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楼主: 熊熊燃烧
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发表于 2010-6-3 10:02:33 | 只看该作者
赶快在网上发起签名活动,联名要求政府彻查这家医院的所有服务,不能让他们再这样肆无忌惮的杀人!要治他们,光在网上骂他们是没有用的,要按加国的游戏规则来 办!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-6-3 18:37:49 | 只看该作者
Comments on the case in Scarborough Grace Hospital
Sorry that I am unable to type in Chinese. Instead, I write it in English. Apologize for any inconvenience.

I understand the situation that Dream's wife faces. It is very hard and sad to lose hunband in so young age. Deepest sympathy to Dream's family.

We are all immigrants from China. Everybody experiences hard time to fit into Canada. It is very unfortunate for dream and his family.

We might live and work in different places so that we could look at something differently. In this case, we should calmly think about the healthcare system in Canada. Statistics show that Canadians are more healthy than Americans even though Canadians pay almost nothing for health care, compared with Americans. Any hospital may make mistakes. Here, I provide some information for this case.
Actually, the hospital and doctors aggressively treated Dream, and relevant doctors and nurses explained to Dream's wife twice in Chinese regarding posibility of Cancer on the first encounter. The hospital also initiated the arrangement for cancer treatment. Maybe, Dream's disease deteriorated so fast that no time to catch up the treatment. I do not want to find excuses for the hospital, just give you some information to think about.

Once again, deepest sympathy to Dream's family.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-6-4 15:23:51 | 只看该作者


你说对了,不光是这间医院的问题,是安省卫生厅对这些事根本不追究,没有一个监督机制,在安省想打医疗官司是很难的, 除非左腿的病锯了右腿,无法抵赖了,律师会接你的案子。如果我告诉你,在法厅提供假证仍然可以做政府的高级任命人选,你信吗?在这里和地球上任何地方没什么不同,要不你有权,要不你有钱,否则,你只有忍气吞声。信不信由你。

使用道具 举报

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