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发表于 2016-9-8 16:43:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

最熱文章:唐煒臻和一個傳奇人物的故事 在明镜网我的博客成千上万的人读者,最近几天在发酵,每天有上千个读者。


我的名字叫雷孟德Kuate。我是一个来自西非喀麦隆,有52岁的黑人男子。我一直有一个敏锐的数学头脑,尽 管被小儿麻痹症击中,失去使用我的腿,在过去的岁月里,我曾生活的相当不错。我喜欢数学,数学是我的激情。我看着数字和数据一切到了我的脑海里,能够洞察一切,清晰地告诉我问题所在,我跟别人一样看报读书却能得到不同看法。我通晓多国语言,我会讲一口流利的英语,法语,西班牙语和我的家乡班祖恩和布鲁舌 头,我当过几个大学的教授,很多世界著名的公司的高级职务,包括美国运通公司风险管理副总裁,政府和(IMF)国际货币组织高级经济师和主管。

我读过很多书,受过很多正规的教育,都是世界最著名大学。我从国立高等杜Pétrole等 德发动机公司,巴黎电先贤祠阿萨斯大学主修,得到计量经济学博士学位,后来我得到不是一个而是两个商业管理硕士,一个是哥伦比亚大学,一个是加州大学伯克利分校的信息技术管理,我同时还生了一男和一女。我说这些只想说我的母亲并没有生出一个傻瓜。我一直擅长很多业务,在我还是有个年轻的男孩的时候,我就帮 助我的父亲与客户在我家做硬件业务。我22岁就投资股市,我第一次买的是GE股票,作为一个非洲移民不坏的吧?

Myname’s Ray Kuate. I’m a 52 year old black man from Cameroon, West Africa. I’vealways had a keen mind for mathematics and despite being hit with polio andlosing the use of my legs I’ve had a pretty good run at life over the past fewyears. Mathematics is my passion. I look at numbers and data, it all just comestogether in my head and assembles itself with a clarity of insight I’m toldother people get when they’re reading the newspaper. I’m also a polyglot. Ispeak fluent English, French, Spanish and my native Bandjoun and Bulu tongues.

I’m also formally educated. I have  a PhD from Ecole Nationale Supérieuredu Pétrole et des Moteurs, Université Panthéon Assas, Paris in Econometrics andin my later years picked up not one but 2 MBA’s in Finance and IT Managementfrom Columbia and Berkeley while raising a boy and a girl. Suffice to say mymother did not raise a fool. I’ve been good at business since I was a young boyand used to help my father with customer service in our family’s hardwarebusiness. I’ve been investing in the stock market since I was 22 when I boughtmy first shares of GE. Not bad for an African immigrant eh?

Fine food is one of my great pleasures in life. Gourmet cooking and elegantfood preparation. The incredible precision of Escoffier and all thingsclassically French. Back in 2009, My company acquired the rights to an oldvideo library of Michelin chefs preparing some of the best French cuisine. Witha few sub-titles and some written copy, I built a business with some friendsand associates around a website called Gourmandia.com. Perhaps you heard of us?We were one of the top websites in the world for video based Food Recipes longbefore the advent of Tasty. We ranked right up there with Saveur and America’sTest Kitchen. 6 million people a month used to come visit us for video cookinglessons. We used to sell advertising space on the high traffic. Remember thatmath thing? I figured out how to manage the supply and demand of advertisingand match it to the highest bidder in real time and made a software algorithmthat doubled and then tripled our profitability compared to selling off adspace to a third party auction. We made a bundle. Started out with $200 in thebank in 2009 and cleared a million in sales in our first years. Sales grew fromthere. By 2012 we were doing 9 million in sales.

I was smart. I diversified. Bought some residential properties to preserve mywealth. Bought some commercial properties and land as well. I owned about adozen nice bits of property that represented a personal fortune of around $12million. I leveraged them with mortgages because I had a strong viable businessand the banks were happy to lend me money. The food recipe business requiresyou to spend money to buy traffic and we made good use of a large line ofcredit to prime the pump in time for the holidays when we made 60-70% of ourrevenues.

So spin the clock back to October of 2013. We’ve got a million-dollar line ofcredit with TD Bank and we’re obligated to tell them how we’re doing with aninformal report to the bank. They asked questions on our Accounts Receivablereport presentation.

