
标题: 多数政府将有利于加拿大走出外交困境? [打印本页]

作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-9-26 08:34
标题: [评论]多数政府将有利于加拿大走出外交困境?
劉秉純醫生 Dr. Benson Lau


17-19 Glen Watford Drive, Scarborough, M1S 2B8
[email protected]; www.ElectDrBensonLau.ca; 416-773-0100

        支持低稅 增加市民積蓄                   爭取合理資源 助移民

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        爭取合理資源 改善社區治安                致力環保

•        士嘉堡愛靜閣華人街坊會創會會長        •        大多倫多中華文化中心董事
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•        中華中文學校校董及前主席        •        耆暉會前秘書

1986         迄今        家庭醫生(診所設於本區Warden/Finch)
1987         迄今        Rekai 安老院主任醫生
1987        迄今        多倫多西區醫院心臟功能測量主任醫生
1987        迄今        「孟嘗長期護理安老院」醫生
2002        迄今        聖保羅老人屋駐診醫生
2006        迄今        「士嘉堡全科醫院」免費門診部醫生

1998 - 2001        安省警監會委員
2001 - 2004        大多倫多警政委員會委員

1986        多倫多大學醫學院畢業
1975        多倫多大學大學部畢業

•        安大略省勳章        
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•        英女王登基25年銀禧獎章       
•        紅楓傳奇獎

出生        1953, 香港
作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-9-26 08:39
标题: 煽风点火

Dr.Benson Lau.jpg (482.61 KB, 下载次数: 26)

Dr.Benson Lau.jpg

作者: inncanada    时间: 2008-9-26 08:45
作者: 倒哈联盟    时间: 2008-9-26 08:53
标题: 回复:[评论]多数政府将有利于加拿大走出外交困境?
那要看什么党组成的多数政府, 保守党的就只会倒行逆施!

顺便说一句, 这个刘医生选上了也就是个摆设, 想起Michael Chong, 猛料之人, 最后还是沦落到不甘心做摆设而愤然辞职的下场, 这个刘医生的资历, 不选也罢!

劉秉純醫生 Dr. Benson Lau
作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-9-26 09:31
标题: 倒哈的也说出个道道来,把能倒哈的候选人的情况放上来
那要看什么党组成的多数政府, 保守党的就只会倒行逆施!

顺便说一句, 这个刘医生选上了也就是个摆设, 想起Michael Chong, 猛料之人, 最后还是沦落到不甘心做摆设而愤然辞职的下场, 这个刘医生的资历, 不选也罢!
作者: TianSheng    时间: 2008-9-26 10:17
标题: 《京都协议》
作者: 倒哈联盟    时间: 2008-9-26 10:36
标题: 回复:倒哈的也说出个道道来,把能倒哈的候选人的情况放上来
Decima 和 Nanos 对 爱静阁的民意调查大致相同 都是预测:

Jim Karygiannis, 26000
刘医生, 11000

相差那么多个马位, 您就别费劲!
作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-9-26 10:53
标题: 看来拥哈的要努力了,不能再“费厄泼辣”啦!

Decima 和 Nanos 对 爱静阁的民意调查大致相同 都是预测:

Jim Karygiannis, 26000
刘医生, 11000

相差那么多个马位, 您就别费劲!
作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-9-26 11:06
Jim Karygiannis is the Liberal Member of Parliament for Scarborough-Agincourt.

Jim Karygiannis was first elected to the House of Commons in 1988. On January 23, 2006 he was re-elected for a sixth consecutive term with 63% of the popular vote in his riding, which was among the top three ridings in Ontario.

Prime Minister Paul Martin appointed Mr. Karygiannis Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development in October 2005. Jim was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, with special emphasis on Transport and the Environment on December 12, 2003. He served in that post until 2005.

During his first five years as a Member of Parliament, Jim was the Associate Critic for Small Business from 1988 to 1990 and served as the Associate Critic for the Departments of National Revenue and Multiculturalism from 1990 to 1993. A strong advocate for changes to the Young Offenders Act, in 1989 he introduced a Private Members Bill amending this Act. Although the Bill was defeated, the government of the day soon introduced similar legislation.

Jim presently serves on the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration of the House of Commons. He continues to make significant contributions on the important issues that come before Committee.

Scarborough-Agincourt is one of the most ethnically diverse federal ridings in Canada. Jim Karygiannis is an effective voice for the people he serves, taking their concerns, on a wide variety of issues, including: immigration; taxation; justice; and, Canadas global responsibilities to caucus for debate.

Jim Karygiannis has participated in several humanitarian initiatives to help rebuild countries in the aftermath of devastating national and/or natural disasters. He has long advocated a permanent made in Canada solution to help strengthen Canadas response to international crises. In his view, Canadas response must include a mechanism for re-uniting Canadian citizens with their loved ones abroad who have been adversely affected by a catastrophic event.

In November 2007, Cyclone Sidr slammed into the coastal region of Bangladesh. Immediately following this disaster, Jim contacted members of the local community to hear their concerns. Jim visited the devastated areas and witnessed, first-hand, the emergency response efforts of Canadian aid agencies. He documented his observations in a report to the Government of Canada and the Minister responsible for the Canadian International Development Agency with respect to Canada’s humanitarian response.

Jim responded quickly to the news of the deadly landslide in Guinsaugon, Philippines in February 2006. Within hours of the tragedy, he met with members of the local community to discuss their concerns for an immediate humanitarian response by the Canadian Government in the region.

