vespa; thechairman passed them off as his own, but fair enough, because before every gamein the finals, he always gave our morale a huge boost.) Berlusconi sat listeningto the positions I was assigning to the team. If I know anything about him at all,he was wishing I’d send him out onto the field—as part of the starting lineup, of course. I was worried, I wasafraid I’d said something idiotic. At the end of the meeting,I even asked him: “How did I do, Mr. Chairman?”

“Beautifully, Carletto, you were great.You’ll see, we’re going to win.”



And that’s exactly what happened, with a camouflagedChristmas Tree; let’s call it a slightly dirty 4-4-2,with Rui Costa on the right and Seedorf inside, moving actively around thefield. We became European champions at the last penalty kick, even though itwasn’t as easy as you might think to find playerswilling to take that penalty kick. If I think of the lineup of penalty takers,even now I get the chills: the first was Serginho, followed by Seedorf,Kaladze, Nesta, and, fifth, Shevchenko. Inzaghi had vanished; we couldn’t find him, he’d simply dematerialized. I listedhim as sixth, but we didn’t need him. Shevchenko wasdecisive. Luckily, incredible but true, Juventus managed to put together alineup that was even worse: Trezeguet, Birindelli, Zalayeta, Montero, and DelPiero. A second before Shevchenko kicked, I thought: “Okay,it’s over.” Then it happened. Asecond later—and this is what I’ll never forget—it was incredible to see theentire Juventus end of the stands motionless. It looked like a poster. I wantedto take it off the wall and carry it home with me, but unfortunately I didn’t have a wall big enough to hang it on. In any case, my dear Milanfans, best wishes from the everlasting instant.


What enormous satisfaction. At four in the morning, I wasscarfing down my second bowl of pasta all’amatriciana, prepared for me by OscarBasini, our team chef. At five in the morning, we were all drunk in the hotel,completely snookered on English beer. We went out and started playing soccer onthe hotel golf course, tearing up the green. The hotel staff was distraught:they were tempted to toss us out, but they couldn’t. Wewere the masters of all Europe, and so, for that one magical

night, we were the masters of Manchester as well. We wantedto be considerate—we’d taken allpossible precautions, we had even decided to take off our shoes to keep fromruining the green—but accidents happen. Even barefoot,Gattuso is a bulldozer. He tore up everything, even the hole in the middle ofthe green. In the meantime, Galliani had taken away the cup. He had locked himselfin his hotel room with it. He’d taken the ChampionsLeague to bed with him. The poor little thing.



At the end of the season, we came in fourth. But we lost Albertini,who decided to go in search of greener pastures after I benched him during thegame against Juventus in Turin: “Carlo, I really didn’t expect this from you. We’ve playedtogether as teammates, I thought we had a different relationship. This marksthe end of everything.” He left, and I was sorry; it hurt me. Hecould have stayed as an alternative to Pirlo, who was just beginning to emerge.



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 21:21:20 | 只看该作者
八. 关于卡卡的回忆


I had certainly heard something about a young man fromBrazil, a pretty talented kid, but I didn’t know anything more than that: a certainRicardo Izecson dos Santos Leite. From the name, if I had to guess, I wouldhave assumed he was a young preacher, and, in a way, I was pretty near themark. He was spreading the gospel of soccer and faith: Listen to his word andyou shall discover eternal bliss. The club wasn’t sure whether to invite him to come toMilanello immediately or else leave him to mature in Sa245; Paulo for another sixmonths. After thinking it over, we decided to speed up the process, to bring him over assoon as possible to allow him to train with us—and to let me get an idea of just whowe were dealing with. As far as I could tell, we were buying something with oureyes closed, based on a lot of pretty promises and a frothy tide of high hopes.That’s allwell and good, but what I need is concrete evidence.

Kaká landed at Milan’s Malpensa Airport, and I felt like pulling out tufts of my hair: hewas wearing schoolboy glasses, his hair was neatly brushed, he schoolboyglasses, his hair was neatly brushed, he had the scrubbed, rosy-cheeked face ofa straight-A student. All he lacked was a book bag and a lunchbox. Oh, Lord,what have we done? He’s not ready to pick a major, muchless play professional soccer. Welcome to the international exchange student program;now let’s findout if you even know how to dribble and kick.

