
标题: 希拉里发难中国 用词粗鄙让自己很LOW [打印本页]

作者: 我来说    时间: 2015-9-27 19:32
标题: 希拉里发难中国 用词粗鄙让自己很LOW

作者: 新豬    时间: 2015-9-27 20:25

作者: 悠悠2015    时间: 2015-9-27 20:27
作者: 无忧911    时间: 2015-9-27 20:27
作者: DongFeng    时间: 2015-9-27 20:34
作者: 忧有何用    时间: 2015-9-27 22:06
作者: rocky28    时间: 2015-9-27 22:13
本帖最后由 rocky28 于 2015-9-27 23:09 编辑

美国的问题在美国本身.在于她的腐败政客. (世界的问题在美国-看叙利亚)



稀拉痢是华尔街代理人, 华尔街被充分揭露了她就跟着没戏.

作者: wd40    时间: 2015-9-27 22:50

转自 网络
At a campaign function in New Hampshire over the weekend, Hillary Clinton called China’s rise to global eminence “the story of the 21st century” — a backhanded compliment of sorts, given that she went onto accuse the country of cyberwarfare against the U.S.

“They’re trying to hack into everything that doesn’t move in America — stealing commercial secrets, blueprints from defense contractors, stealing huge amounts of government information — all looking for an advantage,” she said. “Make no mistake: they know they’re in a competition, and they’re going to do everything they can to win it.”

Clinton’s remarks come three months after the U.S. government learned of a “massive breach” of federal databases that compromised the personal records of millions of federal employees. State officials believe the hackers were operating out of China, an allegation Beijing has called “irresponsible and unscientific.” A year ago, the New York Times reported that U.S. security agencies traced a similar incident last March to China, though it remains unclear if those hackers were state mercenaries or acting alone.

The specter of cyberwarfare and China’s territorial aggressions in the South China Sea have been the two most recent thorns in the side of Sino-U.S. relations, which Clinton struggled to thaw during her early years as President Obama’s first Secretary of State. The assertiveness she displayed at Saturday’s event is an obvious departure from those attempts at diplomatic cooperation, which were “interpreted as a sign of weakness,” as Aaron Friedberg, a professor of international affairs and former adviser to Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney, wrote in a recent op-ed for Politico.

Clinton’s remarks are also uncharacteristic of her campaign thus far. In spite of her diplomatic experience, the case she makes for her presidency has trod lightly on matters of foreign policy, trafficking mostly in domestic topics unlikely to prove controversial in a Democratic primary.

Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, who is trailing further and further behind Clinton in the polls, penned an essay for Foreign Policy last month that called for “a new agenda to improve our nation’s cybersecurity,” though he was reticent on the specific matter of China. The Republican camp, meanwhile, is harmonious in its frankness: last month, Chris Christie called for a “military approach” in response to China’s bravado; Mike Huckabee thinks the U.S. should “hack China back.”
作者: wd40    时间: 2015-9-27 22:54
转自 网络

Chinese President Xi Jinping 'shameless' for hosting summit on women's rights, says Hillary Clinton
Washington: Hillary Clinton called Xi Jinping? "shameless" as the Chinese President hosted a United Nations summit on women's rights, a gathering the former first lady helped bring to global attention 20 years ago.
Mrs Clinton, campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination, took to her Twitter account on Sunday and criticised Mr Xi and China's detention of five prominent women's rights activists earlier this year. Mr Xi was the main host for the summit at the UN on Sunday.
"Xi hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UN while persecuting feminists? Shameless," Mrs Clinton wrote, attaching a link to a New York Times story about the activists, known as China's Feminist Five.
The women, arrested at separate times, were charged earlier this year with "creating a disturbance" as they planned public campaigns against sexual harassment to coincide with International Women's Day. Most have been freed, but are still considered criminal suspects under Chinese law and, in a letter to the UN, said their activities have been limited and that they continue to face threats.
Mr Xi, who was co-chairing a meeting to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the UN women's conference in Beijing, which Mrs Clinton attended, announced a $US10 million ($14.2 million) donation to the UN agency promoting women's rights.
Chinese officials didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

作者: ssax    时间: 2015-9-28 03:05
作者: 我来说    时间: 2015-9-28 05:34
本帖最后由 我来说 于 2015-9-28 06:49 编辑
ssax 发表于 2015-9-28 03:05

既不是"发难中国",也不是 “用词粗鄙”,只用了一个“可耻”(shameless) 而已, 语气平和,连惊叹号也没有用。 指中国政府一方面主持世界妇女大会,另一方面把女权人士送进监狱,说一套做一套。


作者: 清垃圾2020    时间: 2015-9-28 08:12
稀拉痢 的 面相 特别邪恶。
说她是畜生 是对畜生的侮辱。
作者: 悠悠2015    时间: 2015-9-28 09:47
稀拉痢应该化点心思在克林顿身上, 管住他老公的下体, 别再让柯林顿精子洒到另一个女人的体内和裙子上。另外制定新的法律, 限制女性破坏别人的家庭, 这才是这个又老又丑的女人应该做的, 别上来就喷粪, 有失修养。
作者: 好兴致    时间: 2015-9-28 11:02
作者: 羅柏琳    时间: 2015-9-28 12:51
對實話要虛心受教...........不過整篇漫罵文不知道在罵什麼! 真是奇怪!!

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