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发表于 2014-12-8 12:23:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式





It’s official: America is now No. 2 and CHINA is #1!












NC says:
December 4, 2014 at 7:54 pm
I find it funny how Chinese people have to pay $16 US dollars for a pound of beef and we still have to say, “There are starving people in China” when it is supposed to be the number 1 country in the world, but that’s Communism for ya. Now we are the number 2 country in the world and “There are starving people in America”. So how are we different from China?

The irony of it all is that a country that always wants to be number 2 is now number 1 and a country that always wants to be number 1 is now number 2.Adding to this that most of America's economic output consists of immaterial goods, while Chinese economic output is real hardware, there's a real need to worry about long-term sustainability of the US economy (fracking notwithstanding).

Enemy of the State says:
December 4, 2014 at 12:44 pm
you should see some of the manufacturing facilities and equipment over there

it would blow your mind,, and remind yo of our once prosperous country

as my company struggles over here in this government cesspool … I see whats going on over there it makes me very sad for this country and everyone here trying to make a go of it

If we would get rid of these professional welfare'ers ( Thread: Woman on Welfare for 12 Years Explains "I Don't Need a Job, I Already Get a Check" ), then we could use that money for great things...

But the thing is USA tries to please EVERYONE within its borders!

And however sweet and nice that is, it doesn't actually achieve anything.

The more you can achieve as a unit the better the country really... and I sense USA doesn't have the balls to really implement a vision.

I would say the USA did have a vision at one time, but right now the American dream has been shown to be a fraud. Kind of.

And since that you haven't got any goals.. its the same old .

Chris Snider18 minutes ago
And if you compare China to other countries over there, you know they can still go further... they've not yet started producing/exporting automobiles.
They've got an advantage over the US because they're actually producing something - a good portion of US GDP comes from Wall Street money games but really doesn't produce anything (nor does it circulate in the economy if it only gets reinvested).  To compensate for a loss of manufacturing jobs we've now got semi- and unskilled workers wanting to make a living wage by flipping hamburgers and doing other jobs that used to be entry-level and summer work for high school kids.
But as long as US equity markets keep cranking up, nothing else really matters....right?

originally posted by: TDawgRex
a reply to: coldkidc

So much for the prediction that China was to be the leading economy by 2020. I guess they arrived early.

Or we are falling faster than we have been led to believe.

Good thing is, China has absorbed much of our business and manufacturing, so life goes on... In China.
Philosophical Objection LYSSA ? 4 hours ago
Who cares? America is ranked 37 in World Education and still fluoridates and offers Monsanto chem lab mutated foods to its own people.

robert ? 4 hours ago
Ya, ok, China does produce more, goods, and services,, so what...
What we produce in America, is....... money.
We print it !
It's called ..... the shekel....
We back up the shekel with the power of the US Military.
And if the world will not take the shekel, in exchange for their goods, services, and submission, we cram the shekel down their throats, at the spear point of a predator drone, or a B1 bomber....

Originally posted by oddball:
For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

Seems China is more capitalist-friendly than the U.S. is nowadays Frown.

I would also assume they are not 18 trillion dollars in debt,so we are in worse shape than being passed as the number 1 economy.

Chris Snider18 minutes ago
And if you compare China to other countries over there, you know they can still go further... they've not yet started producing/exporting automobiles.
They've got an advantage over the US because they're actually producing something - a good portion of US GDP comes from Wall Street money games but really doesn't produce anything (nor does it circulate in the economy if it only gets reinvested).  To compensate for a loss of manufacturing jobs we've now got semi- and unskilled workers wanting to make a living wage by flipping hamburgers and doing other jobs that used to be entry-level and summer work for high school kids.
But as long as US equity markets keep cranking up, nothing else really matters....right?

originally posted by: TDawgRex
a reply to: coldkidc

So much for the prediction that China was to be the leading economy by 2020. I guess they arrived early.

Or we are falling faster than we have been led to believe.

Good thing is, China has absorbed much of our business and manufacturing, so life goes on... In China.
Philosophical Objection LYSSA ? 4 hours ago
Who cares? America is ranked 37 in World Education and still fluoridates and offers Monsanto chem lab mutated foods to its own people.

robert ? 4 hours ago
Ya, ok, China does produce more, goods, and services,, so what...
What we produce in America, is....... money.
We print it !
It's called ..... the shekel....
We back up the shekel with the power of the US Military.
And if the world will not take the shekel, in exchange for their goods, services, and submission, we cram the shekel down their throats, at the spear point of a predator drone, or a B1 bomber....

Originally posted by oddball:
For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

Seems China is more capitalist-friendly than the U.S. is nowadays Frown.

I would also assume they are not 18 trillion dollars in debt,so we are in worse shape than being passed as the number 1 economy.

Chris Snider18 minutes ago
And if you compare China to other countries over there, you know they can still go further... they've not yet started producing/exporting automobiles.
They've got an advantage over the US because they're actually producing something - a good portion of US GDP comes from Wall Street money games but really doesn't produce anything (nor does it circulate in the economy if it only gets reinvested).  To compensate for a loss of manufacturing jobs we've now got semi- and unskilled workers wanting to make a living wage by flipping hamburgers and doing other jobs that used to be entry-level and summer work for high school kids.
But as long as US equity markets keep cranking up, nothing else really matters....right?

originally posted by: TDawgRex
a reply to: coldkidc

So much for the prediction that China was to be the leading economy by 2020. I guess they arrived early.

