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质量排行榜 加国造汽车夺魁

发表于 2007-6-16 11:39:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


四款加拿大生产的汽车和卡车,在昨天公布的一份北美年度汽车质量调查报告中夺魁;通用汽车加国分公司的一家车厂,则在“组装厂”分项中获得质量排名第二的佳绩。 J.D. Power and Associates公司对9万7000名使用新车 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-6-7
Toyota doesn't make good quality.

My new Matrix has lots of problem, Body noisies has been checked by Toyota dealer  twice but they couldn't find where
the noisies come from.

Bad paiting quality compare to GM. Compared to GM car, I spend $8000 more but the body quality is worse than GM.

Toyota make good quality that is true if the car was made in Japan and when they first came to North Anerica(they ship the best quality they make to north america).   Now the car is made in Canada, it is the same level(generally) as GM FORD and Chrysler. But they sell $6000 to $12000 more than GM.

I will buy a van, GM Uplander is about$18,000, Chrysler Caravan is about$19,000.  If I buy Toyota with the same function ABS,AIR bag, power door,A/C. I will have to speed $60% more.   That is why We have to know the detail. Don't trust anybody!

People think Lexus 350 is good, You don't know how much profit is inside the car. You don't know how much it worth.
also you don't know if there is quality defects.    Let me tell you that The converter had weld cracks for half years(300car/day time half years=44,000 car with weld carcking).

When you buy a car, the most thing you need check is safety,
The light the weight, the higher dealth rate in the accident.(Check US web site), Honda civic has the highest dealth rate in the accident.  

The above information if only my personel view. You are responsible for your decision you made!

I also bouht A SONY High definition TV  three years ago.($3500) Now it is very bad in picture(some componenet fail inside). I have to speend $500 to fix it.  The worldwide "famous" brand is never better than Chinese TV. So don't trust any famous brand, When you buy something, you have to check and you have to know more details what quality  you will buy.
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