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楼主: 泥人国
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发表于 2015-6-21 08:21:09 | 只看该作者
小路平平 发表于 2015-6-21 08:14
华人一盘散沙有很多根源, 这跟华人政客没有作为有很大的关系, 就先老陈, 在我的选区, 但从来不为选民的利 ...

有你们这等居心叵测的人反对, 陈国治是可以加点分了.。。。谢谢!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-6-21 08:23:41 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:24:59 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:27:25 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:30:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:33:40 | 只看该作者
现年39岁的莫而进,出任保守党国会议员长达15年的莫而进,参加各级选举未尝败绩,是哈珀政府内阁的少壮派精英,是一位优秀的阁员,他的离去将是保守党的损失。 这是“正常的人事更迭”???

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:39:58 | 只看该作者
环球邮报曾在最初的报道里点名道姓,说司法部长马凯表示对陈的调查还在进行之中 (ongoing investigation),似乎是为了增加报道的可信度。可在国会里记者询问时,马凯断然否认曾说过此话。到底在环球邮报和马凯之中,谁在说谎?现在环球邮报和马凯都承认,既没有调查也没有犯罪,那么谁该出来道歉呢?  



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发表于 2015-6-21 08:40:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2015-6-21 08:43 编辑
yongbing 发表于 2015-6-21 08:23
C-51反恐法案如何确保维护国家安全却不伤害到公民权利。法案最大问题是缺少监督。因为保守党不喜欢透明化。 ...

没听说加拿大有什么恐怖分子, 这个法案无限强化了政府机器, 直接挑战宪法和其它现行法律! 极易成为打击异已的工具.
如果依法行事, 仍会有灾难的话, 这个国家何来秩序.。。。自己将自己恐怖了.

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发表于 2015-6-21 08:52:47 | 只看该作者

The spectre of foreign influence in Ontario: CohnIs someone betraying Queen’s Park, Queen and country by consorting and conspiring with the enemy?
By:                 Martin Regg Cohn Provincial Politics,                      Published on Wed Jun 17 2015                      

If you haven’t heard of him yet, meet Michael Chan, the Chinese-born politician who has penetrated the highest reaches of Ontario’s cabinet.

Is he Canada’s Kim Philby, the notorious double agent unmasked by British counter-intelligence and unveiled by a fearless media?

Has Chan been aiding and abetting his homeland — you know, his motherland, the People’s Republic of China? And betraying Queen’s Park, Queen and country by allegedly consorting and conspiring with the enemy?

Federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay put out word this week that CSIS is on the case. With a flourish of 1950s-era McCarthyism — call it MacKayism — the justice minister proclaimed an “ongoing investigation” by Canada’s spy agency of Chan’s activities as a provincial cabinet minister.

The allegation? All I know is what I read in the papers.

This week, front-page stories in the Globe and Mail declared that the provincial trade minister has met repeatedly (and I repeat — repeatedly!) with China’s consul general in Toronto. Why is it newsworthy when a trade minister meets a foreign diplomat to discuss trade matters of mutual interest?

Five years ago, it was a story. Then CSIS chief Richard Fadden blurted out that the spy agency was keeping an eye on two unnamed provincial cabinet ministers who might be falling under the influence of foreign governments. For the record, Fadden said at the time the ministers were unaware of whatever it was the foreign governments were up to.

Fadden backtracked on his comments when they became public, but CSIS later briefed provincial officials in B.C. and Ontario. The Star reported in 2010 that both provinces were unconcerned by what they were told because there was nothing of substance.

End of story?
Full disclosure: Journalists at the Toronto Star and various other media learned long ago that Chan was one of those provincial politicians being eyeballed by CSIS, but there was nothing to disclose beyond innuendo — innocuous and innocent activities.

Fuller disclosure: I have met with Chinese diplomats in Toronto. Also Taiwanese envoys. (Note to CSIS: The Star paid for lunch.) I have travelled to countries hostile to Canada — Iran, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea and Taliban Afghanistan. I lived in Hong Kong for seven years and my two children were born on Chinese soil (oh, and we gave them Persian names).

Happily, CSIS has never taken note of me or my daughters. Let’s hope the justice minister doesn’t one day smear any of us with MacKayism.

Chan, however, isn’t so lucky. Curiously, he is now front-page news five long years later.

We no longer throw Japanese Canadians into detention camps on suspicion of aiding the enemy by virtue of their heritage. Why assume someone who left China’s Communist dictatorship as a teenager would now be their lackey?

“Ontarians deserve the truth,” cried Progressive Conservative MPP Steve Clark this week, demanding that Premier Kathleen Wynne come clean on Chan. Odd that Clark wouldn’t put that question to his fellow Tories in Ottawa, given Mackay’s reference to a five-year-old supposedly “ongoing investigation” that has not resulted in any charges against Chan, nor even a personal interview by the RCMP or CSIS. Goodness knows what state interests might have been compromised in all this time.

