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楼主: 听歌就好
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-1 06:10:05 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:You're beautiful--JAMES BLUNT

回复:You're beautiful--JAMES BLUNT

唱出了俺的心声0阿! 俺也曾几次在街上和subway 碰到疑为天人的美女,还有她那脉脉含情的双眼,每次都把俺电到晕上好几天 :confused:   

But it's time to face the truth,
I will never see you again?  

发表于 2007-4-1 12:40:23 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:You're beautiful--JAMES BLUNT

回复:回复:You're beautiful--JAMES BLUNT


Heck! 俺希望那个mm也晕了几天  :rolleyes:
发表于 2007-4-3 19:57:03 | 只看该作者

还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧


不愧是英文歌王,随便哪首都行。谢谢你!朋友推荐我去买牒:7.5 Evanescence, 没空去找。惭愧从来没听过此歌手的歌,所以想到请你贴。     你 朋 友 推 荐 的 这 个 的 确 不 怎 么 样 !  
发表于 2007-4-3 20:00:32 | 只看该作者

回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

   你 朋 友 推 荐 的 这 个 的 确 不 怎 么 样 !  

发表于 2007-4-3 20:15:01 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

的确不怎样的人能有的确怎样的朋友吗?失礼失礼。  听 听 俺 给 你 推 荐 的 那 个 碟 吧 ! 听 他 们 唱 的 确 是 一 种 美 的 享 受 !    
发表于 2007-4-3 22:03:55 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

听 听 俺 给 你 推 荐 的 那 个 碟 吧 ! 听 他 们 唱 的 确 是 一 种 美 的 享 受 !    

发表于 2007-4-3 22:25:14 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

请英文歌王贴好啦,身无分文。     身 无 分 文 不 是 问 题 , 如 果 俺 送 你 一 张 (复 制 的 或 原 版 的 ), 你 不 会 踢 飞 吧 ?    
发表于 2007-4-3 22:31:15 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

回复:回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

   身 无 分 文 不 是 问 题 , 如 果 俺 送 你 一 张 (复 制 的 或 原 版 的 ), 你 不 会 踢 飞 吧 ?    

发表于 2007-4-3 22:54:05 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧

回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:还 是 买 IL DIVO 的 碟 吧


 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-6 20:49:48 | 只看该作者
楼上几位好心情, 请欣赏concierto il divo .
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 17:09:15 | 只看该作者

帖可沉, 好文不能沉




  这第一首--《Farewell》来自德国金属歌剧乐队 Avantasia,听完一遍后给我的感觉——惊艳,第一次用这两个字来形容一首歌。
  所有美丽的,激烈的,悲哀的,一起呈现在我们的面前,Avantasia 用了所有表现手段来表现所想所思。这首歌相对来说不是太激烈,风格甚至有一些古典,开场的那一段笛声和谐悠远,仿佛可以看见美丽的山峦和田野,而忽然又被现代的爆发感覆盖,吵闹却始终灵气洋溢,再由 Sharon Den Adel 穿插一段空灵的女声,加上气势洪亮的合唱,给人感觉如同在听圣歌。

