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发表于 2007-5-28 14:18:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


我的一位女性朋友,已经入加籍(当然枫叶卡已经没有),但是还有有效的中国护照,上个月回国了,回国前,有一些蠢友说回国可以不用办中国签证,出加拿大时用加拿大护照,进入中国境内使用中国护照,然后出中国时再使 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-5-28
发表于 2007-5-28 13:44:47 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-28 13:54:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-5-28 14:17:41 | 只看该作者
Just use common sense, and that person should find out it won't work that way. What can I say, try to save small money, and now in big trouble. stupid!
发表于 2007-5-28 14:54:15 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-28 14:56:58 | 只看该作者
I have said it before.  See this link:

http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread. ... y=&pagenumber=2

Below is what I said:

Tina, if you are using the method above, I wish you would not be locked up by the US Customer.

In my humble opinion, none of the above answered the question. Let me try.

1. To renew your Chinese passport, you have to produce a letter from Immigration Canada that you do not have any Canadian citizenship. When you are applying for Canadian citizenship, you don't have any problem obtaining such a letter and eventually renewing your Chinese passport.

2. To leave Canada, you don't need any documents to satisfy CBSA. The airline may ask for your proof though.

3. To enter Canada, you need a PR card if you do not have status. For Canadians, you need proof of Canadian status, e.g. passport, birth certificate or nothing, if the CBSA officer trusts you are a Canadian.

4. To enter China, you need a passport and a visa where applicable. If you have a Chinese passport, you don't need a visa.

5. To leave China, you need a passport, and in your case, a Chinese passport. The key is if you don't have any proof of Canadian immigrant status, the Chinese government will not allow you to leave.

In the old days, the landed paper will be sufficient, but now, the Chinese customer will check if you have a PR card. Once you become a Canadian citizen, you don't have the PR Card or the landed paper in your possession.

Where do you have proof to show the Chinese custom to leave China? We all know a Chinese passport doesn't mean freedom to leave China.

In a nutshell, once we don't have a PR card, we need a Canadian passport and a visa to return to China. You can continue to use your Chinese passport to go to other countries though.
发表于 2007-5-28 17:07:45 | 只看该作者
1. 申请去泰国落地用加拿大护照签证。
2. 或中国不需签证即可前往的第三国,落地用加拿大护照签证。
3. 最好是香港或澳门。
4. 要尊纪守法。
发表于 2007-5-28 17:50:59 | 只看该作者

As an canadian entering China illegally

Your friend should be put into jail for 2-4 weeks, and then expelled from China and won't be allowed back to China for ever except otherwise noticed.
发表于 2007-5-28 18:37:13 | 只看该作者
why does chinese government not recognize duple nationality? I don't know if any country not allow duple except china. just want to make a lot of money for both governments(chinese and canadian), and waste of lot of money and time for chinese immigrants? if the governments don't make this small money for 粘小便宜, they will win more hearts from people and won't 吃大亏 in the long run. :O
发表于 2007-5-28 19:05:32 | 只看该作者
why does chinese government not recognize duple nationality? I don't know if any country not allow duple except china. just want to make a lot of money for both governments(chinese and canadian), and waste of lot of money and time for chinese immigrants? if the governments don't make this small money for 粘小便宜, they will win more hearts from people and won't 吃大亏 in the long run. :O

In the world, there are more countries not recognizing dual citizenship.  If you become an American, you must give up your Canadian citizenship.

Nothing wrong with China.
发表于 2007-5-28 21:47:52 | 只看该作者

In the world, there are more countries not recognizing dual citizenship.  If you become an American, you must give up your Canadian citizenship.

Nothing wrong with China.

really? but I still want china to learn good example, don't learn bad stuff from u.s. u.s. has planty of good thing worth to be learnt by china. but.. to my disappoint, chinese government only learns bad.
发表于 2007-5-29 01:03:28 | 只看该作者
I have said it before.  See this link:

http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread. ... y=&pagenumber=2

Below is what I said:

Tina, if you are using the method above, I wish you would not be locked up by the US Customer.

In my humble opinion, none of the above answered the question. Let me try.

1. To renew your Chinese passport, you have to produce a letter from Immigration Canada that you do not have any Canadian citizenship. When you are applying for Canadian citizenship, you don't have any problem obtaining such a letter and eventually renewing your Chinese passport.

2. To leave Canada, you don't need any documents to satisfy CBSA. The airline may ask for your proof though.

3. To enter Canada, you need a PR card if you do not have status. For Canadians, you need proof of Canadian status, e.g. passport, birth certificate or nothing, if the CBSA officer trusts you are a Canadian.

4. To enter China, you need a passport and a visa where applicable. If you have a Chinese passport, you don't need a visa.

5. To leave China, you need a passport, and in your case, a Chinese passport. The key is if you don't have any proof of Canadian immigrant status, the Chinese government will not allow you to leave.

In the old days, the landed paper will be sufficient, but now, the Chinese customer will check if you have a PR card. Once you become a Canadian citizen, you don't have the PR Card or the landed paper in your possession.

Where do you have proof to show the Chinese custom to leave China? We all know a Chinese passport doesn't mean freedom to leave China.

In a nutshell, once we don't have a PR card, we need a Canadian passport and a visa to return to China. You can continue to use your Chinese passport to go to other countries though.

发表于 2007-5-29 01:49:22 | 只看该作者
1。 全世界绝大多数的国家是不承认双重国籍的。(承认的实际少数)
2。 双重国籍也不是什莫“好”东西。它起源于被殖民地国家。美国摆脱英国统治的努力之一就是废除双国籍,是美国独立的标志之一。(亲英的南方美国人北上加拿大的原因之一)。
3。 双重国籍在每个国家有不同的具体解释。请留意日常新闻,远一点说,我们的总督就职前宣示放弃法国国籍。最近的事,官司缠身的传媒大亨在努力恢复加拿大国籍 (他为了领取英国绝未放弃了加拿大国籍,一旦他在美国判有罪的话,加拿大可以禁止他入境)。简单说,双重国籍在帮这位女士回来上面一点用都没有。
4。我想你想说的是“互免签证”协议(如果有的话,你可以拿中国或加拿大护照自由进出对方国家)。除了欧共体外,这个系统也在变化中,远的是英国撤出香港前推销的BNO, 现在是废纸了,因为超过70个国家已经给与特区护照免签或落地签待遇。另一面,美国在收紧美加边境。(被指责滥用,和成为恐怖分子的通道)
5。 我想知道,有没有人使用过深圳的外国人免签可居留两周的制度, 请介绍!
发表于 2007-5-29 06:50:34 | 只看该作者
In the world, there are more countries not recognizing dual citizenship.  If you become an American, you must give up your Canadian citizenship.

that's not true. If a Canadian citizen becomes a US citizen, he will end up with dual citizenship.  Canada doesn't revoke the citizenship of a Canadian who obtains another citizenship. US law requires new citizens to make a "renunciatory" statement as part of the naturalization oath, but this statement is not considered legally valid under Canadian law. You have to go to a Canadian embassy or consulate and sign a special form in the presence of Canadian officials to give up your citizenship. So, for practical purposes, the renunciatory statement in the US naturalization oath has no legal effect.
发表于 2007-5-29 07:38:13 | 只看该作者

if you have US visa,then it's easy

buy the air ticket to State from HongKong,then go there to
get out of China
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