TD Bank’s Assistant Manager seemed to be in disagreement with the reportingpresentation of the receivables as presented by Vertamin’s CFO. Because thediscussion was stalling, and because of my experience and background, I steppedin and explained that there are two equivalent and right ways to reportreceivables: Reporting by actual days and reporting by the number of dayscurrent or late. Vertamin’s CFO was reporting by the second method, just likedtaking a picture of a cake from a different angle.

We also pointed out to TD Bank officials that we had been submitting thisreport for more than a year to TD and that the same information was being sentto EDC (Export Development Bank of Canada). I further noted that, during thatyear-plus long period, TD Bank had rightfully never objected to thepresentation of the same reporting.

TD Bank’s Manager interrupted me and said, in a harsh and derogatory manner,"I wonder why Columbia University would give an MBA to people likeyou". That sentence was directed at me personally because coincidentally,not only was I the only one with a Columbia University MBA in the meeting, butVertamin’s CFO, who also happened to be a black man had acknowledged that hedid the reporting and not me.

People like me. A self-made, black business man. Who at that very moment justabout lost his shit. Who was she to talk to me like this? To suggest that I wassomething lesser than any other of my colleagues who busted their ass throughpages and pages of reading, case work and assignments.

I called her on it and demanded an apology. Things happen. It got a littletense. We broke for the day and I still didn’t get my apology. We were not ongood terms. Kind of hard to be after that. I asked for a supervisor or a VP tospeak to her about this. Got assured that the matter would “be investigated”

Then it happened. Three weeks later the bank called my loan. My business lineof credit was due. Not in 24 hours. Not in 30 days. Not in a reasonable periodof time to pay. My up to date line of credit was due to the bank. That day. Mycredit was revoked.

I would later find out that my credit had been revoked by the very same bankmanager who said those things to me. There’s a case before the courts and it’sin the court deposition documents. The statement of “people like you” seen bytwo witnesses and a deposed statement that this bank manager was the one whocalled my loan.

Calling the loan ruined me. We went into insolvency and couldn’t pay our debts.We still had options and tried to work things out with a bankruptcy trustee.All through the process we watched TD Bank say no and create problems.Whittling away at a viable business that could have been set back on its feetwith our restructuring efforts. They all failed and now TD wants to collect.

I stand on the verge of losing everything because of three little words. Maybeit’s time for people like us to get organized and do more about it.


两人一见如故,一拍即合,非常投机投缘,一开始这位首席执行总裁就要任命唐炜臻为公司的运营总裁,ChiefOperation Officer.



他 是哥伦比亚大学商学院毕业,有很多资质,金融和商业头衔,一个成功的商人和企业家,他凭自己的经验和判断,对唐炜臻和唐炜臻一案做了深入仔细的了解,说如果唐炜臻有罪,那么每一个商人都有罪,认为唐炜臻根本不是刑事问题,是人种和文化问题,唐炜臻绝对是冤枉的,他要出钱出力帮助唐炜臻洗清罪名,为唐炜臻一 案扭转乾坤以便合作。




 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-8 16:44:25 | 只看该作者
"How I was raped by TD Bank" By Weizhen Tang

