• 实时天气:多伦多
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楼主: 乐 乐


发表于 2006-2-17 10:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


你介绍的http://www.goodtv.com.tw/programs/SC/index.phtml :打不开,
发表于 2006-2-23 21:29:48 | 显示全部楼层


(11) brass ring :
這是指成功的機遇或得獎的機會。(an opportunity to get success or a chance to win a reward)
(本來是指騎 merry-go-round 時,誰能取得「黃銅圓環」(brass ring),就可得到一次 free ride)
If you can get the brass ring , don't lose the chance.
Many people have tried hard to get the brass ring.
To find the brass ring is what he is striving for.
(What = all that)
In business Mr. A is trying to grab the brass ring.
Mr. Lee missed the brass ring at the last election.
(因為得獎或成功機會,每次多半只有一次,所以 ring 一般不用複數。)

(12) busman's holiday :
這是指一個人在休閒假日時,仍然照常做他平時相同的工作。(one spends leisure time or holiday doing one's same work)
(源自開 bus 的人,在空閒時,仍然開著汽車去玩。)
The construction worker Mr. B still likes to spend a busman's holiday working on his house.
(建築工人 B 先生喜歡休閒時在家修建房子。)
The social director is planning a family picnic as a busman's holiday.

(13)brown bagger :
指自帶午餐的上班者。(one who brings one's own lunch)
(這本來是指英國學生帶 brown 顏色的手提箱或袋子。但在美國係指上班族用 brown 紙袋自帶午餐。)
Many brown baggers eat lunch in their staff room.
In order to be more economical, many employees in this company are brown baggers.
Prior to his retirement , Mr. A was a brown bagger for years.
He is brown bagging ( his lunch ) today.

(14) bum steer :
係指錯誤的指導或靠不住的指點。(bad advice or misleading information)
Mr. Bush gave American people a bum steer in the Iraq War.
A bum steer may lead a person to a wrong decision.
What a bum steer you have given to this teen-ager!

(15) cash cow :
這是商業上的用語。意思是經常而可靠的經濟來源。(a regular and dependable source of income in business)
Mr. A owns two restaurants ; one of which is a cash cow.
(A 先生有兩家餐館,其中一家經常有可靠的金錢收入。)
Among so many departments in his company, which one will be a cash cow?
Mr. B depends on his cash cow for a regular income from his manual work.
(B 先生靠他勞力的工作,而得到定時的收入。)

(16) cheap shot :
指在口頭上或身體上做不公平的攻擊。(unfair attack , verbally or physically)
(這本來是用在 sport 方面,指暗中向沒有準備的對手攻擊,也就是偷偷摸摸的犯規動作。)
If you were in his shoes, you would not give him a cheap shot.
(in someone's shoes是指站在某人的立場,或了解某人的實際情形。)
There are so many cheap shots in the election campaign; how do the voters know which is true?
Quite a few politicians in Taiwan exchange cheap shots during the election.
发表于 2006-2-23 21:33:03 | 显示全部楼层


(17) clinging vine :
(a very dependent person , usually refers to a woman)
(動詞 cling 意思是纏住、粘住或依附。其時態是:clung , clung , clinging ;也就是像爬藤植物那樣的纏住。)
Linda quitted her job after her marriage and became a clinging vine.
(Linda 結婚後辭去工作,後來變成依靠老公了。)
(quit 的動詞時態:quitted , quitted , quitting)
You have to let your better-half make some decisions to avoid her being a clinging vine.
Mr. B spoils his wife so much that she has been a clinging vine for years.

