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加国无忧每日新闻精要 - 2011年10月4日

发表于 2011-10-4 11:51:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


警方发图追缉亚裔性侵疑犯;12年级高中生不少人喝酒吸大麻;加股今天再跌380点;密市市长涉利益冲突拒绝辞职;全国车保费安省最高;市中心发生2宗伤人案。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2011-10-4
History repeats itself
http://media.mmgcommunity.topscms.com/images/4e/c7/2bfc05b24b198df7202c0c27d562.jpg Second time around. Mayor Hazel McCallion addresses the press after the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry report was released yesterday. Behind her are (from left) Ron Starr and Jim Tovey, two new councillors who she supported in the last municipal election. Staff photo by Fred Loek

Justice Douglas Cunningham's decision yesterday marks the second time a judge has ruled Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion was in a conflict of interest for mixing personal business with city politics.
She barely escaped with her job the first time, but went on to become, arguably, the country's most popular municipal leader.
In 1982, McCallion was in tears after a County Court found her guilty of broad violations of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. The Ontario Court of Appeal later upheld the ruling, but despite an argument to have her removed from office, which the violations warranted, she was allowed to keep her job.
The judge ruled she had violated four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act but did not remove her from office, saying she had made a "bona fide error in judgement."
Among other things, McCallion had tried to influence a councillor who had sided with City staff who were recommending different tracts of land from which the mayor would not have profited.
McCallion's immediate reaction to the original decision was to say she would still win her fourth term as mayor in the election just a few months away. Of course, she did.
She now faces a much steeper challenge as criticism of the once-untouchable mayor mounts.
With the City facing a hefty tax hike and development dollars dwindling, critics question her close ties to the industry and poor planning controlled by the private sector.
Since the municipal election almost a year ago, the balance of power on City Council has shifted, dampening the report's impact on her.
With council now comfortably in her control again, residents will have to wait to see what impact the two-year, $7 million inquiry will have on the woman at its centre.
发表于 2011-10-4 17:44:45 | 显示全部楼层
The sick bastard

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