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楼主: 邴醉山
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发表于 2012-1-15 14:19:20 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-1-17 14:31:56 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-1-18 09:31:50 | 只看该作者
I would like to say something in Chinese, but my pc just won't switch to Chinese input. Sorry for those who are picky and perfect in English to bare my non perfect english. I read all the above comments, only a couple people's comments make sense to me. For those who complain of the emergency too slow, please understand that emergency is for emergency cases, like life threadenling cases only. There's only a few hospitals in the city, the resource is so limited. Please don't abuse and waste our resource for non emerge case like cold and flu simptoms. The doctors can't do anything for cold and flu, except your own body. Please do some research on the cold and flu on the internet. In china, if doctors prescribe IV (IV fluid is only salt and water, may has some glucose. it's only for dehydration if you can't drink and eat by yourself) and medication for your cold and flu,  i really don't know what it is for. i guess it' is for the money in your pockets and psychologically make  you feel better.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-18 14:09:02 | 只看该作者
I would like to say something in Chinese, but my pc just won't switch to Chinese input. Sorry for those who are picky and perfect in English to bare my non perfect english. I read all the above comments, only a couple people's comments make sense to me. For those who complain of the emergency too slow, please understand that emergency is for emergency cases, like life threadenling cases only. There's only a few hospitals in the city, the resource is so limited. Please don't abuse and waste our resource for non emerge case like cold and flu simptoms. The doctors can't do anything for cold and flu, except your own body. Please do some research on the cold and flu on the internet. In china, if doctors prescribe IV (IV fluid is only salt and water, may has some glucose. it's only for dehydration if you can't drink and eat by yourself) and medication for your cold and flu,  i really don't know what it is for. i guess it' is for the money in your pockets and psychologically make  you feel better.
hongchen 发表于 2012-1-18 09:31 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Try this, then copy/paste

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发表于 2012-1-20 21:37:50 | 只看该作者
回复 49# aaazzz
在加拿大, 大多家庭医生都是无所不能也不精。对于成人来说有什么不适找家庭医生也许可行,但对儿童,建议还是找个专看儿科的clinic。我女儿就是由于家庭医生的误诊最终导致成肺炎。不过这边医院的急诊处理还是惊人的高效。当我直接送女儿到医院后,不到半个小时所有的一切都处置妥当 - 门诊初查,儿科医生复查,拍片,氧气,吊瓶,住院。 一旦住院,这边的条件那真是国内无法相比的。 我女儿住院那2个礼拜,医院每天提供三顿饮食给陪护人,医生每天早上解释病情,每天抽血化验孩子身体的营养状况而随时添加。快出院的几天送给孩子很多书和绒毛玩具,还有volunteer来陪孩子玩各种小游戏,当我在医院楼下pharmacy花70多元买了一个吸药用的工具时,一个大夫让我退掉并免费送了一个,他们真的是非常非常地好包括护士, 我真的是非常感激他们,也感激加拿大,这是在国内我们大多普通人想都想不到的。我们生活在这里不需要大小事都要很快得到满足,只要在最危急的关头能得到最有效的帮助,这才是我们最需要的。

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发表于 2012-1-20 22:20:41 | 只看该作者

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