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【雅思口语】 话题积累是关键,脱口成章有秘诀 (二)

发表于 2014-9-25 16:21:59 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



11. The Art of the Steal (2009)

This documentary shows the lengths many people will gothrough to receive private property — in this case, several priceless pieces ofart — even if it means breaking apart a man’s clearly-written will. Watch it onNetflix.

12. The Imposter (2012)

This documentary, which feels more like a thriller, examinesa couple whose 13-year old son was found three years later in Spain. However,their “son” is clearly a man in his twenties — so for what reasons do theybelieve this man is their son? Watch it on Netflix.

13. Man on Wire (2008)

When Phillipe Petit strung a wire between the two WorldTrade Center buildings and walked across it without any safety measures, theworld was astounded. You can watch the man behind the feat on Netflix.

14. Inside 9/11 (2006)

Though it is painful to relive, this documentary examinesthe before, during and after of the deadliest terrorist attack on Americansoil.

15. A Film Unfinished (2010)

This documentary features an unfinished Nazi-produced filmfrom the 1940s. Lacking sound and a definitive ending, this film brings aneye-opening view on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Nazi reign. You can watch iton Hulu.

16. In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)

Featuring first-hand testimonies of the only men who setfoot on the moon, this documentary serves as a great reminder that there’s awhole universe outside our planet.

17. Titanic: The Final Word (2012)

Though James Cameron is known for his blockbuster films, hehas gone on more expeditions to the Titanic ruins than anyone else in theworld. This documentary examines the sinking and shed new light on the infamousdisaster. Watch it online here.

18. Solo (2008)

In 2007, Andrew McAuley began his journey to be the firstman to kayak from Tasmania to New Zealand. Recovered footage of his journeyexamines the man who was willing to risk his life to achieve this record. Youcan watch it on YouTube.

19. Touching the Void (2003)

Based on a book by the same name, this documentary shows theevents of two men who get separated while climbing the Andes. Hailed asone of the best British documentaries, it conducts interviews with the two menand features reenactments of the events. This is available on Amazon.

20. Blindsight (2006)

This inspiring story features a group of Tibetan blind boyswho, shunned by their family and community due to cultural stigma,climb the north side of Mount Everest. You can watch it on Hulu.

21. Gasland (2010)

This film answers questions many people have regardingfracking, while raising questions about why it’s happening today. You can watchit on YouTube.

22. Encounters at the End of the World (2007)

Antarctica has as much beauty and wonder to it as any otherpart of the world. This film shows the beauty of this land and the people whostudy it. You can watch it on Amazon.

23. Marley (2012)

Director Kevin Macdonald’s documentary takes a look intothis influential musicians life to examine why he’s still influential eventoday. You can watch it on Netflix.

24. 20 Feet from Stardom (2013)

Behind almost every singer is a group of backup singers.Watch a new perspective of singers  on Netflix.

25. Festival Express (2003)

Take a look at one of the biggest musical tours of 1970. Amust-see for any music lover, you can watch it here.

26. Senna (2010)

Known as one of the greatest sports documentaries, Sennauses footages from the ‘80s and ‘90s to tell the story of Aryton Senna. Hisfame as one of the greatest Formula One racers lives on. You can watch it onNetflix.

27. Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery (2012)

This documentary covers Russell Brand’s journey from addictto sobriety. Including facts about alcohol addiction and the mental and physicalstruggles he overcomes, his story can inspire anyone with similar addictions.You can watch it here.

28. Exit through the Gift Shop (2010)

Created by renowned graffiti artist Banksy, the film provesto be an interesting look at Los Angeles street art and the impact is has onthe people. You can watch it on Netflix.

29. Charles Manson: The Man Who Killed the Sixties (1994)

Charles Manson’s belief led to the creation of a cult-likefollowing who would go on to kill seven innocent people. Seeing the impact thisman had on people is astounding, especially when you realize what heencouraged. You can watch it online.

30. The Great American Cowboy (1973)

The winner of the 1973 Academy Award for Best Documentary,with plenty of action and thrills, you won’t look at the rodeo the same wayagain. You can watch it in four parts on YouTube.

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