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楼主: U-Boat
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 19:02:58 | 只看该作者

第三十一单元 给出题目作文Title-Given Composition

第三十一单元 给出题目作文Title-Given Composition


31.1 Introduction

A title-given composition requires students to grasp the ideas expressed in the title,and to create a piece of writing that has unity,support and coherence. Because there is no hints or any extra information in addition to the title.This kind of writing is comparatively difficult.But students may have a lot of freedom in writing.

Sample Test Item

Directions:Write a composition on the topic“Should Firecrackers Be Banned?”Your composition should be at least 100words.Remember to support the main idea with details and make your conclusion.Coherence is also important.

Write clearly.

31.2 Advice on How to Write the Composition

1)Examine the title carefully and make sure that you understand the main idea of the title;

2)Organize your ideas and write out an outline;

3)Produce a topic sentence for each paragraph;

4)Draft your essay.

31.3 Analysis of the Sample Test Item

1)Main idea of the title

The controlling idea is“firecrackers”.You seem to have a lot to write about.But your topic has been limited by the sentence“Should…be banned?”It is an interrogative sentence,so it must be a controversial topic.

2)Outline of the sample

Since it is a controversial topic,different opinions must exist.Thus,it is advisable to write out the conflicting opinions of different people.

a.different people have different opinions

b.good—reflects the heritage of Chinese culture

adds much to the warm atmosphere

adds emjoyment of people

bad—brings great economic loss to the country

causes certain disorder in the society

pollutes our environment

c.Your own opinion and conclusion

3)Topic Sentence of each paragraph

① Firecrackers have been used in China for hundreds of years.

② People in China have different opinions about setting off firecrackers.

③ In my opinion,setting off firecrackers should be banned.

Model Essay 31-1


Should Firecrackers be Banned?


Firecrackers have been used in China for hundreds of years.Firecrackers were always part of New Year's celebrations,weddings and other important occasions.

In recent years,however,people in China have different opinions about the old custom of setting off firecrackers.Some people think setting off firecrackers is a good thing,because it reflects the heritage of Chinese culture.It also adds much to the enjoyment of people and the warm atmosphere during important holidays.But others,on the other hand,believe that setting off firecrackers should be banned.The main reasons in their eyes are that it not only brings great economic loss to the country,but also causes certain disorder in the society.Furthermore,it pollutes our environment.

In my opinion,setting off firecrackers should be banned.However,we should replace this old custom with new enjoyable and safe ways of entertainment.Only then can we spend our holidays in a peaceful and joyful manner.

Exercise for Unit 31

Directions:(略) Is Failure a Bad Thing?

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 19:03:21 | 只看该作者

第三十二单元 图表作文Writing a Composition Accor

第三十二单元 图表作文Writing a Composition According

to Tables and Graphs


32.1 Introduction

This kind of writing is an information interpretation process.The information may be given in numbers,lines or curves,etc.,usually a few explanations are given.The organization of the writing is essential to a good essay of tables and graphs.Generally,it is as follows:


General introduction——Analysis——Conclusion



That is,in the first paragraph,you have to demonstrate the general situation of what has been reflected in the table or graph;Then,in the second paragraph,you have to analyse carefully the numbers,lines or curves,and point out the rate of increase or discrease;In the end,you have to write your own opinion or comment.

Sample Test Item

Directions:Write a composition based on the title and the following chart in no less than 120 words.The causes are given under the horizontal line and the precentage of the totalof 80 fire incidents is given in the vertical column on the left.write clearly.

Leading Causes of Fires in China(1987)

32.2 Basic Writing Process of the Composition

1)Have a correct understanding of the given information,and grasp the main idea;

2)Make a careful analysis of the information,for example,ask yourself the questions like:

a.Who or what caused the fires?

b.What is the relationship between cause and frequency of fires?

3)Write an outline;

4)Use the right technique of writing.(The most common techniques used in this kind of writing is:comparison and contrast.)

32.3 Analysis of the Sample Test Item

The main idea of the graph is:Fire causes.From the graph,we know that there are three main causes of fires:

a.Smokers                                                           (nearly50%)

b.Defective insulation                                                    (38%)

c.Children playing with matches                                     (12%)

Thus,we can,by comparing the above information,make a comment of the main topic,then reach a conclusion.

