New age 音乐是一种萌芽于上世纪六十年代,盛行于八十年代的音乐形式,它既非流行音乐,亦非古典音乐,是一种被标签为第三种声音的新音乐。
New age 音乐的曲调大多平缓,简朴。旋律与流行音乐有很大的不同,其中即兴的味道很浓。没有固定的曲式,没有起承转合,没有展开与对比,传统音乐中所有的清晰的结构层次,在这里被平铺直叙和不断的反复代替。旋律就象是风在流动,不知道会在何时开始,也不知道会在何时结束,始终很飘忽,没有固定的模式。
New age 音乐的表现主题总是神秘的大自然,遥远的古代,纯朴素雅的民谣等,所以它的音色总是喜欢用一些东方的古老乐器,或是电声乐器上的新音色,喜欢用透明的,神秘的,陌生的,缥缈的,充满朦胧气氛的音色。New age 音乐的艺术家正是通过这种方式使听众处于一种梦幻中,籍以延长审美知觉的过程。也是这种音色,使得new age 音乐总是给大家留下无限想象空间。
New age 音乐以它独特的个性和魅力,吸引了如此众多的听众,一点也不为怪,只是因为我们生活在这个压力重重,繁杂喧嚣的世界,都需要在这种平静的,不断反复的音乐中调整自己的心态,来忘却生活中的烦恼,达到超脱的作用。New age 音乐的美学特征(不渲染,不明确,不激动,一切以自然的流露为至高境界)正符合现代人这种的心理需要。也可以说,new age 音乐是使人心绪宁静的镇静剂。
When there's a shadow, you follow the sun.
When there is love, then you look for the one.
And for the promises, there is the sky.
And for the heavens are those who can fly.
If you really want to, you can hear me say,
Only if you want to will you find a way.
If you really want to, you can seize the day.
Only if you want to will you fly away.
Da da da da, da da da da da....
When there's a journey, you follow a star.
When there's an ocean, you sail from afar.
And for the broken heart, there is the sky.
And for tomorrow are those who can fly.
If you really want to, you can hear me say
Only if you want to will you find a way.
If you really want to you can seize the day.
Only if you want to will you fly away.
Da da da da, da da da da da....
Ooh go doe bay mwa. Ooh go doe bay mwa.
If you really want to, you can hear me say
Only if you want to will you find a way.
If you really want to you can seize the day.
Only if you want to will you fly away. Ah!
Je voudrai voler comme un oiseau d'aile Ah!
Je voudrai voler comme un oiseau d'aile, d'aile...
Ooh go doe bay mwa. Ooh go doe bay mwa.
If you really want to, you can hear me say
Only if you want to will you find a way.
If you really want to you can seize the day.
Only if you want to will you fly away.
If you really want to you can seize the day.
Only if you want to will you fly away.