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定南京大屠杀教育周 福特办公室不同意

发表于 2012-11-13 08:49:27 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


多伦多亚洲二战史实维护会(简称史维会)所主办的悼念南京大屠杀同胞遇难75周年系列活动,即将于本月27日起展开。而市议员黄慧文表示,未来仍会持续要求市长办公室正式认可,宣布将每年的12月10 日至14日订为「南京 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2012-11-13
发表于 2012-11-13 09:22:35 | 只看该作者
最应该将一年中的某一天或是某一段时间订为「南京大屠杀教育周」or 纪念日的是中国 or 日本的城市, 而不是多伦多.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 09:28:10 | 只看该作者
回复 1# Maple Wind


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发表于 2012-11-13 09:50:28 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-11-13 11:19:13 | 只看该作者

- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版

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发表于 2012-11-13 11:39:04 | 只看该作者
有病, 而且病的不轻

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发表于 2012-11-13 14:18:05 | 只看该作者

- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版

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发表于 2012-11-13 16:23:21 | 只看该作者
Strongly support to have a remembrance week of Nanjing Massacre!  If you believe you are Canadianized already, please start to love your own nation.  Western cultures are based on nations...  Whereas Chinese culture is based on civilization...

The Forgotten Holocaust
by Laura Rivera
This paper addresses one of the holocausts
during World War II--the forgotten holocaust. As
you will read, this paper briefly describes the
atrocities that occurred in Nanjing, China. Not
many know or understand what really happened
in this city. Hopefully, this paper can give those
who do not know about "The Forgotten
Holocaust" some knowledge of this sad and
historical true story.
When someone mentions the word holocaust,
most often people will relate that word with the
Germans and Jews during World War II. When
Japan is mentioned, the first things that come to
mind are the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. The Nanjing Massacre is known as
the forgotten holocaust and very oddly, it truly has
been forgotten. In this forgotten holocaust, three
hundred thousand people were brutally murdered
and 20,000 women were raped in the city of
Nanjing, during the years of 1937-1938 (Yao).
The Chinese Nationalist Government moved the
capital of China from Peking to Nanjing in 1928.
Nanking's population in the mid 1930s was well
over one million, mainly because many refugees
were fleeing from the Japanese army that had
invaded China in 1931. Japan had entered China
and other parts of Asia before World War II
began, and didn't stop until the U. S. dropped the
atomic bombs on Japanese soil in early 1945. It is
said that the Japanese military machine was
motivated by the aggression and uncontrollable
desire for expansion and imperialism. On
December 9, 1937, Chinese troops surrendered in
the city of Nanjing, followed by a massive
Japanese attack on the city (Yao).
For the next six weeks, this capital was filled with
brutal, unhuman, and terribly violent acts now
Holocaust Essays: The Forgotten Holocaust http://remember.org/imagine/china.html
1 of 4 11/4/2012 9:44 PM
known as the Nanjing Massacre. The Japanese
committed venomous acts against innocent
civilians, Chinese soldiers, refugees, and many
others. The crimes ranged from mass execution to
burning, raping, and looting. On December 13,
many of the refugees tried to flee for their lives by
crossing the Yangtze River. When they arrived at
the river there was no type of transportation for
them to cross. The Japanese arrived and when
many of them tried to swim the river, the
Japanese started to fire at the people in the river
and along the banks of the shore. When it was all
over, one Japanese solider reported that the river
was covered with women, men, and children of all
ages, totaling more than 50,000 bodies. Within
two days, the streets of Nanjing were called the
"streets of blood," as dead human corpses began
to cover the streets. Because the streets were
piled with dead bodies, the Japanese had people
dig huge ditches in the earth and dump
hundreds, sometimes even thousands of bodies
into these grave pits (Yao).
The Japanese would arrest and murder anybody
thought to be a Chinese soldier. The safety zones
that were set up to protect some of the citizens
and refugees were raided and men were dragged
out to be killed or were, more often that not, shot
on the spot. Large numbers of young men were
dragged out of the city to be massacred.
Sometimes, they would take anywhere from
several thousand to tens of thousands at one
time. These mass executions were mostly done
by machine guns and, in most cases, those who
were still breathing were bayoneted one by one.
There were even some instances where the
Japanese would pour gasoline on these people
and burn them alive. It was once reported that
they poured gasoline on a group of people tied
together and shot at them, watching the bullets
strike their bodies, then catch fire (Gray).
Many atrocities were committed in and around the
city, most of them against civilians. The Japanese
soldiers thought that killing these innocent people
were fun and games. They invented new ways to
brutally murder these people. Some of these
violent acts included stabbing, shooting, burning,
gutting, excavating the heart, decapitation,
drowning, punching the body and eyes with an
Holocaust Essays: The Forgotten Holocaust http://remember.org/imagine/china.html
2 of 4 11/4/2012 9:44 PM
awl, castration, and even punching or stabbing
objects into the females vaginas (Yao).
Another name for this forgotten holocaust is "The
Rape of Nanjing." Such a title is appropriate for
all the raping that occurred in six weeks, when
approximately 20,000 women were raped. The
Japanese soldiers were such brutes, that if they
didn't rape the women in their homes they would
take the women out in the streets and rape them,
very often heartlessly killing them afterwards.
They would often kill them by stabbing them with
bayonets in the vagina or slicing open their
stomachs. Many of these women that were raped
were left on the streets with their genitals hanging
out and some sort of object sticking out of their
vagina. They would rape pregnant women and
cut open their bellies, take out the fetus and play
with it as if it was a football. They made fathers
rape daughters, and sons rape mothers, and if
they objected to this, they were instantly killed.
Women of all kinds and ages were raped. They
raped seventy year-old women, nine year-old
girls, nuns, and high class wives. Many of the
young and pretty girls were taken from their
families and homes for days. They would even
storm into the safety zones and take women by
hundreds at a time. The Japanese would gang
rape women up to twenty times a day. When
these women returned, they would often fall into
a state of depression or they would commit
suicide from shame (Gray).
The Japanese did not only commit inhumane acts
in Nanjing, but their brutal actions spread all over
Asia. The Japanese government knew what was
happening in Nanjing from the protests that were
made by the Japanese Embassy. Yet they did
nothing to stop the cruel behavior. Now, the
Japanese government denies that such
massacres were actually committed in Nanjing.
They say it is a story made up by the Chinese,
the "Nanjing Massacre never occurred" (Yao). If
this story is a lie, then why and how did so many
people die? Why are there pictures taken of these
brutal acts by the Japanese soldiers? What about
the Japanese confessions and their diaries to
prove all the things they did? What about the
hundreds of thousands of people who witnessed
these crimes? What about the trials where many
Holocaust Essays: The Forgotten Holocaust http://remember.org/imagine/china.html
3 of 4 11/4/2012 9:44 PM
of the high ranking soldiers were found guilty and
punished for their injustices? There is too much
evidence against the Japanese soldiers to deny
such cruelties (Gray).
During World War II, so many horrible acts were
committed against the innocent. When it was all
over, the bodies were countless as well as the
tears shed around the world. The Japanese stole
the lives of many, and at the same time killed
millions of innocent people. The horrible memory
of the Nanjing Massacre still lives with many of
those who survived through it. With all that
happened in such a short amount of time, it's a
shame that the Nanjing Massacre is labeled the
forgotten holocaust--not only forgotten, but
denied by the Japanese executioners.
Gray, Robert P. "Japanese Imperialism and the
Massacre in Nanjing." February 1996.
Yao, Ming-Hui. "Basic Facts on the Nanjing
Massacre and the Tokyo War Crimes Trial."
September 1993.
Go to