Model Essay 32-1

From the graph above,we can see that fire,one of the most terrible killers in China,is mainly caused by smokers,defective insulations or children playing with matches.

In 1987,80 fire incidents took place in China.While nearly50%were caused by smokers,38%were caused by defective insulation,and12%were caused by children playing with matches.No matter what the type of the fire,we can almost be sure that they were caused by carelessness.

From the graph,we can conclude that smokers are the leading cause of fires,but we also need to educate our children,warning them of the dangers of playing with matches and instruct workers be more careful with insulation.

Writing Assignment for Unit 32

Directions:Write a composition based on the statistical table about the total amount of China import and export.Yourcomposition should be no less than 100 words.

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 19:03:31 | 只看该作者

第三十三单元 英文书信写作English Letter Writing

第三十三单元 英文书信写作English Letter Writing


33.1 Introduction

Letter writing tests the English letter writing skill of the examinees.In this unit,we are going to focus on different types of letter writing,their form and language.We will also give you some advice on how to write an effective English letter.

33.2 Type of letters(信的类型)

English letters are generally divided into two types:

a.personal letters个人书信

b.business letters事务书信

33.3 Form(格式)

An English letter usually consists of six parts:heading(信头),inside address(收信人地址),salutation(称呼),body(信主体),complimentary close(结尾客套语)and signature(署名).

1)Heading:In the upper right hand corner of the first page,write your full address and the date.

2)Inside Address:On the left side,above the salutation,put the name and full address of the addressee.However,this is often omitted in personal letters.

3)Salutation:The greeting to the addressee,written flush with the left margin,two spaces below the inside address.A comma follows the salutation in a personal letter;in a business letter,it is followed by a colon(:).Besides,in personal letters,first names are usually used,while in business letters,the surnames are used.

4)Body:The contents of the letter.

5)Complimentary Close:The closing of a letter.

The conventional complimentary closes in business letters are:“Yours truly,”“Yours sincerely,”“Sincerely yours,”“Sincerely,”“Cordially yours,”“Yours cordially,”etc.

The close of a personal letter is of a more free choice.“Yours,”Affectionately,“Fondly,”“Yours with love,”“Love,”“With best wishes,”etc.

6)Signature:Put your name(always handwritten).

The table below will give you a more visual presentation of the letter form:

33.4 Language(语言)

The style and tone of a personal letter(个人书信的写作风格和笔调)differ from those of a business letter.While the former is casual(随便自然),the latter is formal(正规).A business letter should be polite in tone(笔调客气),exact and concise in wording(选词精确、恰当).However,for either of them,the style should be clear and direct(清晰、达意).Also,paragraphs in business letters tend to be short.The first and last paragraphs are usually single-sentence paragraphs.

33.5 Advice on How to Write English Letters in CET—4Exams

1)Carefully read the directions and the requirements,distinguish the type of the letter:a personal letter or a business letter.

2)Be clear about the purpose of the writing,and what you are to express in the letter.

3)Write according to the appropriate form.Pay attention to the different writing requirements of a personal and business letter.

4)Try to be clear,direct,concise in your writing,avoiding too many complimentary words.

Model of a Business Letter:

Department of Computer Science

Southeast University

Nanjing,Jiangsu Province 210025

People's Republic of China

February 8,1996

Office of Foreign Students

Yale University

New Haven,Connecticut,06520


Dear Sir/Madame:

I am a senior at the Department of Computer Science,Southeast University,expecting to graduate in July this year.I am writing to inquire about the possibility of being enrolled in your university as a graduate student as of September,1994.

In the past three years,I have majored in Computer Science.Presently,I am doing my graduation project.Enclosed is the transcript of all the subjects which I have so far completed at my university.I received an excellent score in the College English Test Band-Six(CET-6)sponsored by the Educational Commission of China and therefore my knowledge of English is adequate for me to continue my studies in the U.S.A.

Please send me information on admission to your univetsity.As I have no relatives in the U.S.A.,I would also like to know about the procedures for applying for finacial aid.

Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

(Mr.)Zhang Hua

Writing Assignment for Unit 33


 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 19:03:40 | 只看该作者

第三十四单元 转换词语Transitional Words and Phra

第三十四单元 转换词语Transitional Words and Phrases


34.1 Introduction

In the writing of English compositions,we have to use transitional words or phrases in order to make logical connections between individual sentences and paragraphs as well as enhance the overall coherence of an essay.Otnerwise,the paragraph or the essaywill be loosely connected.To see the difference,let's compare the following two versions of a paragraph:




Speaking and writing are different in many ways.Speech depends on sounds.Writing uses written symbols.Speech developed about 500,000 years ago.Written language is a comparatively recent development.It was invented only about six thousand years ago.Speech is usually Informal.The word choice in writing is often relatively formal.Pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing.A standard diction and spelling system prevails in the writtenlanguage of most countries.Speech relies on gesture,loudness,and the rise and fall of the voice.Writing lacks gesture,loudness,and the rise and fall of the voice.Careful speakers and writers are aware of the difference.




Speaking and writing are different in many ways.Speech depends on sounds;writing,on the other hand,uses written symbols. Speech was developed about 500,000 years ago,but written language is a comparatively recent development,invented only about six thousand years ago.Speech is usually informal,while the word choice of writing,by contrast,is often relatively formal.Although pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing,a standard diction and spelling system prevails in the written language of most countries.Speech relies on gesture,loudness,and the rise and fall of the voice,but writing lacks these features.Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.

34.2 Analysis of the above two versions

In paragraph(1),almost all connections are missing.Therefore,it is rather difficult for us to tell in how many ways speaking and writing are different.In paragraph(2),however,by using the six comparsion and contrast transitions,“on the other hand”,“but”,“while”,“by contrast”and“although”,we can easily identify that speaking and writing are different in six aspects.

34.3 常用的转换词语类型(Types of Commonly Used Transitional Words or Phrases)





in the first place,in the second place,finally

last but not least

first and most important

to begin with,next,then,finally

the former…the latter the first step,the second step,the

next step

2)Illustrating(giving examples)说明(举例)

for example(f.e.)                           including

for instance(i.d.)                            mainly

namely                                                 such as


obviously                                    certainly

undoubtedly                                especially

surely                                         above     all

indeed                                        most      important of    all

in                                               fact most       importantly

very                                           likely


or            that is,that's to say           not only…but(also)

and          in other words                    both…and                     as well as

neither…nor                                      either…or


also(too)           gain                      furthermore

further                  moreover              what is more

then                      in addition             besides

as                         well(as)

6)Comparison and Contrast比较与对照

comparatives:the same…as;be similar to;and….,too;



Just as…,so…;resemble;have…in common;

There are similarities between…and…

in the same way;equally important;


Contrastives:be…adj./adv.+ er…than;more…than…;

(对照连接词)less…than…;not so…as;Unlike…/

Contrary to…/As opposed to…;Although/

Whereas/While;contrast with/differ from/

be different from;however/on the other

hand/in contrast


now                 in the past          until

soon                recently              after a while

later                 nowadays           not long after

then                 while                 in the mean time

before              since                  meanwhile

8)Space Order空间

under the table                       in the distance

on the hilltop                         across the river

in front of the room               next to the door

in the back of the room          on the front wall

on the tenth floor                   along the street

nearby                                  far away

inside the house                     outside the school

behind the cupboard               by the window

round the corner                    on the opposite side of the street

at the foot of the mountain      at the bottom of the sea

9)Cause and Effect因果

since                                            so…that…

because                                        thus

because of this/that                        hence

because of the fact that                  therefore

as a result                                     accordingly

as a result of                                 otherwise

be due to                                      be responsible for

consequently                                 cause

be a consequence of                      lead to

as a consequence of                      contribute to

be the reason for                           result in

follow from                                  bring about

result from                                   give rise to


in conclusion                                to conclude

to sum up                                     in brief

at last                                           in short



but                   however                  (al)though

yet                   except for                nevertheless

of course          after al                    clearly


34.4 Assignment for Unit 34

Directions:There are twenty blanks in the following passage.For each blank there is a transitional word or phrase missing.You should choose the appropriate word or phrase of each blank from the given words or phrases below .Be sure to use each of the given words or phrases,some of which may appear twice.

similarly,therefore,but,however,first of all,and,even,finally,for example,secondly,on the other hand,further-more,third,when,nevertheless,as aresult,or

Since we Americans are a blend of people from many countries,we have a very short history which can properly be called“American”.____,it is hard to find characteristics which apply to all Americans.We combine many extremes from many different cultures.____,we can make some generalizations.Our main characteristics include individuality,a combination of idealism and practicality,materialism,____a lack of parental influence,all of which permeate our lives.