Or we are falling faster than we have been led to believe.

Good thing is, China has absorbed much of our business and manufacturing, so life goes on... In China.
Philosophical Objection LYSSA ? 4 hours ago
Who cares? America is ranked 37 in World Education and still fluoridates and offers Monsanto chem lab mutated foods to its own people.

robert ? 4 hours ago
Ya, ok, China does produce more, goods, and services,, so what...
What we produce in America, is....... money.
We print it !
It's called ..... the shekel....
We back up the shekel with the power of the US Military.
And if the world will not take the shekel, in exchange for their goods, services, and submission, we cram the shekel down their throats, at the spear point of a predator drone, or a B1 bomber....

Originally posted by oddball:
For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

Seems China is more capitalist-friendly than the U.S. is nowadays Frown.

I would also assume they are not 18 trillion dollars in debt,so we are in worse shape than being passed as the number 1 economy.
发表于 2014-12-8 12:44:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 纸纱窗 于 2014-12-8 12:55 编辑


三达 发表于 2014-12-8 12:23 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif





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发表于 2014-12-8 12:54:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 纸纱窗 于 2014-12-8 12:58 编辑

回复 1# 三达

  “  我只是向各位笑了笑,竞自回去自己的办公室,打开电脑来看看。看着看着,眼中却情不自禁地,毫无先兆地,涌出几滴泪水!”

看见这一行金光闪闪的字,我的眼泪也“毫无先兆地”喷涌了出来  乐得我肚子痛!


那么惊天动地的天大喜讯临头啊,我们的三达,你怎能就那么居然“只是向各位笑了笑竞自回去自己的办公室....:confused: 眼中却......情不自禁地,(并且)毫无先兆地,涌出几滴泪水!”:-O

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发表于 2014-12-8 13:01:38 | 只看该作者
情不自禁滴.....毫无先兆滴..... 我今天午餐这顿刚刚清炖好的----猪蹄黄豆养颜汤,都没顾得吃好,等下出去要加棉大衣,要不冻死

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发表于 2014-12-8 13:30:04 | 只看该作者
http://finance.sina.com   2014年12月08日 05:15   北京新浪网

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  新浪财经讯 北京时间12月8日晚间消息,J Capital研究主管Anne Stevenson-Yang认为中国实际经济增长速度只有4%,她表示IMF称中国按购买力平价算超过美国是全球头号经济体,这太愚蠢,因为考虑到住房和医保,中国生活成本很高。





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发表于 2014-12-8 13:36:54 | 只看该作者
回复 5# david9423

http://finance.sina.com   2014年12月08日 05:15   北京新浪网



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发表于 2014-12-8 13:52:26 | 只看该作者
回复 6# 纸纱窗

    我看海外的华人对这样的消息, 痛心的多过高兴的.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-12-8 14:03:26 | 只看该作者
回复  纸纱窗

    我看海外的华人对这样的消息, 痛心的多过高兴的.
flg 发表于 2014-12-8 13:52 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-12-8 14:06:45 | 只看该作者
回复  纸纱窗

    我看海外的华人对这样的消息, 痛心的多过高兴的.
flg 发表于 2014-12-8 13:52 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    当然,我不排除心术叵测的人,他们或许真会痛心多过高兴,他们不允许自己处于劣势, 即便不确定也心胸狭窄不容许


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发表于 2014-12-8 14:11:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 纸纱窗 于 2014-12-9 11:12 编辑


所以,也就只能在彼岸摆个姿势,并且“三达只是向各位笑了笑,竞自回去自己的办公室.... 眼中却......情不自禁地,(并且)毫无先兆地,涌出几滴泪水


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发表于 2014-12-9 11:13:28 | 只看该作者
“三达只是向各位笑了笑,竞自回去自己的办公室.... 眼中却......情不自禁地,(并且)毫无先兆地,涌出几滴泪水

2014年12月4日这一天,三达终于超越了一直瞧不起他的第一梯队的白人头领,冲过红线....止不住的眼泪,就是这样流下来滴.... “:laugh:


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发表于 2014-12-9 11:19:46 | 只看该作者
其实污蔑中国实在也没有用, 中国现在国民走出国的也多得很, 其实根本就是自由得狠呢? 而且好多是普通百姓, 不是富翁级的.

象有些所说的, 中国不仅不会这样发展, 这样开放, 恐怕只能大量动用国家机器来维稳了.。。可惜这样的事, 看来在西方, 例如美国可能还更严重些。

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发表于 2014-12-9 14:50:00 | 只看该作者
回复  纸纱窗

    我看海外的华人对这样的消息, 痛心的多过高兴的.
flg 发表于 2014-12-8 13:52 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    俄罗斯在西方高压下,普金名望不降反升. 中国有点造就,(就算没有证实吧) 海外却是一片哀号声. 难怪被别人看不起. 湾湾也好,港粹也好,毒运轮也好, 就算你们不认自己是中国人, 那套黄皮是剥不掉的了. 走狗的样子久了, 连主子也会不堪的. 好自为之吧.

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发表于 2014-12-9 17:29:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2014-12-9 18:08:18 | 只看该作者

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