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发表于 2005-5-11 20:15:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


我在衣厂打工。你知道老板多黑么?根本就没法干下去……是按件计钱,缝一条边才两毛钱,那,这样上去两毛钱,下来两毛钱,你说要不要两分钟?我们在中国又不是干这个的,根本就不行,慢得很。我一个月手脚不停才挣三、四百元,连房租都不够交。这还不算,老板还要克扣工 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2005-5-7
When you will be 50 something you may see that the 40 years' woman is still young.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-7 23:16:07 | 只看该作者
sorry, im not too good at give direct answers to such kind questions, yes, i did spend my 40 minutes on them =) oh well, but if u think i wasted ur time, i nvr asked u to read =)

and oops, i just noticed u r the one posted thousands of posts here, looks like u r the one wasted so much time here =)
talk about getting a life......   no offense though sir =)

but anyway, this is the first day im posting stuffs here since i feel this emotional downside problem is getting more and more frustrating for many of us, i dont mind to spend a few minutes on them, unlike someone.....selfish....

if u dont want to waste ur time to read, go watch tv and eat some chips, live it up anyhow , no offense again =)

thanks for ur support =)
发表于 2005-5-7 22:55:16 | 只看该作者






第二,加拿大有许多非营利组织提供帮助妇女反对家庭暴力的服务。她们并不逼迫你离婚或采取什么行动,除非预测到危及生命的可能比较大时才会催促妇女离开家庭去一个安全的地方晢时居住。在这样的机构,可以得到[U]心理情感上的支持,提供妇女所需要的所有服务,只要这种服务能对妇女身心健康有所帮助[/U] 。这种机构的项目受政府资助,对接受服务的妇女是免费的。这个项目叫做Violence Against Women Program 。据我所知,华咨处好象没有这类服务,如果需要服务我知道有一个机构可以提供普通话服务416 465 6021,河谷移民妇女中心。




发表于 2005-5-7 22:30:58 | 只看该作者
im sorry, but i was mentioning about immigrants, and for international students, i have many international student friends, and i understand how hard is it for them, and i am aware of it.  But the condition for international students is more or less always the same.  However, there r many factors that r incomparible, such as, as i saw on the other post where this 24 years old international student died, many "rich students r too spoiled, waste money, and shows no respect to whom-so-ever, but the actual good students do not have a good background"

it is very true and similar in many immigrants cases, but for international students its much harsher, a lot of pressure on pursuing ur study, career, and family, budget r also some very important issues worth consideration and attention, i understand that.

but if u chose this path, walk it, i dont know what kind help u need, but u might as well tell me of it, but before u ask any of it, ask how far u can walk it first, on ur own.  and see how much others have walked.  unfortunatelly, there r just too much others cant do for u.

but the bottom line is, whether u like it or not, this is how it goes, and to be honest, i can never, and NOONE can ever be satisfied with whats before them.  but also, to be honest, i am satisfied whenever i need to, cuz thats my way of life, its nice to have big dreams and do something to achieve them, also u need to know enough. and pplz do not know whats "enough" had nvr yield out good results in their life.

"We'r glad with what we've got, done with what we've lost" life is such a complicated multi dimentional thing, its so nice to soar, well, many break their wings, on the other end, there r those who soar high...there is a difference, the difference is among themselves, not the excuses they come up with.

think of it, u do not have to be satisfied, whatever suits u, and anything goes.  its hard to suggest whats right or wrong. they r just my perspectives and view points, i hope u'll find ur answers here, and maybe, u can carry on with something lighter and brighter in ur heart.

Im sorry as these last few posts have already gone off topic, if u want to discuss this any further, link a new post =) thank u for reading =)

You wrote so much. However it's really waste of time, yours and ours, since there is no useful words in it.
All what you said are cliche and nonsense. No one knows what do you want to say.
Sorry for telling you about that.
发表于 2005-5-7 22:25:52 | 只看该作者

评论:40了, 中年妇女怎么办?