我确实听过一些关于这个巴西天才小将的消息,但除了他Ricardo Izecsondos Santos Leite这个名字外,其他我也没什么印象。从他名字,如果让我猜的话,我想他应该是个年轻的传教士,事实证明我猜的不差。他传播的是梦幻般的足球:信卡卡,得永生!俱乐部刚开始不确定是立刻把他带过来还是留在圣保罗再呆6个月。商议后,高层决定立刻把他带过来—看看他倒底多厉害。要是我说,我们根本是闭着眼睛买东西,单纯的期待撞大运。作为教练,再好听的球员介绍也白扯,我需要的是证据。


Kaká looked nothing like a Brazilianfootballer; if anything, he looked like a Jehovah’sWitness in the industrial belt outside Milan. I started asking around, and everyone told me the same thing: “Sure,he has potential. He’s an attacking midfielder, but he’s not superfast. If he plays in an Italian championship game, he could run into trouble when things get tight.” I’m going to keep the names of my sources confidential, to keep frommaking them look like donkeys.

In the meantime, Moggi began lobbing grenades from Turin,and the shrapnel all spelled out the same general notion: “Withthat nickname, he’s done for in Italy, it’s like calling him Poopy.” “We don’t need to go caca OR Kaká.” “At Juventus, we’reall constipated.” “We’re theTriad, and we don’t pay good money for stinky Kaká.” It was like a vaudeville act, and Istarted to have a sneaking sense of doubt: just wait and see, maybe Lucianoneis right about this one too. It wouldn’t be the first time.



I had never seen Kaká play, even on video. So I was worried,more than a little. One day, during a press conference, someone asked me abouthim, about his gifts and skills, about what we expected from him. And theywanted more: human interest, details, anecdotes, and future prospects. It was an in depthinterview on a subject I hadn’t studied in the slightest, about whichI knew nothing. It was an exam that I could only hope to flunk. I did my best to muddle through,recycling stories I’d heard from others, and one-size-fits-allgeneralities: “He has two legs, he wears football bootswith studs and heels, he’s a soccer player by vocationand profession …”—that kind of stuff. It was awkward. “He’s a good midfielder, he can play in a moreattacking position, too. You might call him slow, he has a nice personality. Inshort, he reminds me a little of Toninho Cerezo.” I hadplayed with Cerezo, and, from the descriptions I’d heardof Kaká, the comparison might hold up. I just took astab in the dark, but nobody seemed to have caught on. That’s the way it always is at press conferences: you fake it, you spoutblatant nonsense, and everybody nods wisely. Even the people who work with you.


At last, one fine day, Kaká showed up for training. Fororientation. The first thing I wanted to do was ask him, “Now, have you told your mother and father you won’t be going toschool today?” Milanello security would certainly havehad fair cause to ask to see his driver’s license beforeletting him in. But what happened next is this: still groggy from jet lag, hegot onto the field, and I heard a heavenly choir and the sound of trumpets. Hewas a heaven sent genius, truly sent by heaven. So, if I may: thank you, Lord.Thank you.

Once he got the ball between his feet, he was incredible.I stopped talking, because there were no words to express what I was feeling.There were just no words in my vocabulary for what I was seeing. Truly superiorstuff.

In his first clash as a member of A. C. Milan, Kaká foundhimself face-to-face with Rino Gattuso, who gave him a violent shoulder block,massive but not sufficient to make Kaká lose control ofthe ball. Rino took it with admirable calm, enlightening us with a profoundobservation about that little encounter: “Aw, go fuckyourself.” In his way, he had just put the team’s seal of approval on his new teammate. That teammate, after holding onto the ball, gave it a tremendoussmack, easily thirty yards, to the frustration of Nesta, who completely failedto block it. Now, hold on for a second, this doesn’tmake sense. Give me that remote control, I want to watch the replay. I hadTiVo, I just didn’t know it yet. My dear Moggi, maybeit’s because I’m a congenital overeater,but I like Kaká. I really like him. A lot. He takes offhis glasses, puts on a pair of shorts, and he becomes something I never wouldhave expected: a world-class player.




After every training session, Galliani and I would talkon the phone. I’d tell him everything that was goingon, the things that had happened, and he would give me his thoughts andimpressions. It was an uninterrupted daily relationship. That day, I calledhim: “Signore Galliani, I have some news for you.”

“Good news or bad?”

“Good news. Excellent news.”

“Carletto, are you quitting?”

He felt like joking—always a positive sign. “No, I’m staying, and one of the reasons isthat we have just acquired a phenomenon.”

He might not be at Zidane’s level, but he was close. He was thesecond greatest player I’ve ever coached, and certainlythe most intelligent. He understands things on the fly, he thinks twice as fastas the others; when he receives the ball, he’s alreadyfigured out how the play is going to end. The following training sessions werejust like the first. The third, the fourth, the fifth: they were all the same—a spectacle with a happy ending.







