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楼主: pjwyx
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康尼:检举海外逃税 家人可领奖金

发表于 2013-3-23 19:22:01 | 只看该作者

康尼:检举海外逃税 家人可领奖金

本帖最后由 zeak 于 2013-3-23 20:35 编辑
加拿大是不是也想开风闻言事了,呵呵. 有些人或许是为了得奖金,或许借机抱私怨,肯定会有举报的. 要离婚的夫妻,如果财产达不到共识的话,不知道会不会出现举报对方,鱼死网破的情况,得不到财产至少可以赚点奖金.

elea 发表于 2013-3-23 18:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    那些偷漏税有海外资产的人享受的是加拿大福利,那钱是所有纳税人的钱,可那些有海外收入的人,比加拿大大多数人有钱,他们既然来加拿大就要 遵守加拿大法律,要不他就不要来,现在也可以走,没人逼他们.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-23 22:24:04 | 只看该作者

康尼:检举海外逃税 家人可领奖金

本帖最后由 jzh 于 2013-3-23 23:25 编辑

How to report suspected tax evasion
You can report suspected tax evasion over the Internet or by contacting the Informant Leads Centre. Your identity will not be disclosed and you may provide information anonymously.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-23 22:26:10 | 只看该作者

康尼:检举海外逃税 家人可领奖金

What to tell us
Tax information is confidential, so please contact us in person, by phone, or by regular mail (but not by email).
The following information will help us determine whether we should undertake an investigation, audit, or other action.
We realize you may not have all the suggested information. However, the more details you provide, the sooner we can take the appropriate action.
Information the CRA finds helpful
?        names and contact information for the person or people you suspect
o        this can include address, phone, email, and so on
?        social insurance number (SIN)
?        date of birth
?        spouse's name
?        business name
?        names of shareholders if a corporation is involved
?        related companies
?        type of fraud you suspect:
o        income tax
o        provincial tax
o        GST/HST
o        non-filing
o        fraudulent refunds
o        Canada Child Tax Benefit
o        Universal Child Care Benefit
?        details of your observations
?        documents: have you seen documents? do you know where they're kept?
?        does the person deal in cash only? what's done with that cash?
?        net worth information
o        assets, including those outside Canada (cash, name and address of banks, house, land, cottage, vehicles, boats, etc.)
o        liabilities (loans, mortgages, credit cards, etc.)
o        personal expenditures (food, housing, trips, restaurants, hobbies, etc.)
?        your name and phone number (optional)
o        If we require more information, can we contact you?
If you have information about a suspected violation of any tax law, please contact the CRA National Informant Leads Centre.
And please remember...
?        You don't have to give us your name if you prefer to remain anonymous.
?        The CRA will not release information about specific cases because of the confidentiality requirements of our legislation.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-24 11:45:37 | 只看该作者




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