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-7 21:51:27 | 只看该作者
im sorry, but i was mentioning about immigrants, and for international students, i have many international student friends, and i understand how hard is it for them, and i am aware of it.  But the condition for international students is more or less always the same.  However, there r many factors that r incomparible, such as, as i saw on the other post where this 24 years old international student died, many "rich students r too spoiled, waste money, and shows no respect to whom-so-ever, but the actual good students do not have a good background"

it is very true and similar in many immigrants cases, but for international students its much harsher, a lot of pressure on pursuing ur study, career, and family, budget r also some very important issues worth consideration and attention, i understand that.

but if u chose this path, walk it, i dont know what kind help u need, but u might as well tell me of it, but before u ask any of it, ask how far u can walk it first, on ur own.  and see how much others have walked.  unfortunatelly, there r just too much others cant do for u.

but the bottom line is, whether u like it or not, this is how it goes, and to be honest, i can never, and NOONE can ever be satisfied with whats before them.  but also, to be honest, i am satisfied whenever i need to, cuz thats my way of life, its nice to have big dreams and do something to achieve them, also u need to know enough. and pplz do not know whats "enough" had nvr yield out good results in their life.

"We'r glad with what we've got, done with what we've lost" life is such a complicated multi dimentional thing, its so nice to soar, well, many break their wings, on the other end, there r those who soar high...there is a difference, the difference is among themselves, not the excuses they come up with.

think of it, u do not have to be satisfied, whatever suits u, and anything goes.  its hard to suggest whats right or wrong. they r just my perspectives and view points, i hope u'll find ur answers here, and maybe, u can carry on with something lighter and brighter in ur heart.

Im sorry as these last few posts have already gone off topic, if u want to discuss this any further, link a new post =) thank u for reading =)
发表于 2005-5-7 21:43:43 | 只看该作者


:p  :p
发表于 2005-5-7 20:48:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-7 20:06:33 | 只看该作者
why we should be greatful for the current conditions for immigrants? are u satisfied current condition? if u feel u are  better now, can u  help us , international student are condition zero , we are not greatful this situation.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-7 19:14:20 | 只看该作者
pplz should be grateful for the current conditions for immigrants..... i rememeber when i came to canada more than 5 years ago, we didnt have any connections, relatives, we didnt have computers or any tools to find the informations we need, in other word, we started from the very , very scratch.  and i can almost guarantee u this, wat we have went through is one of the most, if not the most difficult experiences.

i see canada as a fair society and the new immigrants from china nowadays r complaining about EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN THING like if they r going to die if what they desired is not there.  i find it very pathetic that pplz r going back to china and coming back over and over, for some families, they've done this for more than 2 times, and they still come on this site to complain about everything like they have no shame

Its not a matter of not knowing where u belong, but rather u either have too much ego that u just do not know what the world is really about, or u were the kind of pplz that....u know....whose life is being lead by other pplz, instead of leading ur own life.

Ive heard many successiful stories of chinese immigrants, many of them have been through things that are so difficult that u nvr imagined an immigrant could go through.
But again, ive also heard about the stories of these pathetic idiots who chose suicide to end their own lives, and leave those loved ones behind.  Im sorry, but no offense i do not feel any pity for pplz like that.  They simply do not even worth to glance at.

We all have to start somewhere, but the point im trying to make is, work hard, and the world is urs, even if the world is never fair to u, show how much determination u have, show what u r made of, and eventually, it will pay off.

"life is like a box of chocolates, u nvr know what u r gonna get"

=) thx for reading =) feel free to post ur own opinions
发表于 2005-5-7 19:04:06 | 只看该作者
40岁的中年女人?我还以为是婚姻问题呢,怎么办? 凉拌。
发表于 2005-5-7 18:21:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-7 16:37:30 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-5-7 12:07:46 | 只看该作者
最初由[condition zero]发布

what the hell are u counting for?

The above number is from frontpage, and attract me to this article...nothing more, I am not against the whole article.
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