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发表于 2017-12-15 12:42:10 来自客户端 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


地产公司Re/Max最近发布2018年加拿大房地产市场展望报告,称明年全国平均房价约有2.5%的增长,但是大多伦多地区的房市依然疲软,平均房价不会有什么变化。而华人比较热衷的烈治文山、万锦和奥罗拉(Aurora)三市房价 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2017-12-15
发表于 2017-12-15 12:31:28 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 11:31:58 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 11:27:49 | 只看该作者


许多受骗人的经验告诉我,对于JJ们的任何话,都要打个问号,闻闻香臭。他们处处可以误导你。比如说文中表格列出的数字,我没有逐一核实,但随便查了一下十一月的数据:Niagara Falls, 今年比去年涨13.92% (http://creastats.crea.ca/stca/), Ottawa,今年比去年涨3.2%(http://www.oreb.ca/newsroom/november-blues-not-in-the-real-estate-market/), 但要是根据骗子们,分别差不多是23%和9%,那是多疯狂的市场呀!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 13:01:19 | 只看该作者
房地产市场的华人经纪和华人买家,在魁北克经纪卖家面前,无论对错、无论诚信,都只有忍让的份儿吗?!中文版及视频后续跟进, 敬请关注。
SHAME ON YOU, Quebecois Supremacy! Royal LePage Has No Thing To Do With the Word “Royal”!In Quebec, the Seller and Buyer are firstly bounded by the purchasing agreements they have signed. However, if there is any uncertainty, they have to rely on the standard clauses stipulated by the Organism d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec(OACIQ) (Quebec Real Estate Brokers Association) and then the laws. In this specific case, Although Art. 10.5 stipulated by OACIQ asks the Seller to provide a valid title of ownership, including the certificate of location, the certificate is too old to be qualified as “valid” but the Seller pulled out the issue only at the last minute before the agreement, deluded the Buyer to accept a clause for which the truth can only be revealed after seeing a notary. The Seller’s agent knew that usually the buyer will go to a notary only after the parties agree on the price. Even though, the clause that the Buyer agreed does not mention the amendment issue to which Article 10.5 clearly specified that “ the cost of any new certificate of location shall be borne by the Buyer where the previous certificate proves not to have been amended” which means if the certificate needs to be amended, it shall be the Seller to pay.
Moreover, by the time the Seller for the very first time raised the certificate of location issue, it has already been too late and impossible to obtain a new certificate before the transaction date that both parties had agreed. It is therefore not the Buyer’s fault, but the Seller’s fault for any delay because it was the Seller who hid the problems to the last minute.
The notary suggested to buy a title insurance in order to make the transaction happen on the expected date agreed by both parties.  After her dirty play has been debunked repeatedly, the Seller’s agent, a Quebecoise, never admitted her obvious dishonesty, and yet has always shamelessly badgered the Buyer’s agent to compromise. You know why? The Buyer and the Buyer’s agent are Chinese and the image of Chinese people is permanent no matter what the issue is, regardless there are thousands of thousands decent law-abiding Chinese immigrants in Quebec who have been deeply systematically bullied and ignored, except the election season!
In fact, the Seller’s agent has played the dirty all through the way: providing a half-empty seller’s declaration and only provided the complete one after the inspection, with added terms contrary to her advertising; unilaterally imposed a clause as “final” after both parties agreed on an amendment and raised the certificate renewal issue when it can’t be done before the transaction date.
Does the Seller’s agent care her client’s interests? To everybody’s knowledge, having the transaction done as earlier as possible is in the best interest of the Seller. Even though the Seller’ agent’s wrongdoings are obvious, she never admitted any faults, did not make any compromising effort and yet badgered the Buyer’s agent to compromise, dragging the issue to no ending. Give the dirty the Quebecoise agent has pulled out all the time in the transaction, I doubt if the Seller knows what his/her agent did to him/her. I feel sorry for the Seller,  comparing with the Buyer’s agent who is willing to compromise although she did no thing wrong.
Royal LePage, is this how you train your real estate brokers?!
After all, does the OACIQ care? As soon as they understand the Seller party is Quebecois and the Buyer party is Chinese,  “Well, you need to consult a lawyer”, which means let the money talk; “or file a request of assistance form, they may start an investigation 10 days after…” After election after election, it is always the same bureaucrats governing in Quebec!
I would like to send a message out: real estate broker business in Quebec should not have been a swindling business, SHAME ON YOU! Royal LePage has no thing to do with the word “Royal”!
A voice for the little people, minority people and decent people in Quebec, Canada!
Seller’s declaration before the inspection:
Only after the inspection, the Seller provided a complete declaration, declaring no legal warranty on certain things whereas:
Broker’s Declaration guaranteed the sale with legal warranty.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 15:26:03 来自客户端 | 只看该作者
尊重朋友 发表于 2017-12-15 12:31

其实经纪们最多也牛市这个跑腿的,你们对地产物业的过去历史和未来的走势, ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 19:10:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 leopard 于 2017-12-15 19:13 编辑
尊重朋友 发表于 2017-12-15 12:31

其实经纪们最多也牛市这个跑腿的,你们对地产物业的过去历史和未来的走势, ...