I wasn’t the only one who was impressed with Kaká; he’d also made quite an impression on his teammates.All of them. And you can imagine how many magnificent footballers they’d seen passing through. He’d even made astrong impression on Maldini, who, to mention just one name, had played withMarco van Basten. From the swan of Utrecht to the young preacher of Sa245; Paulo.Kaká immediately made friends with Gattuso. They becamevery close, and soon they began kidding around. Oil and water—or, perhaps, devil’s oil and holy water—they made an unlikely but magnificent pair. (Just to make clear whata character he was, Gattuso once ate a live snail at Milanello during atraining session.)


Over the last few years, the scenario has pretty muchremained the same. Kaká runs toward Gattuso. Gattuso runstoward Kaká. They seem to see one another at adistance, and then move inevitably closer, like a shootout in a Western. Theymay not have holstered pistols, but they start their duels with mockery. Ingeneral, Ricky is the first to speak: “You uncouthsouthern peasant.” Rino doesn’tsay a word, but he chases after him, catches him, and swings a straight-armedslap at the back of his head. Kaká must have beenhead-slapped a thousand times since he arrived. A normal person would be completelydazed and dizzy, but it is Kaká’s good fortune that heis normal only in terms of manners and appearance. Otherwise, he does things ona regular basis that others frequently have a hard time even thinking.


Pato made quite an impression on me the first time I sawhim play, too, but nothing like what happened with Kaká. Igot to know Pato over time, one training session after another, but withRicardo it was a bolt from the blue—a sudden and totalconversion. What immediately struck me about Pato was his sheer speed; he’s a hundred-meter sprinter on a soccer field. What struck me aboutKaká was, simply,

everything. Every single thing. My Lord, what a soccer playerYou sent down to us here on earth. The day he arrived, he completely changed A.C. Milan, for the quite reasonable fee of eight million dollars. A dream, at abargain-basement price.

In a fairly static team—Rui Costa and Rivaldo generally playedwith the ball between their feet—we tampered with thespeedometer. Now we were traveling much faster than the machine was designed togo. Kaká was extraordinarily dynamic, although we were bounced out of the 2003–04Champions League when we lost a disastrous match at La Coru241;a, in the Italianchampionship season we basically had no rivals. It was a stroll in the park. Wewere the champions of Italy, thanks to a player I’d neverheard of. And there is one thing for which Kaká neverforgave me: “Coach, I have to ask, had you lost yourmind that day? You compared me to Cerezo …” And indeedthe two players have absolutely nothing in common, but that day at the pressconference, I couldn’t know that yet. All of thestrongest soccer teams on earth have always followed Kaká, and rightly so: there are no other players like him on the circuit.The sheikhs want him. So do the merengues. So does Chelsea. A universalobject of desire, and, as such, he is now expensive—veryexpensive. When Kaká joined Milan, he immediatelyhelped us win the Scudetto. Immediately. Galliani celebrated, but he didn’t take the Italian tricolor cup to bed. He’dleft his heart in Manchester; he could never forget his night of passion withthe European Cup, because the Champions League is more important than anything else.There’s only one class of people who would disagreewith me: those who haven’t been able to win it.




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 21:29:19 | 只看该作者
九. 伊斯坦布尔的真相

The Truth from Istanbul: You Have to Fall to Rise Again

That evening, May 25, 2005, there was excitement in thelocker room at Atatürk Stadium in Istanbul. It was a joyoushalf-time. The first half of the Champions League final had just come to anend, and we were beating Liverpool, 3–0: we had played flawless soccer. One goal by Maldini, two by Crespo; here comesthe cavalry. Just forty-five more minutes, and we would become the champions ofall Europe, the highest peak of that season. Give us back the European Cup, andwe’lltake it home with us. Add a place setting for dinner, we have a new girlfriend.The players started urging one another on, aloud: “Comeon, we can win this”; “Let’s go boys, this is happening”; “We’re winning, we’rewinning, we’re winning.”

They were clapping and cheering. We weren’t countingour chickens, we were just getting revved up, filled with positive energy. Thathappens. In the little dressing room next door, the players I had sent up intothe stands were putting on our victory shirts under their team uniforms. Ourvictory—a victory that, however, remained to be won.

The air was sparkling and cool, which seemed appropriate.A. C. Milan, ready for the bubbly. So I let the team vent and applaud for a fewminutes, then I told them to calm down: “Look, when you’replaying against Brits, a match is never really over, so let’s be careful here. Let’s make sure they don’t seize control at the beginning of the second half. We can’t, and we shouldn’t, collapse. Let’s manage our control of the ball and our control of the game. Go!Go, Milan!” That was my speech. Nothing more, nothing less.