When the deadly earthquake hit India, Pakistan and Afghanistan in October 2005, Jim immediately began working with members of the Canadian South Asian Community, to help establish their priorities for humanitarian aid for those in need. He helped to ensure that the Canadian Government was aware of the communitys concerns.

He was among the first to reach out following Hurricane Katrina that hit the U. S. Gulf Coast in 2005. In response to inquiries from constituents who asked what they could do to assist the survivors of Katrina, Jim convened a Katrina Relief Round Table. The U.S. Consul General to Toronto discussed with community leaders and concerned residents ways in which they could best help their neighbours in need.

Early in 2005, Guyana was being deluged with rain that resulted in massive flooding. In February, at the behest of constituents and leaders of the Guyanese Canadian community, Jim traveled to Guyana to survey the damage caused by flooding. His report was instrumental in the Government of Canadas commitment, through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), of $2.7 million in aid to Guyana.

In the days immediately following the 2004 tsunami, Jim met with constituents who were worried about the plight of their families and wanted to know if Canadian humanitarian aid was being delivered where it was needed. In January 2005, he visited several tsunami ravaged areas of Sri Lanka and reported his findings to the community and to the Prime Minister.

In the aftermath of the earthquake that rocked Bam, Iran in December 2003, he engaged community leaders in dialogue about Canadas commitment to the call for international assistance. Jim traveled to the earthquake zone of Ahmadabad, India, in 2001, to assess the devastation. Upon his return, he apprised Cabinet Ministers about the needs of survivors.

Jim Karygiannis believes that strengthening bilateral trade relations with Canada is important in the development of emerging global markets. In this regard, he has participated in many trade missions to India, Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and Egypt. He was also a member of the Government of Canadas Team Canada mission to China in 2001.

Jim has witnessed democracy in action abroad. He traveled to Somaliland as an International Observer for the Presidential Election held in 2003. In 1999, he was a member of the International Observer team that traveled to Russia for the elections to the Duma or Russian Parliament.

April 2005 marked the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Jim Karygiannis led a Canadian delegation of Parliamentarians and members of the Canadian Armenian Diaspora to the official ceremony marking this sombre occasion, at the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Armenia. In 2004, the Parliament of Canada voted to recognize the Armenian Genocide. He had pressed Parliament to move in this direction for over sixteen years.

During his tenure as Member of Parliament, many organizations have shown their appreciation to Jim for his humanitarian efforts and community outreach. In 1999, the President of the Hellenic Republic awarded him the decoration of the Officer of the Order of Phoenix in recognition of his many public service contributions. Born in Athens, Greece in 1955. Jim immigrated to Canada as a teenager with his family, settling in Toronto, Ontario in 1966. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering. He also holds a Fellowship of Business Administration from the Canadian School of Management. He worked in the family business until 1988 when he was elected.

Jim Karygiannis is married and is the father of five daughters.

Jim believes in the power and potential of the human race. He is often quoted as saying that R.A.C.E. stands for Respecting our neighbours, Accepting our differences, Celebrating our rich diversity and Embracing our heritage.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/585 ... 7607208699823/show/
作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-9-26 11:09
Flash: http://ca.youtube.com/watch/v/2dC1Kq9PwlA
作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-9-26 11:10

作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-9-26 11:11
Wu Shu Canada Organizations of to Beijing Olympics[SWF=550,700]http://ca.youtube.com/watch/v/3RA1_25fAoc[/SWF]
作者: 梦工作室    时间: 2008-9-26 11:12
标题: 还要讲出一些缺点,为生么要倒他?

作者: 哪吒    时间: 2008-9-26 11:12
作者: alfonso    时间: 2008-9-26 12:13
标题: 哈珀对京都议定书的抵触情绪
文中提到"哈珀取消出席峰会,可能害怕因加国背弃《京都协议》而受各国的批评"...估计哈珀对"京都议定书"的抵触情绪不外是美国因素, 及本国目前经济发展状况....


《京都协议》中的标准如果贯彻实际是不难实现地...尤其是现在天然气石油价格高涨刺激市场寻求其它技术替代石油产品, 从而减少对石油的消费,还有税收等...
作者: acu4you    时间: 2008-9-26 12:50
作者: 真诚对待    时间: 2008-9-26 12:51
作者: hhxxttxs    时间: 2008-9-26 13:12

作者: TianSheng    时间: 2008-9-26 16:23

作者: watercn    时间: 2008-9-26 19:16

作者: 真诚对待    时间: 2008-9-26 19:24
估计你会告诉他们奥运会在中国开了,宇航员上天了,GDP上来了。但是,你会如实地告诉他们孩子喝了三鹿牛奶吗? 还有那些让常人想都不敢想的造假吗?
作者: hhxxttxs    时间: 2008-9-26 19:53
估计你会告诉他们奥运会在中国开了,宇航员上天了,GDP上来了。但是,你会如实地告诉他们孩子喝了三鹿牛奶吗? 还有那些让常人想都不敢想的造假吗?

作者: 倒哈联盟    时间: 2008-9-26 21:10
标题: 回复:还要讲出一些缺点,为生么要倒他?
明知故问, 你去大街上问十个中国人, 看看得到的是不是同一个答案?
作者: 下载完毕    时间: 2008-9-26 21:45
马仔对大佬 哪有这么说话的


作者: 77_88_77    时间: 2008-9-26 21:56
标题: 多数党和独裁党有多大区别?
选民要你以少数党执政,你要选民重选,我不选行不行。动不动电台里就华人参政意识不强。你非要一党独大,gcd比你大吧,你就学共产党,我也就跟中国一样,不要选举权。你爱谁谁,who cares.

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