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 16:44:51 | 只看该作者
I do love my nation! But I do not thank Toronto should have "a remembrance week of Nanjing Massacre". Here is Toronto CANADA!!

[quote]Strongly support to have a remembrance week of Nanjing Massacre!  If you believe you are Canadianized already, please start to love your own nation.  Western cultures are based on nations...  Whereas Chinese culture is based on civilization...

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发表于 2012-11-13 17:06:58 | 只看该作者

定南京大屠杀教育周 福特办公室不同意

本帖最后由 store4music 于 2012-11-13 17:20 编辑


提出这个想法的人想干什么? 难道想挑动民族矛盾,来一场加拿大的日裔与华裔之间的暴乱/战争吗?

印度人要纪念1962年中印战争,越南人要纪念1979年“惩罚战争”, 俄罗斯人要纪念1969年珍宝岛事件,朝鲜人要纪念被中国吞并 。。。 最后的结果就是这些种族与华人之间对立,仇视, 最严重的后果就是种族暴乱,如1997年的印尼。

华人在加拿大可是少数民族, 假如这里发生种族暴乱, 华人一定是受害者。

这么关心中日历史恩怨的人 实在是应该回中国去贡献爱国的赤子之心, 最好说服中国政府发动对日战争,爱(中)国人士可一定要参军上前线呀,别光说不练。




使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 17:32:33 | 只看该作者
干吗自己看不起自己呢? 我想不通?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 18:00:16 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 19:16:09 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 21:47:07 | 只看该作者

提出这个想法的人想干什么? 难道想挑动民族矛盾,来一场加拿大的日裔与华裔之间的暴乱/战争吗?

印度人要纪念1962年中印战争,越南人要纪念1979年“惩罚战争”, 俄罗斯人要纪念1969年珍宝岛事件,朝鲜人要纪念被中国吞并 。。。 最后的结果就是这些种族与华人之间对立,仇视, 最严重的后果就是种族暴乱,如1997年的印尼。

华人在加拿大可是少数民族, 假如这里发生种族暴乱, 华人一定是受害者。

这么关心中日历史恩怨的人 实在是应该回中国去贡献爱国的赤子之心, 最好说服中国政府发动对日战争,爱(中)国人士可一定要参军上前线呀,别光说不练。



store4music 发表于 2012-11-13 17:06


多伦多市府每年设立一个Holocaust Education Week,提醒市民记住纳粹德国迫害犹太人的历史,教育下一代,反对种族歧视。多伦多市长福特還亲自签发了声明信:



Holocaust Education Week

November 1 – 8, 2012

WHEREAS it is very important that we honour the memory of the men, women and children who perished in the Holocaust and recognize those who survived this tragedy.

In order to avoid a repetition of this dark time in history, it is our duty to continue to educate our children about the lessons of the past and instill in them a deeper understanding of their responsibility for the future.

It is only through education, understanding and remembrance of the Holocaust that awareness can be heightened and racism and prejudice eliminated. We join with the Holocaust Education Centre and our Jewish community in honouring the Holocaust survivors, War Veterans and Resistance Fighters. This week is a reminder of their struggles and sacrifices and we must strive as a city to eliminate all forms of discrimination in our communities and our lives.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rob Ford, on behalf of Toronto City Council, do hereby proclaim November 1 - 8, 2012 as "Holocaust Education Week" in the City of Toronto.

Mayor Rob Ford

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-13 22:06:08 | 只看该作者
只要不是市政府出钱,你们爱搞啥搞啥。记住一句话,don't make your problem ours, understand?

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