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楼主: .黑.
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发表于 2013-11-12 13:19:25 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 13:26:29 | 只看该作者
苗大伟的市府, 麦坚迪的省府多加了多少税,  福特的市府多加了多少税, 俺的钱包知道的. 别跟我说福特跟苗大伟或麦坚迪比, 没给俺这样的草根省税. 俺的收入没法象TTC工会收入10几万的售票员那么高, 但交了多少税, 还是算得清的. 也许你进入精英收入了, 多交个10%的税没啥, 所以福特那样的有没有对你无所谓.
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-11-12 12:52

说事请不要以所谓的党派、政党为界限。你认为Rob Ford, Harper不属于“精英阶层”?事实上他们加上苗大伟、麦坚迪等等政客同属“精英阶层”。任何一个执政政党都是为其利益集团服务的。有些只是执政时间短,还来不及回馈他们的利益集团;但有的在其位时间长了就会贪污腐败、回馈利益集团。所以任何一个执政党在台上一届足也。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 13:33:08 | 只看该作者
加拿大is just about right.
I don't want Canada to be another European country.
loneshepherd 发表于 2013-11-12 13:10

加拿大的Gini Coefficient 过0.3,美国近0.4,中国大陆近0.6. 你是希望加拿大向美国还是向中国大陆靠近?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 13:34:50 | 只看该作者
说事请不要以所谓的党派、政党为界限。你认为Rob Ford, Harper不属于“精英阶层”?事实上他们加上苗大伟、麦坚迪等等政客同属“精英阶层”。任何一个执政政党都是为其利益集团服务的。有些只是执政时间短,还来不及回馈他们的利益集团;但有的在其位时间长了就会贪污腐败、回馈利益集团。所以任何一个执政党在台上一届足也。
老子 发表于 2013-11-12 13:26

不要混淆概念. 精英阶层不是没有区别, 就象政府工会和其他民众不是一伙人一样. 作为草根, 谁给俺省了税, 就支持谁, 所以支持Rob Ford和Harper. 讲到腐败, 自由党在安省11年来腐败不断, 几十亿腐败, 都要俺这样的草根出钱买单.  Harper们的腐败, 有几百万? 两害较其轻, 只能选保守党. 经济基础决定选票意向.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 13:39:26 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2013-11-12 13:50:26 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 老子 于 2013-11-12 14:08 编辑
不要混淆概念. 精英阶层不是没有区别, 就象政府工会和其他民众不是一伙人一样. 作为草根, 谁给俺省了税, 就支持谁, 所以支持Rob Ford和Harper. 讲到腐败, 自由党在安省11年来腐败不断, 几十亿腐败, 都要俺这样的草根出钱买单.  Harper们的腐败, 有几百万? 两害较其轻, 只能选保守党. 经济基础决定选票意向.
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-11-12 13:34

给你说一个事实吧。加拿大50%的人(中低收入) 所上的税占税收总额的2~3%, 而美国为1~2%。

“自由党在安省11年来腐败不断, 几十亿腐败, 都要俺这样的草根出钱买单”, 你这样的草根每年上多少税说说看?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 14:10:25 | 只看该作者
给你说一个事实吧。加拿大50%的人(中低收入) 所上的税占税收总额的2~3%老子 发表于 2013-11-12 13:50

你以为这是好事? 谁是纳税的主力, 其余50%里, 不是贵族工会也不是1%富人的中产阶级. 听说过中产阶级越来越萎缩吧, 往哪里萎缩, 中低收入方向. 谁是加税的最大受益者,  不是中低收入, 是政客和贵族工会, 安省教师平均时薪怎么成的78元? 谁是加税的最大受害者, 不是贵族工会的中产阶级. 你以为加税打击了中产阶级, 长期看, 中低收入生活会变好? 岢捐杂税, 更高比例的人税后成了中低收入, 更美好? 最后演变成中低收入和贵族工会两级, 中间阶层基本消灭, 那时你试试加税贵族工会怎么跟你玩命.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 14:31:18 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 老子 于 2013-11-12 14:32 编辑
你以为这是好事? 谁是纳税的主力, 其余50%里, 不是贵族工会也不是1%富人的中产阶级. 听说过中产阶级越来越萎缩吧, 往哪里萎缩, 中低收入方向. 谁是加税的最大受益者,  不是中低收入, 是政客和贵族工会, 安省教师平均时薪怎么成的78元? 谁是加税的最大受害者, 不是贵族工会的中产阶级. 你以为加税打击了中产阶级, 长期看, 中低收入生活会变好? 岢捐杂税, 更高比例的人税后成了中低收入, 更美好? 最后演变成中低收入和贵族工会两级, 中间阶层基本消灭, 那时你试试加税贵族工会怎么跟你玩命.
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-11-12 14:10