July  29, 2016 — Dear Mr. President Bharat Masrani

Re:   TD Business Practice and Integrity and our House

1.      My name is Weizhen Tang, and I am a Chinese immigrant and a Canadian citizen.
2.      I have had business relationships with your bank for over 24 years; personal banking since 1990 when I first landed in Ontario Canada, investment banking since 1998, and finally business banking for many years followed by mortgage banking in March 2009.
3.      My whole family including my mother, my father, my wife, my daughter and son, all had accounts with your bank.
4.      We have always had a long and good business relationship and made considerable business and contribution to your bank. As a matter of fact, an Ontario regulatory body OSC forensic report confirmed that we paid $970,000 commissions to TD Waterhouse and TD Ameritrade alone.
5.      For over 20 years, I always had an excellent credit and no complain and dispute with your bank.
6.      On March 12, 2009, My wife and I obtained from your bank, a $600,000 line of credit secured by real estate, our house.
7.      The money was used to pay off 350,000 first mortgages to RBC
8.      On March 15, 2009, the remaining $236,000 was transferred to investors’ committee, with $200,000 going to a Canadian brokerage account to make money to meet my accredited investors’ redemption. From there, I made $ 50,000 in three days and paid investors to show my good faith. My trading and power attracted investors’ millions of dollars, including close to 10 million dollars potential investment to my partnership in a month.
9.      OSC received a complaint from 1 out of 260 of my investors, and ordered you to freeze all my accounts, including $200,000 in the IB brokerage account, money your bank knew was borrowed from your bank.  Because of you freezing all my account, I had to cease my trading activity.
10.  The OSC and police then started one-sided malicious legal proceedings and prosecutions against me from March 12, 2009, and still continued moving to the higher courts, which is not in the public interest.
11.  I could not use my own money to make a living, to trade and could not use the money for my own legal defence, as our dear authorities clearly violated my Canadian charter of rights and freedoms section 7 which provides that the individual has a right not to be deprived of life, liberty, security of person, or enjoyment of property, except by due process of law. 28. Edw. III, c 3 (1354) made it clear that no person should be harmed in any way “except” by due process of law.
12.   The money and issue was discussed over years in court presided by the Honorable Justice Ian Nordheimer. Our real estate secured Line of credit agreement or contract was clearly frustrated by the government (in the law book, frustration is inability to complete or discharge a contract because of circumstances beyond the control of the contracting parties and outside of their contemplation. The doctrine of frustration was introduced by implying a condition that the contract was subject to the continued existence of the subject matter. This was extended to cover the situation where the transaction envisaged by the parties was frustrated).
13.  Even though our financial situation was extremely difficult because of OSC, we kept borrowing money and paid your bank the mortgage of $2,000 a month until July, 2012, which was just before my trial.
14.  When we missed a few payments, your staff wrote a demand letter for more and even full payment of over $600,000 and refused to talk and negotiate and asked my wife and I go to hire a lawyer to talk to you in court.
15.  I even did not have a lawyer for criminal defence over years for my life and freedom and no lawyer for my the criminal trial and I am an ordinary person and unarmed citizen and was forced to face dozens of legally armed experts and professionals and I got was wrongfully convicted, now everything is upside down because of our dear government and lawyers, judges.
16.  Our house and home value has been rising to over 1.2 Million in 2014 and 1.5 million now, your money and interest was secured by rising value of my house and guaranteed by our house, your bank did not give us any opportunity and time to refinance and make a new arrangement.
17.  When I had a temporary problem, at the time I had one of the biggest criminal trial in Canada and your bank closed all our bank accounts, which included all our family members including my late father, late mother, my wife and daughter and son’s account. Even the trial judge the Honorable Alfred O’marra was very embarrassed by your bank’s action before jury.
18.  You must know and ought to have known that everybody has to have a bank account to live in Canada and please tell us how do you expect us to live in Canada without a bank account? If you do not open an account for us, who would?  How do I pay you mortgage without a bank account?
19.  When we have financial problems and your bank does not help us, but hire big law firms which control the court and judges and used malicious legal means intentionally to intimidate and harm us and create serious and un-reparable damage and harm, loss to us.
20.  Your bank took advantage of our situations when we did not know the law and could not afford to have a lawyer and you used legal means and a lethal legal weapons against an innocent, ordinary person and families, used the court to obtain default judgment against us in April, 2013 and on the 1st of August, 2013 when I had no freedom.
21.  When we appealed and asked your bank and the court to stay proceedings at the time I had no freedom and resources, your lawyer used the court and court rules and procedure to push my wife out of the house and took advantage over the woman and my kid, your lawyer from Gowling Henderson LLP charged us legal fees numerous times like robbery and extortion over two years, you even do not have to pay legal fees.  
