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沁入灵魂的歌声--《Give Me One Reason》

发表于 2020-6-21 20:51:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

沁入灵魂的歌声--Give Me One Reason


       每个人对音乐的感受不同, 对音乐的理解是没有标准答案的, 只要觉得它触碰了你的灵魂深处, 它就是好音乐。每当我听blues and Jazz 时,总觉得是自己傍晚下了班,走进了城市里的某个酒吧,喝着红酒,在昏暗的灯光下,随着那一声高一声低,长吁短叹的 blues , 轻轻地晃着有点微醉的身体,工作一天的疲惫,生活的烦恼都被吉他的琴弦慢慢的拨掉了。

    产生于19世纪末,兴盛于20世纪美国黑人音乐blues,深深影响了一代又一代的音乐人, blues 音符等于伤感的符号,它的scales不同于我们传统的音阶, 它在第3, 5, 7 全都降了半个音, 传达出一种忧伤的感觉。blues 的忧伤 是淡淡的,不大张旗鼓,不义愤填膺,用简单循环的和弦,长吁短叹般地述说心中的点点 烦恼。

      《Give Me One Reason》是由美国歌手TracyChapman 创作并演唱的,是传统的12bar blues. 讲述了一段感情的结局-"giveme one reason to stay here, and I'll turn right back around,在歌的结尾又说-"said I told you that I loved you, and there ain't nomore to say."  Tracy chapman淳厚低沉的嗓音,类似男人的性感声线, 声音温厚柔和, 具有普通艺人难以匹敌的穿透力和感染力, 简单的吉他伴奏, 叙事民谣与自我观点合而为一的唱作风格,堆积成一种动人的力量, 贴近听者的心灵, 是抒发观点与情绪的绝佳典范。



Give me one reason tostay here
And I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here
And I'll turn right back around
Said I don't want leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind

Baby I got your numberand I know that you got mine
But you know that I called you, I called too many times
You can call me baby, you can call me anytime
You got to call me

Give me one reason tostay here
And I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here
And I'll turn right back around
Because I don't want leave you lonely
you got to make me change my mind

I don't want no one tosqueeze me, they might take away my life
I don't want no one to squeeze me, they might take away my life
I just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night

This youthful heart canlove you and give you what you need
This youthful heart can love you and give you what you need
But I'm too old to go chasing you around
Wasting my precious energy

Give me one reason tostay here
And I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here
And I'll turn right back around
Because I don't want leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind

Baby just give me one reason, Give mejust one reason why
Baby just give me one reason, Give me just one reason why I should stay
Said I told you that I loved you
And there ain't no more to say



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