如果减税1%,高、中、低收入阶层谁降税的数额多?难道是只占税收总额2~3%(中低收入) 的50%加拿大的人?


Wealthiest 1% earn 10 times more than average Canadian


Canada's rich earn on average $381,300 a year and are mostly male, white and married.

For all the growing diversity the 2011 census and related surveys have portrayed in Canada, Wednesday's final release of data from the National Household Survey reveals a contrasting constant: the richest of the rich in Canada are married, middle-aged, white men.
The rest of us are up to our eyeballs in mortgage debt.
Statistics Canada has published the final batch of data from its new and controversial National Household Survey — the survey meant to stand in for the long-form census scrapped by the Conservatives in 2010. The release was delayed for a month because of a glitch in the agency's formulas.
It shows that the median family income in Canada is $76,000 — generally higher in the west than the east — while the median individual income is just $27,600. That means just as many individuals earn less than $27,600 as earn more.
The richest 10 per cent of individuals are making more than $80,400. And the very rich — the 272,600 individuals who make up the top one per cent — are all making more than $191,100.
Those people are making an average of $381,300 each, 10 times the average Canadian income of $38,700. The large discrepancy between the median and the average suggests there is a very small percentage of the super-rich.
A similar income gap was recently highlighted in the U.S. by an analysis of Internal Revenue Service data that found that the divide between the wealthiest one per cent and the rest is the biggest it has been since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The analysis, by economists from the University of California, Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University, found that the wealthiest one per cent saw their income increase by 31.4 per cent between 2009 and 2012 while the income of the 99 percent grew only by 0.4 per cent.Wealthy conform to traditional family structure
In Canada, the portrait of the rich differs starkly from the portrait of Canadians in general that has been exposed in previous releases of the census and NHS. Data up till now have shown an increasingly diverse population — aging, but also multi-racial, open to unconventional family structures, with women making huge strides in the workplace.
The rich, on the other hand, are a throwback to the old days: overwhelmingly male, between the ages of 45 and 54, almost always married or living in a common-law relationship.
Education clearly pays. Despite recent questioning of the value of university degrees, more than two thirds of the top one per cent had a university degree, compared to 20.9 per cent of the total population. And almost a quarter of those who had a university degree had found a way to work themselves into the top 10 per cent of income earners.
"The high income is really reflective of the old Canada, which is much less diverse," said Doug Norris, chief demographer at Environics Analytics.
But as immigrant populations become more established and as women gain ground in the workplace, the income data will slowly start to reflect the broader diversity of the population, he predicted.
"Over time, I think you'll see that diversity creeping in."Immigrants making more than median
Already, the NHS shows that second-generation immigrants are making far more money than the national median. And ethnic groups that are well-established in Canada, such as Japanese immigrants, are also well above the median.
As for the other end of the spectrum, the bottom 10 per cent of income earners tend to live in cities, especially Montreal. Low-income neighbourhoods are known for their high proportions of visible minorities and recent immigrants, and a preponderance of single parents.
While the national median annual income for a full-time worker is $50,699, the median for a visible-minority worker is just $45,128. For a First Nations full-time worker, the median income is $41,684.
The highest income in Canada is found in the Alberta oilsands in the census agglomeration known as Wood Buffalo, which  takes in the city of Fort McMurray and surrounding communities, where median family income is $186,782.
It's almost impossible, however, to figure out from the data whether income inequality has increased since the last census in 2006. The government agency refuses to discuss history, and the data released on Wednesday was interspersed with large boxes of warnings not to undertake amateur comparisons.
That's because the NHS data was collected in a voluntary survey that likely has a bias in favour of higher income respondents while the 2006 census was a mandatory survey with fewer biases. Tables buried in a technical document show some measures of poverty climbing over the past five years while another set of tables shows it falling.
"In here, we start with the premise we're not doing trends," said Brian Murphy, a special adviser on income for Statistics Canada. "The NHS, to me, is one piece of the puzzle."69% of households own home
Norris crunched some of the numbers himself and adjusted for inflation, finding that median family income climbed by about six per cent nationally between the last census and now. The biggest leap was in the Fort McMurray, where median family income jumped 33 per cent. Families in St. John's saw their median incomes rise 18 per cent over the five years.
Statistics Canada does, however, venture to make some basic historical comparisons when it comes to mortgage debt and home ownership.
The NHS shows that 69 per cent of households in Canada own their home, up only slightly from the 2006 census after a long, historical climb in home ownership.
Canadians have paid a price for their tendency to buy instead of rent.
More than 25.2 per cent of households are spending more than 30 per cent of their income on shelter, surpassing the standard measure for having an affordable home. That's up slightly from 24.9 per cent in 2006.
Of those living in an unaffordable home, 83 per cent of them were saddled with a mortgage.
Overall, 58.6 per cent of homeowners were still paying off their mortgages according to the 2011 survey. That's up from 57.9 per cent in 2006 and 55.2 in 2001. In 1991, it was 51.5 per cent.
Toronto was the most costly city to maintain a home, at $1,366 a month, while Trois-Rivières, Que., was the cheapest at $697.

