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通知: 第五届移民商业女士咨询与论坛

发表于 2017-9-15 20:08:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
您好,今年的第五届移民商业女士咨询与论坛 (Immigrant Women's Small Business Expo)诚挚邀请各位朋友来参加!


主要内容: 为新旧移民提供一切商业咨询及转介服务、我们希望朋友能和我们一起在第五届移民商业女士咨询与论坛来奉献、热情的精神为移民商业女士提供服务在多伦多和渥太華的第五届移民商业女士咨与论坛提供多种加国产业, 商业服务, 和计划。

详细地点于地图: 多伦多 585 Dundas, Daniels Spectrum building, 周日九月十七号早上九点至晚上五点。详情请看网站或咨询 Immigrant Expo <[email protected]>。谢谢大家的关注!

Immigrant Women's Small Business Expo, TORONTO
Sunday, September 17, 2017 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT
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Daniels Spectrum
585 Dundas Street East
Toronto, ON
[img=200,200]https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/HVW39LmRu_rKftIBEqV_lVc8Je7ZretNFJlV-BjT4f2Vf1LIQcCQs4SrYIVRLmWHoAEFk8H6AZeGcGgcvPGfKfVy1u7Ngbmrv7mYw3_qRU6wRvbQtp51a6FyCz3LEVX3A4WBX6Mx095Tio5HZ6hpeFgSSq4=s0-d-e1-ft#https://api.tiles.virtualearth.n ... amp;h=200&w=200Driving Directions

On September 17th Canadian Small Business Women will be celebrating women and immigrants at the 5th annual Immigrant Women's Small Business Expo at Daniels Spectrum from 9am-5pm.

In attendance will be Immigrant Women, Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Students, along with a number of attendees. The Immigrant Women's Small Business Expo is designed to help women entrepreneurs, and new immigrants to Canada gain a better understanding of what women can achieve, and the contribution they make to Canada.  The purpose of the 1-day conference is to bring together successful women and immigrants to reflect on their achievements over the years and to encourage new women and immigrants in exploring entrepreneurship and the changing perceptions of newcomers to Canada.


The conference will focus on topics such as women and mothers in the workforce, the changing faces of successful immigrants, as well as, provide the necessary tools, resources and the voice needed to help women and immigrants succeed in business across Canada.

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Dwania Peele
Canadian Small Business Women
[email protected]

Canadian Small Business Women, 9-6975 Meadowvale Town Cirle, Suite 320, Mississauga, ON L5N 2V7 Canada
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