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请高手指点, 帮忙翻译这句

发表于 2010-4-5 06:56:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-5 05:59 编辑
海外有孤忠 发表于 2010-4-5 04:16

"写的英语如此地道".... what are you doing to me? Are you trying to get me into trouble all over again ?

You and 二握不是好鸟 !! :thumbd:

"比张璐的英语水平高" ? I don't think so, besides she looks much better than me; that's what really counts.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-5 07:56:27 | 显示全部楼层
同胞们,是不是懂英语香港人就可以在51放P,是不是懂英语白人就可以玩弄中华女儿???? 我看到的现实世界似乎如此。

鸟人利用英语趁势高高在上的指指点点,楼主要求翻译If you have no regrets, you  need to get out more.是翻译啊,既是把英语变成汉语,不是叫我们去吹牛。


鸟人(7楼)带出COME OUT 和LGBT。同胞们,无论你的英语有多好或多坏,这句说话哪里和同性恋拉上那门关系,不要鸟人说英语他就可以在51放屁。

鸟人再在8楼评论之前两人的跟帖,原文是see 7# above,原来世界有7#,不是#7,长知识了,在9楼对Masoncarbo指点,活像个领导,鸟人说英语就指挥你们去翻译,他可笑不过国人可怜。

楼主是第一个反击的,他用字是you are ridiculous,直指鸟人荒谬,楼主要的是Be More Social,也引经据典说他的理由。楼住是个很有礼貌的人,他谢谢每一个跟帖,包括鸟人。

鸟人在12楼大言不惭地问楼主有没有读过他写地帖子,GET OUT和LGBT才是only sensible interpretation,他也会挑战不同意他的人。这种高高在上语气,是因为他说英语,所以楼主要但鸟人不用不用引经据典。最后再来一句,你们不听话,拉倒啦下课了(OK, end of my English lesson for the day) 。鸟人说的,他来51是替你们上英语课。真的他说英语就可以在51放屁,白人说英语也如何,是不是我们要送上女儿。



7 号在15楼出现,同胞们你们可以又1楼看到15楼,用你们的英语水平自己看这句和同性恋有啥关系,再看看鸟人的嘴脸。我就是那句,是不是说英语就可以放屁,就可以高高在上????

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发表于 2010-4-5 08:09:02 | 显示全部楼层
"写的英语如此地道".... what are you doing to me? Are you trying to get me into trouble all over again ?

You and 二握不是好鸟 !!  

"比张璐的英语水平高" ? I don't think so, besides she looks much better than me; that's what really counts.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-5 07:56


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发表于 2010-4-5 08:30:23 | 显示全部楼层

起初鸟人是跟其他人吵,鸟人高高在上的说他的英语是本地人说的英语,是native是 first language,不像国人再这里学的不三不四,他说的一定是对的。

根据鸟人在不同帖子说的和他的英语表达方式,鸟人的英语不是first language,他英语没有first language那种基础,说白了,鸟人其实是个香港人,在香港接受小学中学基础教育,如果他在香港读大学,应该是80年代以前的大学生,那时候香港大学生英语水平较高。

为什么要扮ABC,离开中国久了就不懂电脑输入法,这个是BS,任何大陆人都知道中国未有电脑以前已经有拼音,中文输入法是基于拼音法,中港台三地就只有香港没有教拼音法,任何大陆人台湾人只要上过两三年学就一定学会拼音法,香港人就不会,加上香港人没有普通话基础,学习拼音法难上加难。不懂拼音法香港人只会写英语(新一代香港人97后已经学拼音法,所以有能力在电脑写中文) 。鸟人扮ABC是要加强他的英语霸权。

当我看见鸟人扮ABC,我是第一个指出他英语错误,是中式英语,鸟人态度是我说的是native first language英语,你们不懂的。怎么啦,说英语我们就不懂,就不可以挑战英语人说的东西,不是英语霸权是什么!!!!如果公司里的加拿大都用这中态度,我们还要活下去吗,还要种族平等吗。



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发表于 2010-4-5 08:35:15 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2010-4-5 08:52:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 weinberger 于 2010-4-5 11:20 编辑