朋友,我很同意你的观点,我和一些非常强的经纪关系还不错.这些强的经纪是不会对你的话有什么不快的.像任何行当一样,强者都是少数,强者都是有自信的,所以会比较宽容.而且真没有时间来51.发帖,因为都很忙. 经纪们最多也牛市这个跑腿的,所以强的经纪知道自己的位置,把跑腿干得很好. 地库虾们认为房价上涨是JJ干的?JJ有那么厉害?51 网的地库虾根本就不是目标客户, 只有那些水平根本混不下去的JJ才蠢到到51. 来找客户,方向性错误.本人一个专业人士,业余投资点房产,偶尔也见这里有点明白人,大家交流一下看法, 硬被某些生活中的不太成功者当成JJ, 上来撕咬,也是哭笑不得.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 20:00:29 | 只看该作者

哈哈哈啊, 我的假牙呢!
牙医该换了, 一笑牙就掉.
老子就爱看戏里的文丑, 自己画自己, 武丑太多动作没意思!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 22:00:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 smithcsl 于 2017-12-15 20:05 编辑

leopard, 今天你老子有闲, 就多说几句.
你在这里不管你是不是经济, 你有悠忽别人买房之嫌,这个时候说这样的话, 你不是人揍的。
你个太贱和那个母贱阴阴跟在别人后面说三道四,别人不能说房价下行,否则你就说别人是地库虾, 失败者,你真是一只瘟鸡下的混蛋。
你觉得别人都没文化,不斯文, 看看你的言行,老子吃饱了闲的天天但几乎不说话,你让别人恶心, 你就是个阴人, 太贱。告诉你,来加拿大都不是一班的。
老子从屏幕就能闻到你身上狗屎味道,不说错了, 应该是猪屎的味道, 又说错了。你是一坨烂泥,否则侮辱了猪狗, 因为你猪狗不如,有目共睹!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 22:09:06 | 只看该作者
leopard is a son of bitch!
老子看不懂英文, 但这句适合你!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-15 23:24:33 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
leopard 发表于 2017-12-15 19:10
朋友,我很同意你的观点,我和一些非常强的经纪关系还不错.这些强的经纪是不会对你的话有什么不快的.像任何 ...

赞同。很多地库自己混的失败把责任都归咎到别人身上,但却从来不会自我反省。 我就见过一个,男的,老婆上班做全职,他自己非常懒,偶尔做下part time,大部分时间拿EI和在家陪孩子。 看到别人买房就骂,重点骂地产经纪和炒房客。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-16 00:16:57 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
leopard 发表于 2017-12-15 19:10
朋友,我很同意你的观点,我和一些非常强的经纪关系还不错.这些强的经纪是不会对你的话有什么不快的.像任何 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-16 00:19:47 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
雷大师 发表于 2017-12-15 23:24
赞同。很多地库自己混的失败把责任都归咎到别人身上,但却从来不会自我反省。 我就见过一个,男的,老婆 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-16 00:57:15 | 只看该作者
房虫子 发表于 2017-12-16 00:16

我不是富豪,你要搞清楚, 家里殷实是客观说法.我挣钱不很多,但效率高.家里老婆孩子热炕头,搞得舒舒服服的,就行了.51网上还是有点明白人,大家交流一下而以.你还是改名叫小爬虫好些,你就是个小爬虫.你作经纪,连方向都还没找到,居然朝什么笑看系列那帮社会底层看齐,也是够衰的.成功还早哦. 看你脏话讲得不多,指点你两句.1.在任何行当混,其实都不容易,经纪也一样,需要慢慢熬时间,不可急于求成.2.在任何行当混,要努力向那一行混得不错的人靠拢,学习人家的成功经验,慢慢就能站住脚,然后发展了.你现在做经纪,根本没什么客人相信你,对吧? 你以为在51上发点贴子人间就信你了,对吧? 我一个经纪朋友认识我5年,我才给他一个生意.....小爬虫,慢慢爬吧,方向不错,总可能成功....

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-16 01:07:08 | 只看该作者
鸡鸡也好,炒房也好,凑热闹也好,地库侠也好,我看大家谁也瞧不起谁,都是自己最牛。阴阳怪气的,指桑骂槐的,破口大骂的,趾高气扬的, 反正一沾房子就都气壮山河精撞脑壳。不如51分几个不同的房事群,升群,跌群,鸡鸡忽悠群,中介免谈群,数据分析群,明天加息群,昨天跳楼群,朋友举例群,个人成就群。。。群主都是现成的,请51定夺。

使用道具 举报

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