That evening, Liverpool had begun the match with a singlestriker, Baro353; which is why I would have expectedCissě to come onto the field at the beginning of thesecond half. It didn’t happen. Strange tactics Rafa Benítez was employing. And, in fact, everything looked great for us when the game resumed; wecame close to ratcheting the score up to 4–0. Then, the unforeseeable happened: asix-minute blackout. The impossible became possible. (“Impossibleis nothing” is a slogan that I’vealways hated, because it turned ugly on us that day.) We wereour own worst nightmare. The world turned upside down. The second and minutehands of my watch started twirling in the wrong direction: ladies andgentlemen, we’re running on disaster time now. We were hurtling into the dreamworld of the English bookmakers,and well beyond. If we had bet against ourselves, we would have become richerthan we already were. The score: 3–1; 3–2; 3–3. I couldn’t believe it. This couldn’t be happening. I was paralyzed, and I didn’teven have time to react. I was baffled; nothing made sense. Who could have kepttheir senses? In the course of just 360 seconds, destiny had changed thedirection of the match, twirling it 180 degrees. A complete change of course, aninexorable and continuous decline. The light had gone out, and there was notime to change the bulb. It was moving too fast, there was no chance to run forshelter. A perfect piece of machinery in an irreversible nosedive. Incrediblebut true.

那天利物浦开场时只有巴罗斯一个单前锋,所以我以为西塞会在下半场开始的时候上场。但本大师用了另一个奇怪的战术。其实,一切看其实都那么美好,我们下半场差点开始就把比分定格在4-0。然后,不可预见的事情发生了:6分钟的崩盘。不可能的变成了可能的。(阿迪的“Impossible is nothing.”一直是一个让我讨厌的口号,因为那天它在我们身上应验了。 )我们成了自己的噩梦。世界仿佛颠倒了一样。我手表上的秒针和分针开始往相反的方向转了过去:女士们先生们,我们开始了灾难时间。我们出现在英国盘手的梦里!如果半场结束的时候我赌我们输球的话,我们都会成为超级富翁。比分:3-1,3-2,3-3。我无法相信。这不可能!我彻底麻木了,我甚至来不及反应。一切都显得不合理。谁能在这种情况下淡定?360秒的时间里,上帝就改变了比赛的进程,180度的大回转。残酷的逆转。就算想亡羊补牢时间都来不及。一切都太快了。难以置信,却又那么真实。

People often ask me what went through my mind duringLiverpool’s recovery. The answer is simple: nothing.Zero. My brain was a perfect vacuum, the vacuum of deep space. I did my best tofocus, to concentrate. We went into overtime and finally started playing like the team we were, the team we believed wewere, the team that still could, and had to, beat we were, the team that stillcould, and had to, beat Liverpool. Even then, deep down, I still hoped to pullit off. Right up to the very last minute, when Dudek made a miracle saveagainst Shevchenko. Andriy headed the ball toward goal, and we were already celebratingsweet victory, but the goalkeeper managed to block the shot. Andriy regained possessionof the ball, and Dudek blocked it again, just as he was getting back up fromthe ground. Corner kick. Ouch. It was then, and only then, that I began to seeghosts—notuntil then. My brain began functioning again, and I managed to put together a completeand coherent thought: “This is starting to look bad.”

大家一直问我利物浦暴走那6分钟我脑海里想了什么。答案很简单:什么也想。我大脑那时是个彻底的真空。我尽最大努力集中精力。比赛进入加时赛后,我们才开始像样的踢球,我们依然有能力击败利物浦。就算那时候,我内心深处也觉得我们会赢。一直到最后一分钟,当杜德克不可思议的连续挡出舍瓦的射门。先是头球,然后是近距离的补射,我们都已经开始庆祝了,杜德克却在起身一瞬间挡出。角球。哎~ 就在那时,也是从那时候才开始,我觉得真是见鬼了。我大脑又开始正常工作了,我的第一个连贯的想法就是:“情况真的开始糟糕了。”

In the meantime, the match had gone into a penalty shootout.I looked my players in the eyes, and I saw that something had gone wrong. Theywere overthinking it all. And right before you’re about to kick from the penalty mark,that’s never a good attitude to have. At that point, Iwas practically certain we were done for. And to think that the designated penaltykickers, unlike what had happened at Manchester against Juventus, were our goodones: Serginho, Pirlo, Tomasson, Kaká, and Shevchenko. WhenI saw Dudek dancing before each one of our penalty kicks to try to shake ourconcentration, I was reminded of the final that we, Roma, lost to Liverpool ina penalty shootout. There, too, Grobbelaar, on the goal line, had done acreditable imitation of a hysterical belly dancer. One no better than theother, him and Dudek. In the locker room after the game, I hadvery little to say: “In moral terms, we won that game. If wedo our best, someday we’ll have this opportunity again …”



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