Let me tell you who we have to defeat,” Mr. Ford says in the video
Gord Perks, Janet Davis, Adam Vaughan, Joe Mihevc, Sarah Doucette, Shelley Carroll, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Mike Layton, Kristyn Wong-Tam, and Paul Ainslie.
至少这十人不代表我们多伦多纳税人的利益,对应选区的选民要坚决把这些不代表我们纳税人的垃圾 10 city councillors选下去!!!
“There’s a bunch of pigs at the trough and they’re slopping up your money and they have it all over their face and it’s time to kick these guys out of the barn.”
这些10垃圾city councillors所在选区,别被这些垃圾city councillors选前BBQ小恩小惠所欺骗:
对就信息LINKS: http://app.toronto.ca/im/council/councillors.jsp