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楼主: 李大水
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发表于 2008-4-29 10:04:15 | 只看该作者
Actually we don't need to get entangled in such nonsense questions like who is supporting protesters, where did the flags come from, why people didn't use Canadian flags.

Chinese immigrants in Canada love both Canada and China. The fact that they didn't use Canadian flags doesn't mean they don't love Canada. They settled in Canada and raise their children here. They hope Canada would be better and better. Now they see sth. happened here is stopping Canada from developing. They don't want Canada to be against China without any reasonalbe causes. They are so disappointed with Harper's comments and policy towards China. They can't stand the distortion in media that has been happening for long time. In this Olympic torch event, western media had attacked all 1.3 billion Chinese. The thing is that the western media accused Chinese for sth. that they didn't do. And the media has been trying to spread hatred towards Chinese and China. We Canadian Chinese just feel threatened and very upset about the lies from media.

The west advocates equality. Since Tibetan protesters can protest and use only their flags without any criticism, why can't Chinese do the same thing ? Where is the equality?

Finally, despite how Chinese protest, can you deny that there was no media distortion and bias, and there was no violence used by Tibetan separatists in recent events?  Nobody can deny it. And that's why we Chinese protest for.
发表于 2008-4-29 10:14:10 | 只看该作者
Can you deny the distortion and bias in media, and the violence used by Tibetan separatists?

What's more, despite whether Chinse government back up the assembly or not. Nobody was forced to do it. They went to assembly based on their conscience and sense of justice.
发表于 2008-4-29 12:06:35 | 只看该作者

回复:About natinal flag

About natinal flag

1 People showed intendedly a lot of Chinese flags and little Canadian flags there. Think about it: if some people showed same number of American or Canadian flags on TianAnMen square. The governments and people do care about this.

2 Tibetian showed some Tibetian flags in Canada is same as Nepalese showed some Nepalese flags in China. The governments and people don't care about this.

1. 这种情况发生的可能性不大,你首先要在中国找几千人到天安门广场打星条旗和枫叶旗,不那么容易,除非花钱。对这种事情进行假设是不恰当的,政府和人民的反应也不是你可以臆测的。
2. 尼泊尔旗和西藏旗没有可比性,一个是国旗,一个是流亡组织旗。

1209488780.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 19)

发表于 2008-5-5 23:21:04 | 只看该作者



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