22.  On Sept. 20, 2013 the day after the judge dismissed my motion to set default judgment aside. We were appealing to the court of appeal for Ontario.  When we still have appeal in court, your lawyer harassed,  intimidated and threatened my wife over the phone and using armed people and family and asked a few strong men to  kick them out of the house and throw them out on street and made them homeless and made my wife and son panic, scared  to death, almost suicidal.  Your bank is inhuman and cruel and left us no room to resolve the issue.
23.   Your bank sold our house for one million dollars cheap and we owed you only $600,000, your bank did not tell us where the rest of the money from the proceeds of the sale id, why?
24.  When I first wrote this letter to you, you had somebody deny the allegations legally.
25.  Your bank acted like extortionists, robbers and bullies, real criminal offense and behaviors to us, your long time clients, and that was cold-blooded, not in good faith. The current market price of our house is 1.5 Million dollars in that area.
26.  Your bank created us enormous loss economically and emotionally, the loss is over $ 900,000 in finance of today 2016 and loss of emotional health was overwhelming  you  made  my wife and son  scared and  almost suicidal. Your bank made us lost our home and a house of over 13 years  ownership and emotional attachment because of your malicious massive legal proceedings. We are average people and ordinary people, we are your clients who had no legal knowledge before and no money to live, no money to retain a lawyer.
27.  Your bank did not act in any good faith and was not open to discuss and solve the problem, the legal department acted in bad faith, but a real criminal behavior, created intentional harm to us.
28.  Your bank is a client of a big law firm and abused the legal process and had made 50 to 100 lb of unnecessary legal documents and unnecessary legal avenue to intimidate, show your legal knowledge and legal weapon and power in order to take advantage of ordinary people and harm your customers and the public, which is not acceptable by the Canadian public.  
29.  I am an educated businessman and successful businessman before malicious prosecution. When I was forced to learn and study the law since 2013, I found out that your bank did many things wrong and harmful things to me and my family and to the public, your bank and staff have bad practices of extortion and robbery to your clients, a practice not in the public interest. Your bank also is an alleged abuser of the legal process and conspiracy against private business and the public.
30. I request your bank to tell us where all our money is, how our money went and how you plan to compensate us?  
31.  For your information, I built my name over the years and became a public figure and work for the public interest. I am a man of good character and integrity in the Chinese Communities and the Chinese Society around the world and I have overwhelming support from my investors and the community, even if I was charged and wrongfully convicted of a crime. I also have substantial media coverage both in English and Chinese and I will have the power to fight with the injustice and stop your corporate and bank greed and harm to the public.   
32.  I am still offering you and your bank an opportunity to settle in mutual satisfaction.
33.  It is my intention to take your bank and your law firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP to the general public and to the authorities of regulatory and the court to protect my rights and charter of rights and freedoms if I could not get a reasonable answer to settle  from you and your bank. This is not a threat, but a respect to the business and system.
34.  You know very well that the lower courts are controlled by local law firms like yours, judges come from there and when they retire, they go back there. Supreme Court judges are expected to be more independent and are not beholden to law firms. Furthermore, the Supreme Court sits in panels of nine and it is therefore difficult to scare them and they don't look for jobs when they retire, but superior court justices sit alone and are intimidated by big firms. And they come from these same law firms and go back there when they retire.
35.  My past experience with your Bank and your law firm and the judicial system  is like a young British student journalist, Natasha Smith, who got attacked by a 'group of animals' who stripped her naked, 'Please God, make it stop!' British female journalist, 21, describes horrific sexual assault in Egypt's Tahrir Square after election result.
36.  Since OSC started to the end and up till now, all the media made and reported negative news on me and assisted the crown and OSC to totally destroy an innocent businessman and investors. OSC, the police, the crown and judges are all biased and they attacked and violated me over many constitutional rights, to an ordinary, legally and financially and socially disabled person.  
37.  I know your law firm controls the court and I will find a way to make your bank accountable.
38.  Your Bank has 30 days to respond and negotiate a settlement in good faith.

Truly yours,

Weizhen Tang


早上好, 我一直想到你,觉得你人不错,印象好, 人缘一定不错,帮我想想,推荐几个有眼光,仗义的朋友。


我一了解发现这个人很神奇,是个人才,我们极需要的人才,一个人自2009年来加拿大, 搞了两个上千万的企业。他现在遇到的是银行的冲击,金融系统的冲击,我是遇到的是政府的打击和阻力。

我们都是大家的机会,但大家都害怕,不敢利用我们为自己谋利益,我急, 急死了。






网友问我 @唐炜臻?要多少錢能夠翻身


我有十万我的警察跳楼,25万我的监控官跳楼,50万我的法官跳楼,很多法官名誉扫地,100 万银行跳楼,200万证券会跳楼,284万安省政府跳楼。没有钱自己跳楼。


我们打官司 可以赚数千万上亿万,把投资人和我们的损失全部夺回来。

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发表于 2016-9-9 09:00:57 | 只看该作者


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