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楼主: JoeTheBest
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4月上旬GTA房价升5% 905区镇屋领涨

发表于 2012-4-18 21:49:54 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


在刚刚过去的四月份上半月,大多伦多地区的房屋交易量达到4557宗,比去年同期上升7%,新挂牌量也较去年上升,但是增幅比销售量为低,这说明市场行情较去年为紧。在今年第一季度,GTA地区的公寓房成交量为5027宗,比去年同期上升了2%,但是同期的新挂牌量则年同比上升了1 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2012-4-18
本帖最后由 Annie..... 于 2012-4-18 22:55 编辑
每年7000经验移民的人,都有实力在3年内买房,大多数人都是cash out。 这比那些要洗好十几年盘子的技术移民消费能力强太多了。
多伦多那几个高校的新留学生,或者去richmond hill高中看看,有多少新留学生开5万以上级别车子。
playtwodays 发表于 2012-4-18 22:23

This immigration policy reduces the side effects of this 3月28日被砍掉的30万移民开始退款. As these new comers receive Canadian education and work experience, they can contribute to the Canadian society in better ways.
发表于 2012-4-18 23:10:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复  沉默不是金
newdoc 发表于 2012-4-18 23:52

That makes sense.

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发表于 2012-4-19 21:37:14 | 显示全部楼层

有时候同样一间房在炒家手里是个烫手山芋或定时炸弹---看看本坛里多少人叫千万别碰投资房就知道了, 在投资者手里却是个会下金蛋的母鸡,还是那句话, 投资而不要投机,  切不可一概而论, 一棍子打死一大片
Essogas 发表于 2012-4-19 21:33

Thanks for sharing.

Using your example:

Rental income $1600 per month (cash inflows)
Cash outflows:
Mortgage payment: 1230.57+300 common expense+200 property tax=1730.57
Negative cash flow per month is 130.57

Another question is after 10 years, how much your Condo is going to worth? Someone said it is difficult to keep condo’s value once it is older than 5 years. I am not sure whether this statement is correct.

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发表于 2012-4-19 22:07:17 | 显示全部楼层

4月上旬GTA房价升5% 905区镇屋领涨

playtwodays 发表于 2012-4-19 22:37

It does not need experts, it only needs elementary graduated to handle this. ha....

The monthly payment is $1230.26


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发表于 2012-4-19 23:18:08 | 显示全部楼层
Good Question.

就以我目前最老的一套糠抖99 Hayden为例(未使用本人单元号, 但数据绝对真实)。此糠抖15-20年左右房龄。

以#703为例, 2006年成交23万9, 2012年成交39万4
以#506为例, 2002年成交17万4, 2007年成交24万9, 2011年成交29万9

但糠抖五年以上管理费用增加较快, 升值速度减缓确是不争的事实, 注意是升值速度减缓, 而不是能不能keep value的问题

Sld   99 Hayden St  703 Toronto C08 Church-Yon $249,900 $239,000 Condo Ap Apartme 2   2 Nw Open Y 1 341 2/3/2006 4/3/2006 HOMELIF ROYAL L C831317

Sld N 99 Hayden St  703 Toronto C08 Church-Yon $399,000 $394,000 Condo Ap Apartme 2   2 Nw Open Y 1 466.98 2/15/2012 3/1/2012 SUTTON  RE/MAX  C2287110

14   Sld N 99 Hayden St  506 Toronto C08 Church-Yon $174,900 $173,000 Condo Ap Apartme 1   1 N Open Y 1 242.01 8/20/2002 9/16/2002 ROYAL L CENTURY C122753

15   Sld   99 Hayden St  506 Toronto C08 Church-Yon $249,900 $260,500 Condo Ap Apartme 1   1 N Open Y 1 272.15 8/1/2007 8/8/2007 RE/MAX  SALEMAR C1194313

16   Sld N 99 Hayden St  506 Toronto C08 Church-Yon $299,900 $299,900 Condo Ap Apartme 1   1 N Open Y 1 329.37 11/9/2010 11/19/2010 ROYAL L SUTTON  C1990948
Essogas 发表于 2012-4-19 23:26

Thanks. I trust your numbers. Here is a bad example as this:
A 40 years old, three bedrooms condo locates at Scarborough, it is selling at $150,000, and it is difficult to sale, because its common expense is about $900 per month. It can be rent out at $1200 per month.

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发表于 2012-4-20 19:50:11 | 显示全部楼层
花大婶, 你有了新爆破口号吗?
cheap51 发表于 2012-4-20 12:44

How come today 叔叔哋?

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发表于 2012-4-20 21:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
Hi experts,

A three bed rooms Apartment close to Sheepard and Kennedy can be rent out how much per month? Thanks

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发表于 2012-4-21 21:50:30 | 显示全部楼层

4月上旬GTA房价升5% 905区镇屋领涨

本帖最后由 I am a he 于 2012-4-22 08:42 编辑

某主拿100元投资定存,存期10年,复利年息5%,10年后利息收入总计为63元,十年投资回报率本应为63%, 此主忽发奇想,现在的100元, 到十年后的“未来价值”是163元(5%的折率,公式是100X1.05^10), 他用100本金+63利息收入-163未来价值=0,结果为零!大骇,奇怪,我的十年收益率为0!哪去了呢?问得好,我告诉你,让酱菜坛子偷走了,奇怪, 哪又冒出个酱菜坛子? 因为此主的脑袋就是一酱菜坛子, 胡乱知道几个金融名词却不知该怎么正确使用。

Essogas 发表于 2012-4-20 13:34

It seems you are smart and logic. Sometimes, the suggested solutions from a textbook may not work in real life, as one is at fixed condition and one is at a variable condition. The only problem is as the housing price is high, to make an investment, it seems more difficult to play. It seems it is getting more difficult to generate positive cash flow (proven from your calculations), so the risk level is getting higher.
As you are a gas station owner, I am more interested to know, how come the gas price is getting so high? Canada is a country which produces gas, so the price should be lower? Someone is monopoly the gas market?

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