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发表于 2013-11-12 14:37:16 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 rocky28 于 2013-11-12 14:52 编辑

哈馞"力陈对“精英”集团反感". 对哪个“精英”集团反感呢? 愿闻其详!

“精英”集团开始没落啦? 阿呢陀佛!哈尼路亚!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 14:46:30 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 rocky28 于 2013-11-12 15:13 编辑

不过“精英”集团真的式微了吗? 他们的大麻事业搞得有声有色, "同志"运动也稳步前进, 公校教育也基本搞完.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 15:04:24 | 只看该作者
回复 10# lightblue99

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 15:04:46 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 15:51:14 | 只看该作者
骑驴看唱本走着瞧,到目前为止,文中所提的政策都还不错 ,值得肯定。

- 此帖来自无忧论坛手机版
辣翻天 发表于 2013-11-12 09:58 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 15:53:53 | 只看该作者
政府工会的收入和普通百姓的差距越来越大. 普通百姓是除了收入不涨, 什么都涨, 税收更是节节高. 政府工会除去通货膨胀, 收入也是增加的, 10几万收入的TTC售票员不再是个别奇闻了. 为什么会出现这种不可思议的越来越大的收入差距, 看看政府工会罢工的程度和频率, 对百姓生活的伤害, 还有自由党和NDP这些左翼政党对政府工会的大力支持, 还有普通百姓的沉默(只有政府工会成千上万人上街抗议加薪幅度不满意. 鲜有普通百姓上街抗议税收太重, 实际收入变相减少). 保守党限制政府工会, 试图降低他们的高福利, 向普通百姓看齐, 确实符合大多数人的利益. 因为政府工会多拿一分钱, 普通百姓就要多交一分钱的税, 穷人用税收补贴富人.
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-11-12 10:01 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-12 17:51:50 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 BL666 于 2013-11-12 18:25 编辑
政府工会的收入和普通百姓的差距越来越大. 普通百姓是除了收入不涨, 什么都涨, 税收更是节节高. 政府工会除去通货膨胀, 收入也是增加的, 10几万收入的TTC售票员不再是个别奇闻了. 为什么会出现这种不可思议的越来越大的收入差距, 看看政府工会罢工的程度和频率, 对百姓生活的伤害, 还有自由党和NDP这些左翼政党对政府工会的大力支持, 还有普通百姓的沉默(只有政府工会成千上万人上街抗议加薪幅度不满意. 鲜有普通百姓上街抗议税收太重, 实际收入变相减少). 保守党限制政府工会, 试图降低他们的高福利, 向普通百姓看齐, 确实符合大多数人的利益. 因为政府工会多拿一分钱, 普通百姓就要多交一分钱的税, 穷人用税收补贴富人.
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-11-12 10:01

本周四11月14日上午11:00,大家都去省长Kathleen Wynne选区办公室795号Eglisnton Ave East,参加抗议集会,要求增加最低工资到$14





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