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楼主: 胖小新
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发表于 2004-12-15 17:44:45 | 只看该作者
我找到一瓶,买了都一年半了,现在还没有坏,应该是真的吧 :confused: ——或是已经坏了,偶没有吃出来? :p

对了,泡沫挺了有五分钟了…… :slobber:
发表于 2004-12-15 18:50:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-12-15 19:02:34 | 只看该作者
金山牌恒顺制造镇江香醋 ;) ——没开玩笑
发表于 2004-12-15 20:16:14 | 只看该作者
自从出了龙口粉丝 问题以后我就不敢买中国来的食品了.
上次龙口粉丝问题暴露以后, 有朋友查询过加拿大海关检验进口食品的规定.加拿大海关只是"抽查检验"肉类和家禽类制品(注意他们只是抽查检验) 其他所有食品不在抽查检验之列(恋抽查检验都没有).
有个例子: 你们知道这里的黑市出售中国产香烟从那里来的么?
中国的香烟都可以大量混进来,没有加拿大海关的人查 瓶子装的食用醋跟家没有人管.
这里的有些中国人就会欺骗中国人. 这里是信息开放的社会.
加拿大海关要抽查的食品, 不相信我说的你们打个电话到海关问问吧.
发表于 2004-12-15 20:19:29 | 只看该作者
金山牌恒顺制造镇江香醋 ;) ——没开玩笑

发表于 2004-12-15 22:18:39 | 只看该作者

outcry to canadian government to protect

canadian custom only check VERY few samples.
one of the reasons we came here is to escape the fake/poisoned food in china. I do personally come across the fake/posioned food in toronto. fake/poisoned food not necessraily kill people but definitly affect your healthy, affect your child's growing, cause your unkonwn, long term, mysterious desease, for example trigger your diebity.

I 100% sure chinese fake/poisoned food already imported into canada. everybody, especially chinese affected. also there are lot of suspicious issues: for example there is a resturant close to pacific mall (resturant name pronounced as BAN MU TIAN) sell Sichuan food.   I went there one time and ordered a number of dishes. I know from chinese government,some of the food seasons are forbidden in china, due to their harmful effect for human body similiar to those drugs, but they taste good when add them in food, so the owner would like to use these illigel stuff to draw customers and make more money. I ate the food from BAN MU TIAN and immediately felt my mouth can not bare for it (not becuase the hot, I can bare very hot, not problem. it is because I haven't get use to its strong stimulant). I intuitively suspect its bad for the body. because healthy food, even it is delicious, human being can naturally bare it. but the food from that resturant is not, it need people get use to it. since I am not sure wheather it is legle or not I can do nothing for it. but definitly it is bad for my child. I myself will block such resturant for ever.

I think we (chinese) should outcry to canadian government to make special checking forall the food from those dangerous places such as (as far as I can know now only china). this is only the way we can hope to protect us from those food.

I guess we have to wait 4 to 5 generation (maybe never can)to purify china's current wide spread bad social moral that completely damaged by GCD's 50 years ruling.

we should really reflect ourselves, don't do those bad things, try not to break the basic moral line.
发表于 2005-2-10 10:15:34 | 只看该作者



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