“要赢得选举,需要两样东西:第一是金钱,第二我就记不得了"民主要发展创新:美国正式取消政治献金上限 富人操纵民主
送交者: 大侠客88[御史大夫★★★☆] 于 2014-04-02 23:53 已读 105 次
应运而生的是一种名为“超级政治行动委员会”的组织,专门进行无限额接受捐款,无限额为特定的竞选人助选。近年来美国政客竞选资金屡创新高,“超级委员会”在其中功不可没。 回复 1# 三达
第一是金钱,第二还是金钱,第三是会忽悠,第四我记不得了 So democratic political system is very bad, then what kind of alternative political system is good?
Why do you leave your homeland and immigrated to a country that has a very bad political system? This doesn't make any sense to me. 回复三达
我们是害虫 发表于 2014-4-3 10:55 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
第一是金钱,第二还是金钱,第三是会忽悠,第四和第一是一样的,第五我记不得了 本帖最后由 weinberger 于 2014-4-3 11:29 编辑
OK. OK. Let's say Canada abandons elections from now on, so Stephen Harper, Rob Ford will stay in power forever, I think you guys don't like that either. So elections are no good, no-election is also no good, what exactly do you want? Make you the President, and then abandon future elections, this will make you happy, right? OK. OK. Let's say Canada abandons elections from now on, so Stephen Harper, Rob Ford will stay in power forever, I think you guys don't like that either. So elections are no good, no-election is also no good, what exactly do you want?
weinberger 发表于 2014-4-3 11:27 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
第一是金钱,第二还是金钱,第三是会忽悠,第四和第一是一样的,第五是要知道大家想要什么,第六我记不得了 我觉得第一是忽悠,第二才是金钱。虽然选举并没有传说的那么干净,但能实现权力的平稳过渡,定期轮换也能保持政府的廉洁。 金钱!! There are still some countries in the world that do not have elections, no money, no 忽悠 involved. People just blindly follow their leaders. Sounds good?
I don't understand why you people were not attracted to those countries.
It's meaningless to complain about things that don't have any better alternatives. OK. OK. Let's say Canada abandons elections from now on, so Stephen Harper, Rob Ford will stay in power forever, I think you guys don't like that either. So elections are no good, no-election is also no good, what exactly do you want? Make you the President, and then abandon future elections, this will make you happy, right?
weinberger 发表于 2014-4-3 11:27 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
胖纸老福 是俺喜欢的,可爱,那么胖了,看见咱冰球赢了,还能跳那么高,真难为了他那两胖腿子;
俺想要的啊,能否找个像俺们习大大这样的来管理这个小小的大家拿似的国家,胖纸老福也行,至少可爱啊 出名啊,让咱大家拿一个不小心就能占据很多国家很多重量级报纸的头版头条 回复 4# 落日浮云
:clap: 回复 3# weinberger
你为何不能在中文论坛用中文? There are still some countries in the world that do not have elections, no money, no 忽悠 involved. People just blindly follow their leaders. Sounds good?
I don't understand why you people were not attracted to those countries.
It's meaningless to complain about things that don't have any better alternatives.
weinberger 发表于 2014-4-3 11:42 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
the attraction is getting less, especially for Chinese 回复 9# weinberger
Tell me why Indians and philippinese keep coming?
Their numbers right now take number 1 and 2, right? Because the Indians and philippinese also have bad democratic systems in their home countries, so for them it makes no difference.
But for Chinese people, you didn't have such a bad democratic political system in China. Your system is clean, productive and efficient. So I don't udnerstand why you gave up the good and came to the bad.
Tell me why Indians and philippinese keep coming?
Their numbers right now take number 1 and 2, right?
三达 发表于 2014-4-3 12:27 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif