独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 11:00:56


This is the point.
单枪匹马 发表于 2014-1-14 08:03 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 11:35:33

市府网站的解答:What do I do if debris from myneighbour's tree has fallen on my property? Who is responsible?
The owner of the property where the treebranches/limbs fall is responsible for bringing the debris to the curb for Citycrews to remove it or contacting a private contractor for removal if the debrisis larger than 15 cm (6 inches in diameter).If there is damage to the property,please contact your insurance company.

邻居的Property Manager今早的回复:Thatinformation is from the city. The branches from your tree are larger than6" in diameter and they are still attached to the tree. I am not going toargue with you any longer. If the hazardous broken branches are not removed byMonday my instructions are to have the work done and commence legal action tocollect the costs.

Private property trees - pruning a neighbours tree branches overhanging onto your property

The City of Toronto does not regulate the trimming of trees on private property.
If the tree in question is dead/dying or has dead branches that could be hazardous, Urban Forestry can investigate.
Trimming a neighbour's overhanging branches:
Urban Forestry recommends that you discuss this with your neighbour.

There are three main points to remember when dealing with trees on adjacent private property:
You cannot trespass onto your neighbour's property
You cannot damage your neighbour's property (in this case a tree); and
You have the right to maintain your property in a safe condition
It is therefore best for property owners to come to an agreement between themselves with respect to trees overhanging property lines.
If you are unable to reach an agreement with your neighbour and want to determine your legal rights, you should contact a lawyer.
The act of pruning trees on neighbouring private property affects private property rights and is a civil issue between private property owners.
Where a tree on private property is protected under the provisions of the Private Tree Bylaw, pruning of the tree is permitted provided the pruning is in accordance with good arboricultural standards. Otherwise, a permit would be required to injure or destroy the tree.

A qualified tree expert should always be retained to carry out tree pruning.


Can the City of Toronto recommend a tree service company who I can hire to prune or work on my trees?

墨子 发表于 2014-1-14 10:35 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 11:43:13

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 11:35 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 11:55:55

墨子 发表于 2014-1-12 13:21 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Insurance and the ice storm: Are you covered?


这里有CBC的文章,里面 提到:

If the damage is caused by your neighbour’s tree, you should still contact your insurance company to report the damage, IBC spokesman Steve Kee told CBCNews.ca. “Your insurer may then go after your neighbour’s insurance company for payment,” he said. If the tree is owned by the city, you should still report the damage to your own insurer. But the damage may be something the city would ultimately be responsible for, Kee said. He also advised potential claimants to take pictures of any damage "once it's fresh."

其中的IBC, 是Insurance Bureau of Canada。这样看来如果造成损失,仍然是受损方负责报告,但是最终会转嫁到树木所有者的保险公司。如果断枝没有造成损失,文章这样说:

What if a big tree goes down in your yard but doesn’t actually cause any damage? Would you be covered for the cleanup and removal of the tree? Probably not. Insurance covers damage to your fences, your roof, eavestroughs, windows, porches and outbuildings. But debris removal from your yard, in the absence of physical property damage, will generally be at your own expense.


独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 12:02:20

很有用。Thank you!

回复 34# 小盐粒儿

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 13:47:30

很有用。Thank you!

墨子 发表于 2014-1-14 12:02 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif



Who pays if a tree falls in your yard?


If a tree falls
If a tree falls and damages your property, it will largely depend on whether the tree was healthy or whether you had warned your neighbour to remove the tree because it was dying. Case law has determined that if the tree was healthy, then you cannot sue your neighbour for damages. It becomes a matter between you and your insurance company, although in my experience, many policies do not cover this type of damage. However, there is also case law that if you had warned your neighbour to take down the tree because it was dying, they did nothing and then damage occurred, you can successfully claim for your losses.


独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 14:25:41

多谢!问题又来了:1、那树枝还活着,(或现在我判断不出枝的死活),我砍它们,是否又违反了市府的砍树规定? 2、那悬枝在园中,不在房顶上,危险性较小。如果该我处理,我可否要求到天气情况好些时,如二月再处理?对方说“NO.” 3、对方有权要求我在他指定的期限内完成吗?没有任何商量的余地? 4、如果我不能、或不同意在他指定的期限内完成,他砍或处理我树在他园中的部分 with or without my agreement,这又怎么处理?中间出事了,我有什么责任?他有什么责任?比如,他损害了我家的栅栏,等。 5、如果我同意他做,他是否要预先给我报至少三家的价,由我来选?或直接动工,然后寄给我一张要我付的账单?

Who pays if a tree falls in your yard?


If a tree falls
If a tree falls and damages your property, it will largely depend on whether the tree was healthy or whether you had warned your neighbour to remove the tree because it was dying. Case law has determined that if the tree was healthy, then you cannot sue your neighbour for damages. It becomes a matter between you and your insurance company, although in my experience, many policies do not cover this type of damage. However, there is also case law that if you had warned your neighbour to take down the tree because it was dying, they did nothing and then damage occurred, you can successfully claim for your losses.

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 13:47 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 14:42:00

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 13:47 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-14 16:14:48

多谢!问题又来了:1、那树枝还活着,(或现在我判断不出枝的死活),我砍它们,是否又违反了市府的砍树规定? 2、那悬枝在园中,不在房顶上,危险性较小。如果该我处理,我可否要求到天气情况好些时,如二月再处理?对方说“NO.” 3、对方有权要求我在他指定的期限内完成吗?没有任何商量的余地? 4、如果我不能、或不同意在他指定的期限内完成,他砍或处理我树在他园中的部分 with or without my agreement,这又怎么处理?中间出事了,我有什么责任?他有什么责任?比如,他损害了我家的栅栏,等。 5、如果我同意他做,他是否要预先给我报至少三家的价,由我来选?或直接动工,然后寄给我一张要我付的账单?
墨子 发表于 2014-1-14 14:25 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

从您提供的信息,我个人判断,您的邻居物业经理没有在回复中提及任何关于造成的损失或即将造成的损失的责任和赔偿,这位物业经理是明确知道这个部分是由他们的保险负责的。目前焦点可能集中在断枝连接部位的位置,有没有跨越property line。如果断枝连接处仍然在您这边,按照规定,他们只能处理跨越property line的部分,您还是需要处理自己那部分,这最好需要两边共同请专业公司,再协商合适的比例分摊费用,其间造成的二次损失,专业公司会负责。这一切都需要先询价,问清楚。

关于请专业人员,市府给予如下提示:Why Hire an Arborist?




Do residents need a City permit to remove damaged or fallen trees?

No, property owners do not require a City permit to remove damaged or downed trees that are hazardous, however many trees can be saved with proper care and pruning. The requirement for a permit for damaged trees on private property has temporarily been waived. Under normal circumstances, the City requires property owners to submit a request and photos of a tree for which confirmation of by-law exemption is being sought. However, recognizing the impact the ice storm has had on trees, and to enable owners to take immediate action to eliminate dangerous situations related to privately owned trees, the City has relaxed the usual tree by-law exemption request and confirmation process until further notice.

Under normal circumstances, the City requires property owners to submit a request and photos of a tree for which confirmation of by-law exemption is being sought. However, recognizing the impact the ice storm has had on trees, and to enable owners to take immediate action to eliminate dangerous situations related to privately owned trees, the City has relaxed the usual tree by-law exemption request and confirmation process until further notice.

Where a tree has been rendered imminently hazardous due to the ice storm, property owners are requested to take a picture of the tree to document its physical condition prior to having it removed. The visual record of the tree's condition together with any other documented information about the tree from a professional tree care company or arborist will be important should complaints be received for follow-up by Urban Forestry staff regarding suspected illegal tree removal.

但是如果您的邻居曾经在过去书面通知您这棵树 it was dying,会造成潜在危险,要求您清理,他们的理由是什么?不能因为这一次的灾害为依据。我也没有找到任何要求您在他们指定的期限内完成的法律依据。

独立意志 发表于 2014-1-14 17:25:40




回复 39# 小盐粒儿

jingheng 发表于 2014-1-14 20:56:47

it changes everything if the tree branches are still attached to the tree.
most likely you own the trees within you property. in very rare situation, city hall owns a tree (e.g. it's hundreds year old or george washington planted the tree) in the middle of your property, but quite often there are some city trees along the street very close to your property limit. to make sure you own the trees, contact city hall.
if you are quite sure you are the owner of the tree, and falling branches are still attached to the tree, then they are part of your property. you are responsible to deal with the issue even dangling tree branches reach out beyond your property limit. however, if the broken tree branches are really big ones (broken branches more than 6cm in diameter and tree trunk is more than 30cm in diameter), even damaged the tree trunk and made it dangerous to public safety, you may think about remove the whole tree. in order to do so, you need a city permit.
try to remove those dangling tree branches asap if they did not cause major damage to the tree, whether you do it yourself or get city hall or a contractor doing it. be aware if you have to do the work in your neighbor's property. consult your neighbor and get his/her permission first.
another thing, you and your neighbor may share the ownership of the tree if the tree trunk is right in the property line.
be safe.

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-15 10:22:01




墨子 发表于 2014-1-14 17:25 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




Bylaw enforcement - trees or tree branches - decayed - damaged - hazardous - dangerous - on private property

Under City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 632, Section 632-5, the property owner or person in charge of a property upon which a tree is located, is responsible for the removal of any decayed, damaged or dangerous tree or branch that poses a danger to persons or property.


Private property trees - pruning a neighbours tree branches overhanging onto your property






独立意志 发表于 2014-1-15 12:16:54

Jingheng的专业、英文、及助人为乐之精神,令我深服!说得很对! 在邻居屋主(不是manager)的同意下,下午就将处理。 具体的,再汇报。感谢各位!
it changes everything if the tree branches are still attached to the tree.
jingheng 发表于 2014-1-14 20:56 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

独立意志 发表于 2014-1-15 12:19:31


小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-15 10:22 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

小盐粒儿 发表于 2014-1-15 13:36:55

墨子 发表于 2014-1-15 12:19 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 紧急请教:我家园中雪压断枝掉在邻居家的园里,谁应该负责处理?感谢各位帮助!