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楼主: 无忧的闲人
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发表于 2008-4-14 15:14:17 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-14 21:12:55 | 只看该作者


知道为什么地下工作者冒着生命要保护印刷机了吧! 终于有亲身体会了.

Now you know the true meaning of "freedom of speech"!
You are growing up.

On the same day 4/13, Chinese Australians also staged a 5000-6000 people protest in Sydney Australia. The event received scant and low key reports, despite the surprising size. This also disappointed Chinese Australians.

It??s true in the West, protests are a constitutionally guaranteed right. But physical violences [such as those happened during the torch relay], and media publicity are not [such as how much publicity pro-china protests will receive].

Hence, this is the gray area that allow the west media to play the game of claiming moral supremacy of freedom of speech, while managing the public opinions, however they desire.

Both violent protests and media publicity need tacit approvals or encouragements from officials and the media.

For physical violences to occur not once during the torch relay, but multiple times during the relays, was a sign of either incompetence, or tacit approvals at certain levels (e.g. policemen level or much higher) Protests can not be ?°prevented?±, but physical violences are preventable. They occurred for a reason.

Everyone in the West should read Noam Chomsky??s writings on ?°Manufacturing Consent?± and ?°media control?± to understand how the media in the West works. In this regard, the West is indeed lightyears ahead of China??s rather primitive and crude censorship. After all, refining lies until they resemble the truth has its roots in marketing and public relations - social science fields that China lacks terribly.

Recent experiences of Chinese Canadians through the two protests (3/29, 4/13) strongly indicate how this media control process works in the West. We indeed had our freedom of speech, and democratic moment. But our voices are so small [as the media is controlled by someone else] that no one can hear us.

How is this media control different than the Chinese media ? I am sure Chinese newspapers are willing to cover the Tibet riot as a grievance against Hans and Muslims, in a few paragraphs, in a low key way. If you call this type of ?°media control?± journalism and freedom of speech, then in China, you have the freedom of speech. The Tibetans must have some channels open, so ?°open?± that they resorted to violences.

We, the oversea Chinese, in the West are in an exact position as the Tibetans in Tibet. What an irony!

The epiphany: the media ultimately serves the system and master, through "media control" like you just experienced. It??s only that the west media packages itself better. Dressed well, look civilized, with sophisticated skills in marketing, public relations than the Chinese media, which still operate in the primitive stone age of using crude censorship.

How revealing!

[Although we can debate how the organizers could have done a little better, but ultimately, if the channel is on open to you, even if you lay down all the facts and reasons, they reserve the right to edit them anyway they want, anytime they want, any length they want.

You should read Noam Chomsky's "media control". In an often-quoted remark, Chomsky states that "propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state" (Media Control).


If you are really interested in helping the cause, you should read more on Noam Chomsky's writings:


Without them, you will forever be puzzled and lost, in a fantasy land of democracy.
发表于 2008-4-16 22:07:24 | 只看该作者



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