____,we Americans value individuality.Our country was founded by strong individuals,and we do not like to be forced into conformity.Therefore,we insist on having a great deal of freedom.Interestingly enough,____,most Americans use this freedom to behave very much like most other Americans,and we are suspicious of those who do not conform.Hippies are individualists,____,but most Americans do not like them.By the same token,we consider ourselves very faithful to the laws of our country,____there are few among us who would not break one if it was felt that no harm would be done by doing so—such as by exceeding the speed limit or failing to report informally-received cash income on tax forms.

____,we Americans are both practical and idealistic.We place great value on doing things forourselves,for this is what our pioneer forefathers were forced to do.Many foreign visitors are surprised to find that many couples of comfortable means do their own yard work,their own house-work,their own repairs.____,we are very idealistic:We think we have the best political,social,and economic system yet devised,and we ____expect everything to go smoothly.

____our idealism,we are easily disillusioned.This is why so many marriages end in divorce—young couples' expectations from marriage are unrealistically high.____,it helps explain the dissatisfactions and protests of many young people,and ____older people,who enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world.

A ____characteristics of us Americans is that money is more important than prestige to us.People work extremely hard,so many,unfortunately,either have little leisure time,or do not know how to enjoy it.Why do we work so hard?It is not to achieve greater status or prestige,but simply to have more of the material objects and comfort that money can buy.

____,our parents have less influence on us than parents do in other countries.Many children are left in day-care centers by their working mothers,____with baby sitters when their parents go out at night.____,peer pressure is very great because children's feelings and desires are taken very seriously,and they are given a lot of freedom to form strong personalities.We leave home at a relatively early age,usually after high school,to take jobs and have our own apartments,____to go to college,where we are allowed a great deal of freedom.We choose our own spouses,even if our parents object,And,later in life,____our parents are old and helpless,we often live far away from them;many prefer to put them in nursing homes rather than to have the responsibility of caring for them daily.Many foreigners find this practice heartless.I suppose it is,____like many other qualities we Americans share,it is subject to change over a relatively short period of time.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 19:03:52 | 只看该作者

第三十五单元 总复习Revision Exercises

第三十五单元 总复习Revision Exercises


As is known to all,‘practice makes perfect’.Good,effective writing can only be achieved through much practice.So in this unit,we intend to give you 20 topics for your writing practice.

Exercise 35-1

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title“Computers”.You should base your composition on the following outline.Your composition should be about 120 words.Remember to write clearly.





Exercise 35-2

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph essay by using the cause-effect technique to illustrate how overpopulatlon threatens the development of society.The following outline information will be of help.

Overpopulation Poses a Threat to the Development of Societies

1)scarcity of resources,including land

2)shortage of food

3)lack of health care,educational facilities and work opportunities

Exercise 35-3

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph composition of no less than 120words on the title“The Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Travel”

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Travel

Exercise 35-4

Directions:Write a composition on the title“The Project Hope”.Your composition should be based on the outline below

and should be start with the given opening sentence:

Education plays a very important role in the

modernization of our country.

The Project Hope

1)Present situation of education in our country;

2)Necessity of the project;

3)My suggestions.

Exercise 35-5

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph composition in no less than 120words on the title“For a Better Understanding between Parents and Children”.Your composition should bebased on the outline below and should be written clearly on the Composition Sheet.


1)Present situation:lack of communication between parents and children

2)Possible reasons:a.different likes and dislikes



3)Suggestions:a.for parents

b.for children

Exercise 35-6

Directions:Write a composition of about 120 words explaining how the dues of membership are spend.Use the information contained in the pie chart and your composition should be based on the outline given below.

Use of Photo Club Membership Dues Outline:

1)source of dues and areas of expenses

2)the largest and the smallest areas of spending


Exercise 35-7

Directions:Write a composition on the title“Developing Listening Ability”.You are given the first sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop the given topic sentences into three paragraphs.Your composition should be about 120 words,not including the words given.