7 hao, 鸟人 already admitted the reason for him to use English here is that he is not familiar with Chinese word processors, not that he wants to teach anybody an English lesson. Choosing to use which language is simply a personal preference. It does not make anybody better or worse than other people. I don't think the reason for you to use Chinese here is to teach anybody a Chinese lesson.
I have exchanged some arguments with 鸟人, and I don't think he uses a condescending tone towards people whose English is not as good as his. Not sure why you have such a feeling.
You like to point out mistakes in our English, yes, our English is not as good as the native people, yes, we speak Chinese-English sometime, but so what? If we choose to avoid using English because we are not so good at it, it would be a huge mistake. On the contrary, we must constantly practise our Engish since this is the only way to improve it. This is the lesson that I learned in a hard way.


起初鸟人是跟其他人吵,鸟人高高在上的说他的英语是本地人说的英语,是native是 first language,不像国人再这里学的不三不四,他说的一定是对的。

7 hao 发表于 2010-4-5 09:30

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发表于 2010-4-5 09:34:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 7 hao 于 2010-4-5 10:37 编辑
7 hao, 鸟人 already admitted the reason for him to use English here is that he is not familiar with Chinese word processors, not that he wants to teach anybody an English lesson. Choosing to use which language is simply a personal preference. It does not make anybody better or worse than other people. I don't think the reason for you to use Chinese here is to teach anybody a Chinese lesson.
I have exchanged some arguments with 鸟人, and I don't think he uses a condescending tone towards people whose English is not as good as his. Not sure why you have such a feeling.
You like to point out mistakes in our English, yes, our English is not as good as the native people, yes, we speak Chinese-English sometime, but so what? If we choose to avoid using English because we are not so good at it, it would be a huge mistake. On the contrary, we must constantly practise our Engish since this is the only way to improve it. This is the lession that I learned in a hard way.
weinberger 发表于 2010-4-5 09:52 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

你都系香港人,我就同你狗啽广东话,你话鸟人吴系高高在上,D英文好就四围濑屎濑尿甘同人上堂,距大佬老几啊???同人吴对嘴型一个发老脾就OK, end of my English lesson for the day, 甘呢D吴系英语霸权主义又系狗啽你地伤港人玩晒距啦。吴识电脑打字会吴会学啊,入到泥大陆人地头系吴系要拜拜地主,囖住D英文系度认屎认屁,就系英语霸权主义。


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发表于 2010-4-5 09:44:53 | 显示全部楼层
海外有孤忠 发表于 2010-4-5 07:09

I was just kidding you, trying to inject a little humor into a tense situation. Don't read too much into my remarks.  :O


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发表于 2010-4-5 09:52:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-5 08:55 编辑
7 hao, 鸟人 already admitted the reason for him to use English here is that he is not familiar with Chinese word processors, not that he wants to teach anybody an English lesson. Choosing to use which language is simply a personal preference. It does not make anybody better or worse than other people. I don't think the reason for you to use Chinese here is to teach anybody a Chinese lesson.
I have exchanged some arguments with 鸟人, and I don't think he uses a condescending tone towards people whose English is not as good as his. Not sure why you have such a feeling.
You like to point out mistakes in our English, yes, our English is not as good as the native people, yes, we speak Chinese-English sometime, but so what? If we choose to avoid using English because we are not so good at it, it would be a huge mistake. On the contrary, we must constantly practise our Engish since this is the only way to improve it. This is the lession that I learned in a hard way.
weinberger 发表于 2010-4-5 07:52

Spot on! You are alright, good buddy; hitting the nasty stubborn nail on its over-inflated egotistic hard head a few times.

知我者, Weinberger也 !

I refuse to sink that low. I shall not respond to all that nonsense. :O

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发表于 2010-4-5 11:22:08 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-4-5 11:25:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-4-5 11:30:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 7 hao 于 2010-4-5 12:31 编辑



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发表于 2010-4-5 11:35:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-4-5 11:39:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-4-5 11:42:46 | 显示全部楼层

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