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楼主: torontokevin
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安省禁止TTC罢工 工会愤怒 市民拍手

发表于 2011-4-5 11:57:43 | 只看该作者
This kind of legislature must come from a request from the city first. Do you think David Miller would send such a request to the province?
Have a brain.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-5 12:44 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

你是说罪过不在安省自由党,而是多市NDP。所以安省自由党立了这法也不是怕“vast Torontonians”,因为他们一直都想立这法,只是多市没“send such a request to the province". :laugh:

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发表于 2011-4-6 11:53:42 | 只看该作者

安省禁止TTC罢工 工会愤怒 市民拍手

你是说罪过不在安省自由党,而是多市NDP。所以安省自由党立了这法也不是怕“vast Torontonians”,因为他们一直都想立这法,只是多市没“send such a request to the province".
aaazzz 发表于 2011-4-5 12:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Now Ford sent the request to the province, and the Liberals was not keen initially. Then Ford threatened an anti-Liberal campaign during the coming election, and that is how the legislation was passed. Do you really believe the Liberals has any capitals to deny a request from a super popular major from a mega city of one third of total population in a election year?
    Again go get a brain.

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发表于 2011-4-6 13:12:35 | 只看该作者
Now Ford sent the request to the province, and the Liberals was not keen initially. Then Ford threatened an anti-Liberal campaign during the coming election, and that is how the legislation was passed. Do you really believe the Liberals has any capitals to deny a request from a super popular major from a mega city of one third of total population in a election year?
    Again go get a brain.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-6 12:53 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我本来也可以要你“go get a brain”,但觉得太没意思了。辩论归辩论。
你说上次自由党赢得多数席位(简直就是大获全胜),自由党同意了什么“request from super popular major from a mega city of one third of total population”,而得到这么多vast Torontonians票?加了医疗保险税吧?

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发表于 2011-4-6 13:40:30 | 只看该作者

安省禁止TTC罢工 工会愤怒 市民拍手

本帖最后由 法官 于 2011-4-6 14:45 编辑
你是说罪过不在安省自由党,而是多市NDP。所以安省自由党立了这法也不是怕“vast Torontonians”,因为他们一直都想立这法,只是多市没“send such a request to the province".
aaazzz 发表于 2011-4-5 12:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Now Ford sent the request to the province, and the Liberals was not keen initially. Then Ford threatened an anti-Liberal campaign during the coming election, and that is how the legislation was passed. Do you really believe the Liberals has any capitals to deny a request from a super popular major from a mega city of one third of total population in a election year?
    Again go get a brain.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-6 12:53 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

这个事情就不要争了. 福特竞选市长时就许偌将TTC变为基本服务禁止罢工, 而自由党省府的前副省长史振民(也是洋人)来选市长时根本没提禁止TTC罢工, 某种程度上是自由党省府对TTC的态度.

福特上台后很快在市议会提议将TTC变为基本服务禁止罢工, 左派议员找各种理由反对, 辩论激烈, 开到夜里福特自掏腰包请开会的市议员边吃pizza边继续辩论, 最后以差别不太大的的多数通过了将TTC变为基本服务的议案, 交省议会表决.

之后省府对新的市政府在多个事情上不太合作的态度, 福特曾威胁要发起反自由党的运动, 面对民意支持率高的福特和大多数多伦多市民支持将TTC变为基本服务禁止罢工, 自由党占多数的省议会才通过了将TTC变为基本服务禁止罢工. 可以说福特是禁止TTC罢工的最大"黑手".

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发表于 2011-4-6 17:52:39 | 只看该作者
我本来也可以要你“go get a brain”,但觉得太没意思了。辩论归辩论。
你说上次自由党赢得多数席位(简直就是大获全胜),自由党同意了什么“request from super popular major from a mega city of one third of total population”,而得到这么多vast Torontonians票?加了医疗保险税吧?
aaazzz 发表于 2011-4-6 14:12 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

You don't know the national politics, you don't know the provincial politics, and you don't know the politics of the city of Toronto. You do have one thing, courage. 所谓无知无畏像为你量身订做的

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