唐炜臻我是一个公众人物,我一直在为公众做事,做过很多好事,我因为做好事出名而被别人利用和欺负,受打击,成了罪犯,我因为没有犯罪,所以没有钱,我感动非常光荣和自豪,眼睁睁看到别人强奸,欺负我,中国人不帮,还要戏弄我,看我的笑话,天理难容。 几年来我们华人有多少人讲理,讲情,讲道德,讲正义,讲法制?我天天喊冤,同胞天天喊我认错,骂我,他们没有错?他们就不内疚?都成神仙和圣人了? 我虎落平阳遭犬欺,蛟龙困沙滩,被虾戏。这不是我们华人一盘散沙,劣根性,耻辱和悲哀是什么?为什么不帮我?利用我为自己,为大家谋利益,我如果犯罪,有罪还找你们吗?在这里张什么? 为什么你不能帮我,51不能帮我,51利用我还少吗?
我现在只能找老外,找市场。今天老外找我了,希望有个好的开始。 Hi Weizhen,
I just saw your project on Indiegogo. Cool stuff!
I keep an eye out for projects like yours that fit our unique PR profile. You may have heard of our firm TurnKey PR Boost. We’ve boosted the PR for a number of successful crowdfunders on Indiegogo.
We only take on projects that have a unique story, which is why I wanted to contact you today. Your project has what we call “Fluffy Appeal” (I’ll explain later).
I’d like to schedule a time we can chat over the phone. I just need to ask you a few questions so we can determine if its a perfect fit before getting started.
Our full service is also on sale today, so it’s an even better reason to get in touch! haha
Give me a call: (855) 876-0818
Best, Ian Truman Crowd PR Specialist Office: (310) 773-3920 Web: www.Turnke