Apples and Oranges
我朋友刚刚在上海买了一个15年新的townhouse398万人民币,30万人民币的房子在上海一般都是很破旧,可能可以买到一个30年50平方米很小多单位,上海的房价1平方米要8000人民币还是2手房子,所以你这位朋友可能是太长时间没有回去看看,或者在你的家乡小地方还是很便宜,像上海,北京,天津的town house 都比这里贵,不过乡下的的House 还是很便宜,你有机会就去看看大上海吧
You must come from Shanghai. I am not, but believe I know Shanghai well enough.
You have to compare apples with apples, not apples with oranges.
Old town houses in Scarborough costs about 250K and newer ones in 905 areas about 300K. There are town houses for example on Bayview and Spadina (near Casa Loma) costing 750K to a million. Let's forget West Vancouver and certain parts in Montreal for the time being. There is a range of prices.
In Shanghai, town houses in the city centre, like Luwan, are usually very old and are still very cheap, because of lack of facilities. Nobody will sell or buy them unless desperate: all of them are waiting for big bucks when a developer wants the land.
Most new town houses are outside the ring road. Because of the geographical remoteness, the price can start from half a million to 5 millions. (no kidding, I have seen a 5 million house on Sun Island probably for corrupt government officials).
Overall, I won't compare a town house in Scarborough to a town house in Shanghai or Tinjiang: that's an apple to an orange.
We have to ask if these houses are affordable.
In Toronto, a fresh university graduate can make an income from 40 to 50K a year to start. Without assistance from the parents, he or she can afford a condo of about 200K and a mortgage payment of $800, and still maintains a comfortable life.
In Shanghai, a new graduate can make 3000 rmb a month. Can he or she afford a delux condo over a million or even a no frill condo, without assistance from the parents?
I can see the opportunities in China in the future, but please don't tell me their income is higher (apples to apples) and life easier for now.
Housing in big cities in China has become too unaffordable for lay men and women. It reminds me of the housing market in Taiwan and Hong Kong 10-20 years ago. |