(18) close ranks :
(to work and unite together ; to move the ranks together)
Chinese people will hardly earn the world's respect unless they close ranks without internal fights.
All Americans know how to close ranks in their national interest.
The only way for a country to be powerful is to close ranks among its citizens.
(以上三句的 close 都是動詞。)

(19) big cheese :
(the boss or a VIP ; a powerful person)= big boss與 big shot , big gun 或 big wheel 意義相同。
Don't act like a big cheese among your workers.
Many people try so hard in order to become the big cheese.
(因為頭子通常只有一個,所以 cheese 仍用單數。)
Do you feel like a fish out of water when you are associated with all big wheels ?
(在此用big wheels,指一般性的許多大人物。)

(20) command
performance :
(a person must attend a certain special occasion)
When your boss invites you for a dinner , it can be a command performance.
As a committee chairperson, he always considers it a command performance to attend the meeting.
(句中的 it,係指 "to attend the meeting" 這件事,不可省去。)
It seems a command performance for a father to give his daughter away at her wedding.
(to give her away=to walk her down the aisle)
发表于 2006-2-24 09:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-2-24 10:33:16 | 显示全部楼层

学海无涯ma. :
发表于 2006-2-24 21:12:06 | 显示全部楼层

学海无涯ma. :


春天有數 ha

发表于 2006-2-26 23:38:55 | 显示全部楼层



(rules of friendship):
A friend you cannot count on is no friend at all.

Speak well of friends or else don't speak at all.

Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.
或:Make new friends but keep the old one; new friend is silver and old one is gold.

What are friends for if I can't help?

Don't thank me; that is what friends are for.

You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

Being nice to friends is better than being hostile.
(hostile 後面省去 to friends)

Don't try to upstage your friends.
(upstage = outshine 比…更出色,使相形見絀。)

True friends visit you in prosperity by invitation, but in adversity they come without being asked.

True friendship is so precious it should not be discard-ed lightly.
(it 指 friendship)

We should look for the good in our friends and compliment them.

There is give-and-take in all friendships , but it is supposed to be a two-way street.

A one-way friendship will not last too long.

True friends do not show off or put each other down. They build each other up and support each other in time of need.

Be a buddy, not a bully!

Why be a bully when you can be a friend.

Take the high road and forgive friends.

( high road = right way ; low road = wrong way,也就是反對他人。)

Be absolutely up-front with your friends.

(up-front = direct and honest)
Try not to pick a bone with your friends.

( pick a bone = argue or debate)
You will not understand your friend's problem until you walk a mile in his/her shoes.
(除非站在朋友的立場, 否則你是無法理解他的問題。)

True friends will listen with their ears and then speak from their hearts.

Visiting a friend's home, remember to respect the privacy of your friend and recognize you are a guest.

It is impolite to ask your American friend to take off shoes at your home.

Any gossip will put friendship in jeopardy.

Do not ask your American friend's personal questions such as salary , age, house price or car payment, etc.

Everyone appreciates being complimented, but you need not go overboard.

Many Americans respect other's opinion, but do not appreciate being offered unsolicited.

Friendship should be based on (upon) mutual respect.

People will be irritated by unannounced friends who pop in without calling first.

Don't be too intimate with your friends because some-times ?珧too thick does not stick.?珣

Try to avoid discussing politics and religion when socializing with friends.

Two possible ways to strain a friendship are to live together or to borrow money.

When you are a house-guest, you are supposed to fit into the lifestyle of your host.

Never wear out your welcome as Ben Franklin said,?珧Fish and friends stink in three days.?

(wear out 與 outstay 或 overstay 意思相似,都是指逗留超過時間。your welcome是指朋友給你的歡迎。)

The six-letter combination for friend is Forgiving, Respect , Inspiration , Ever-lasting , Never-ending and Dedication.
发表于 2006-2-27 21:24:49 | 显示全部楼层



(rules of friendship):
A friend you cannot count on is no friend at all.
Speak well of friends or else don't speak at all.

The six-letter combination for friend is Forgiving, Respect , Inspiration , Ever-lasting , Never-ending and Dedication.
发表于 2006-2-27 21:31:56 | 显示全部楼层
顶个。Vic 的帖子都很实用,英语又地道。嗯,赞哪。
发表于 2006-2-27 23:58:32 | 显示全部楼层
仰望VicChu 赐教。

发表于 2006-2-28 00:12:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-2-28 21:31:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-1 07:28:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-1 08:37:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-1 14:27:11 | 显示全部楼层
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