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楼主: 卉樱果
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发表于 2009-5-9 01:22:44 | 只看该作者
Mr. Sedona:

there are more chinese than others 和 there are many more chinese than others 意思不是太一样吧? also

to avoid speaking chinese aloud while there are people who don't speak chinese present 和 to avoid speaking chinese aloud when there are people who don't understand chinese but are part of the group (but may not present at the moment)意思也不太一样吧?

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发表于 2009-5-9 10:31:19 | 只看该作者

There Are Much More Chinese...

是不对的。there are more chinese than others 和 there are many more chinese than others 意思不太一样,但都是对的。

无论如何,建议在这个论坛里还是说汉语(也有人叫[U]讲中文[/U] )吧!

Mr. Sedona:

there are more chinese than others 和 there are many more chinese than others 意思不是太一样吧? also

to avoid speaking chinese aloud while there are people who don't speak chinese present 和 to avoid speaking chinese aloud when there are people who don't understand chinese but are part of the group (but may not present at the moment)意思也不太一样吧?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-9 15:10:17 | 只看该作者
在51网上应该主要用中文,说起话来,骂起人来,发牢骚也过隐. 特别是一般性的发表看法,用chinese english让人看了不舒服,又别扭,又费劲,有时甚至让人莫名其妙. 更可恶的是让人潜移默化地强化chinglish. 就象香港英语在香港人中一代代强化,下传那样恶劣.

但有时候用英语简明,严格,准确(前提是英语确实好). 比如前两天Sedona说的法律条纹:

Your Honor. May I have your indulgence to respectfully challenge that you are wrong? In property laws, there are two types of ownership: deed and rights to use (RTU).  Deed owners have exclusive ownership and usage of the land and structures on the land for as long as the ownership is not abandoned or transfered. RTU owners have exclusive ownership and usage of the land and structures on the land for a specified period of time.  Some countries including but not limited to Canada, USA adopt the system of deed ownership. Others, for examples China, Hong Kong and Mexico, prefer RTU. In Mexico where H1N1 is the talk of the global village, owners have RTU for usually 75 years, while in Hong Kong 99.  This workshop is delivered to you for free by a licensed professional Sedona.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-5-11 19:12:51 | 只看该作者



第一个姓杭,名戈威 -  I am “杭戈威”。

第二个姓司叫达文,大概也知道老乡的英语不大好,马上接话道:I am “司达文”。报完姓名也不知说啥好了。

其实这第三个英语比较流利,看到老乡受窘,马上站了起来“I'm Dying ---”

老板看到这里,心想也就这三个新人,其余的也差不多都互相认识了。不认识的也可以在喝酒水的时候在互相介绍。于是说道:"Then let's start!"


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