On Developing Listening Ability

1)At present,some Chinese students don't pay enough attention to the development of their listening ability.

2)As a matter of fact,listening is one of the most important ways to study a foreign language.

3)Personally,I believe that……

Exercise 35-8

Directions:Write a composition about“The Profession I Like to Follow”in three paragraphs.Your composition must be based on the outline given below and it should be no less than 120 words.

The Profession I Like to Follow

1)My definition of an ideal profession;

2)Reasons for my definition;

3)An example of my ideal profession.

Exercise 35-9

Directions:Write a composition of no less than 120 words on“The Early Model T Ford Cars”.Study the following table carefully;Your composition must be based on the informtion given in the table.Write three paragraphs to:

1)state the changes in the price of the cars;

2)state the changes in the output of the cars;

3)draw your own conclusions(reasons why Henry

Ford's cars have been so popular in the U.S.A.)

Exercise 35-10

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph composition on the title“Things Making Life Happy”.Your composition should be at least 120 words.Remember to support the main idea with details and make your conclusion.Write clearly.

Things Making Life Happy

Exercise 35-11

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph composition on the title“How to Prepare Steamed Crabs”.You should develop your

composition by using the given opening sentence belowand remember to use signal words to show clearly the different steps in the procedure.

How to Prepare Steamed Crabs

Almost everyone who lives in Guangdong likes to eat crabs.But do you know how to prepare them?

Exercise 35-12

Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the graph below.The suggested title is“Car Accidents in Beijing”.Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as few figures as possible.Remember that your composition must be written according to the following outline:

1)Rise and fall of the rate of car accidents as indicated by the graph;

2)Possible reason(s)for the decline of car accidents in the city;

3)Your predictions of what will happen in the following year.

Exercise 35-13

Directions:Write a composition entitled“Reform and Open-door Policy in China”by developing the three given topic sentences into three paragraphs.Your composition should be about 120 words,not including the given sentences.

Reform and Open-door Policy in China

1)China's reform and open-door policy,which started ten years ago,has brought China a lot of benefit sand has changed our lives greatly.

2)But we are facing some new problems in the course of the reform and open-door policy.

3)In spite of the above mentioned problems,we should……

Exercise 35-14

Directions:Suppose your hobby is stamp-collecting,write a composition of no less than 120 words about this hobby using the following key words and expressions.

Key Words and Expressions:

at my leisure,never ending pleasure,album,historic data,distant land,customs,like-minded collector,show off,the latest find,stamp-collecting king

Exercise 35-15

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph composition on the title“Causes of Teenager Smoking”.Your composition should be at least 120 words and you must use the following keywords and expressions in your composition.

Key Words and Expressions:

turn to smoking,personal insecurity,as a way to,hide nervousness,fashionable,boredom,be eager to,behave like adults

Causes of Teenager Smoking

Exercise 35-16

Directions:Write a composition about“Causes for Air Pollution in the Northeastern City of Lanzhou”.Your composition

must be based on the outline given and it should be no

less than 120 words.

Causes for Air Pollution in the Northeastern City of Lanzhou

1)There are a lot of factories and oil refineries.

(Hinted information:few anti-pollution devices)

2)The city is built between and around hills.

(Hinted information:air trapped between the mountains not allowing the winds to disperse the air)

3)People use coal fires in winter and there are too many cars and trucks in the city.

(Hinted information:chemicals dumped in the Yellow River)

Exercise 35-17

Directions:According to the information given in the following chart,write a 3-paragraph report by using the technique of Comparison and Contrast to illustrate the increase and decrease of main causes of traffic accidents in Zhanjiang between 1993 and 1994.

Exercise 35-18

Directions:Write a letter of application in no less than 120 words.Follow the given directions and outline below.






Exercise 35-19

Directions:Write a composition about“The Presevation of Wild Life”in three paragraphs.Your composition must be based on the outline given and it should be no less than120 words.

1)Necessity of presevation of wild life

2)Possible measures(What can be done to preservewild life)

3)My suggestions

Exercise 35-20

Directions:write a composition on the title“My Hometown”in no less than 120 words.

My Hometown
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