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楼主: gonow2008
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发表于 2008-9-20 01:39:15 | 只看该作者
你要说明什么呢? GST是Mulroney发明的和“排除万难”实施的, 难到你要怪自由党上台为什么没废除吗? 有点本末倒置哦!

The Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) (French: Taxe sur les produits et services, TPS) is a multi-level value-added tax introduced in Canada on January 1, 1991, by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and finance minister Michael Wilson.

In 1989, the Progressive Conservative government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney proposed the creation of a national sales tax of 9%. At this time, every province in Canada except Alberta already had its own provincial sales tax imposed at the retail level.

The Liberal-dominated Senate refused to pass the tax into law. In an unprecedented move to break the deadlock, Mulroney used a little-known constitutional provision to increase the number of senators by eight temporarily, thus giving the Progressive Conservatives a majority in the upper chamber. In response, the Opposition launched a filibuster and further delayed the legislation.

Liberal Governments and the GST

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发表于 2008-9-20 02:22:39 | 只看该作者
1993年联邦自由党上台, 继承的是保守党430亿的财政赤字:

When Chretien took office in 1993, he inherited a $43-billion deficit left by the Conservative government of Brian Mulroney. By the time he retired in 2003, the deficit had been eliminated and the federal government was awash in huge annual surpluses.

2003年, 安省自由党上台, 上台后查帐才发现继承的是保守党55亿的财政赤字:

In the 2003 election that brought him to power, McGuinty promised to balance the budget every year.

The Liberals backed off that commitment when a report revealed that they had inherited a $5.5 billion deficit from the previous Conservative government.

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发表于 2008-9-20 03:19:30 | 只看该作者
Mulroney 历年的赤字

88-89: 287 亿
89-90: 289 亿
90-91: 320 亿
91-92: 343 亿
92-93: 410 亿

Mulroney 84年上台, 连任两届, 联邦欠债由2079亿猛增至4661亿, 欠债增长125%。


84-85: 2079 亿
85-86: 2425 亿
86-87: 2733 亿
87-88: 3011 亿
88-89: 3298 亿
89-90: 3588 亿
90-91: 3908 亿
91-92: 4251 亿
92-93: 4661 亿

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