The poster you cited was actually talking about politics using religions as examples - Freedom of Speech is not religious, even though it's in essence about how to deal with religious disputes.
Anyway, I will leave this forum for a while. You can delete this thread if you like.
God bless you!
Chris388 发表于 2014-2-18 16:22
Good question. What is freedom of speech? There is certainly a fine line of it but what is that fine line?
Chris388 发表于 2014-2-18 15:58
我說修女產子是圣灵感孕, 这純粹是個人意見, 並無攻击任何宗教, 但有洋教徒看了覺得不舒服, 就搬出法律來恫嚇, 害得小牧慌忙删帖。
洋教徒得勢不饒人, 挾其战胜餘威, 發帖詆毀佛教, 叫人 “珍惜生命, 远離佛教”, 这是宗教歧視, 散播仇恨, 己經牴觸了法律, 老刘不得不把那帶有仇恨字句的帖子屏蔽, 並勒令改标題。
洋教徒竟然拿出Freedom of Speech做挡箭牌。看來, Freedom of Speech的意思是洋教徒可以肆無忌憚的詆毀其它宗教, 但別人發表言論, 毫無詆毀或攻击, 但只要自己不喜欢, 就有权恫嚇和阻止。
掛起基督教的招牌, 叫信徒集体自殺的例子还少嗎? 几時有人叫人 “珍惜生命, 远離基督教”? 美國一位牧師信了圣經所講, 真的以為藉着神的力量, 連毒蛇都不必畏懼,結果一命嗚呼, 評論者也只是說 “宗教狂热要了牧师老命”, 沒有叫人“珍惜生命, 远離基督教”。 |