In an open letter Wednesday denouncing the Globe’s “ludicrous allegations,” Chan made a key point: Despite being a cabinet minister for the past eight years, he has remained — like most provincial politicians — virtually invisible and unknown.

Now all that has changed: “For many, their first impressions of me will be from the headlines in the recent Globe articles.”

Chan’s statement makes the case that newer Canadians should not automatically come under undue suspicion. The canard of divided loyalties has long plagued ethnic or religious groups — not just the Japanese, but the Jews, as history tells us.

There is nothing wrong with CSIS sleuths keeping an eye on foreign diplomats and agents plying their trade on Canadian soil. There is every reason to be vigilant about the well-documented “United Front” tactics of the Chinese government in trying rally support and suppress criticism overseas — I wrote about it while posted in Hong Kong.

The challenge, as with all surveillance and reconnaissance, is to put it in context. When a provincial trade minister of Chinese descent meets Chinese diplomats to discuss upcoming trade missions to China, or fans out into the local Chinese Canadian community for fundraising or vote getting, it’s hard to fathom how that rises to the level of actionable intelligence, or front-page news, or ammunition for the opposition PCs.

Another mistake is to assume that soft power — the way the Chinese try to wield disproportionate influence — means targeting only so-called “overseas Chinese” such as Chan. Beijing is far shrewder in its tactics, identifying white people in power as potential “influencers” and “friends of China.” That ranges from free trips and sumptuous banquets for MPs and journalists (nope, not me) to buying controlling stakes in major Canadian corporations.

Let’s not get fixated on Communist China and a Red under every bed. After all, CSIS has also identified India as a foreign power seeking information and influence on Canadian soil.

Will our counter-espionage service open a file on Ontario’s new PC leader, Patrick Brown, who boasts of visiting India more than a dozen times and winning an endorsement from its prime minister, Narendra Modi? Has a future PC premier fallen under the sway of India?

No, that would be the worst kind of McCarthyism — and MacKayism seems not to apply to fellow Tories. Might it also be because Brown is white, while Chan looks Chinese?


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发表于 2015-6-21 08:56:31 | 只看该作者
C-51 保护加国安全是应该的,但是国家权力机关如果没有约束和监督,滥用权力,难道就不会侵犯公民权力,制造些冤假错案出来?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-6-21 09:06:54 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2015-6-21 09:08 编辑
骑兵连连长 发表于 2015-6-21 08:56
C-51 保护加国安全是应该的,但是国家权力机关如果没有约束和监督,滥用权力,难道就不会侵犯公民权力,制 ...

问题是加拿大有没有什么恐怖主义,我可没怎么听到啊, 如果真有的话, 哈珀政府不是要兴奋死了.。。。他们就是唯恐天下不乱的, 否则如何借机乱用权力?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-6-21 09:17:37 | 只看该作者
克 飞 发表于 2015-6-21 09:06
问题是加拿大有没有什么恐怖主义,我可没怎么听到啊, 如果真有的话, 哈珀政府不是要兴奋死了.。。。他们 ...



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发表于 2015-6-21 09:40:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2015-6-21 09:44 编辑
骑兵连连长 发表于 2015-6-21 09:17
恐怖袭击的危险是存在的,ISIS也是存在的。因此反恐是需要的,但这并不是加拿大的主要问题。哈珀保守党把 ...

陈国治其实是一个大事件, 是以哈珀为首的白人种族主义死灰复燃的一个信号!也是加拿大法西斯主义抬头的一个信号!

在这个事件中, CSIS和司法部长赤膊上阵, 环球邮报试水媒体, 以决定是否将BILL C51初试牛刀! 一旦哈珀政府起用BILL C551, 陈国治有口难辩, 那怕他是一个最守法的公民.

所以我是解决反对BILL C51的, 这个法案并没有多少反恐上的利益(加拿大的恐怖分子并没有到这种现在正常的法律无能为力的程度),相反, 这是一个破坏现行宪法与法律, 导致社会动荡与混乱的法案.

种族主义的幽灵在西方国家徘徊, 那是因为经济衰退。。但是加拿大能从多元文化中找出一条适合自己发展的道路.。。。种族主义对白人来说也是饮鸠止渴,最后只会破坏自己的美好家园.

而华人现在是许多白人种族分子的真正目标, 伊斯兰只是一个借口, 他们其实根本就不在乎他们。 所以确保BILL C51不施行, 关系到华人在加拿大的前途.。。。可惜的是, 联邦的自由党在这一点上反对不够坚决, 我们只能依赖于态度坚决的NDP了.

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发表于 2015-6-21 09:50:14 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-6-21 09:53:02 | 只看该作者


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