Avantasia 是名符其实的史诗乐团,他们的《The Metal Opera Pt.I》、《The Metal Opera Pt.II》被称为是前无古人后无来者的两张金属歌剧专辑,这首歌就是出自《The Metal Opera Pt.I》。
  这两张专辑其实是一个整体,分为第一部和第二部。专辑讲述的是一个古老欧洲风格浓郁的神话故事。背景在17世纪初的修道院,Gabriel 是一个备受赏识的见习生。在一次任务中进入巫女之塔,却看见自己的妹妹 Anna 被当成巫女囚禁。困扰不已的 Gabriel 寻求导师 Jakob 的帮助,却发现 Jakob 神情有异。经过私下调查,发现 Jakob 正在阅读一本异教徒的书。好奇之下不禁翻阅其内容,却无法理解。Gabriel 偷阅异教徒书籍被发现,结果被关进大牢。而与他同室囚禁的正式 Druid 教徒 Lugaid。Lugaid 告诉他有一个精灵与精神的世界叫做 Avantasia。而那本异教徒书籍就是开启 Avantasia 的七个封印之一。
  罗马教皇 Pope Clemens IIX 与主教 Von Bicken、Jakob 受到宗教、权势的诱惑,正要进入 Avantasia 释放其中黑暗之塔的神秘人物,如此一来将会破坏 Avantasia。而失去灵魂的世人将会变成软弱的傀儡。在了解事情真相之后,Gabriel 与 Lugaid 一起逃狱,躲过监守官 Von Kronberg 的追击到达古老的沼泽。借助环境的力量进入 Avantasia。并在 Avantasia 的精灵 Elderane 和矮人 Regrin 的协助下企图拓会封印……
  这首《Farewell》是其中的第六首,表现的是 Gabriel 与 Anna 兄妹狱中短暂重逢,此前一直紧张的气氛被舒缓的音乐所暂时冲淡,旋律颇具民谣风味;优美的歌声中无意间透出的一丝悲凉又令人感慨世事无常,下次见面又不知何时了……

Farewell - Avantasia

    Days had come, winters had gone
    and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise
    I was your knight, holding you tight
    As a brother when I saw your crying eyes
    Time went by and we had to say goodbye
    Staring up to the clouds above
    Children - so little and sad
    Hoping the saints could help one day
    Lead us together again
    Holding the key to the alley of dreams still in hands
    Time telling me to say farewell
    But I knew that I would fight hell
    And I knew: We will
    Go for another time we can see
    For another time we'll be free
    For no more farewell
    Stepbrother tell me where have you been
    When they brought me to this godforsaken place
    Sign of the cross - they took me away
    For healing with herbs by the way of grace
    Now I wait for the day to feed the flames
    I have been caught in a cage of despair
    My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare
    But no holy water can make me forget you again...
    Time telling me to say farewell
    But I knew that I would fight hell
    And I knew: We will
    Go for another time we can see
    For another time we'll be free
    For no more farewell
    No farewell could be the last one
    If you long to meet again...

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 17:13:10 | 只看该作者
Our Farewell

这第二首Our Farewell -- Within Temptation

Within Temptation可说是一支表现出色的荷兰美声派gothic乐团,汲取前辈The Gathering的悠扬气氛作风,再更专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon飘渺的动人音色为主轴,2000年末所发表的第二张专辑,不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟相当多,乐团焦点Sharon明显能听出她唱腔上的进步,除了音色更为浑美外,在转音及高音表现上也都更显出色!而这张专辑的乐风走向则变得更为柔美,金属成份不但大为地减少,death腔的运用也已不复见,改而加入部份男女唱诗班的合唱演出,曲式的编写可说是针对Sharon所量身订作,完全突显出Sharon的美妙音色。

In my hands
A legacy of memories
I can hear you say my name
I can almost see your smile
Feel the warmth of your embrace
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are

Never thought
This day would come so soon
We had no time to say goodbye
How can the world just carry on?
I feel so lost when you are not at my side
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are

So sorry your world is tumbling down
I will watch you through these nights
Rest your head and go to sleep
Because my child, this is not our farewell.
This is not our farewell.

1176847990.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 107)

发表于 2007-4-17 17:57:52 | 只看该作者

回复:帖可沉, 好文不能沉

帖可沉, 好文不能沉

:-$ 英文老师,不好意思,俺是抄的,转贴的,因为俺是第一次听这首歌,好震撼,一下呆了,听了两遍后,才去找的文。


歌手:Michael Learns TO Rock
Album:Blue Night

01 You Took My Heart Away
02 Blue Night
03 More Than A Friend
04 Whatever It May Take
05 Tell It To Your Heart
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-17 18:30:49 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:帖可沉, 好文不能沉

回复:帖可沉, 好文不能沉

:-$ 英文老师,不好意思,俺是抄的,转贴的,因为俺是第一次听这首歌,好震撼,一下呆了,听了两遍后,才去找的文。


歌手:Michael Learns TO Rock
Album:Blue Night

01 You Took My Heart Away
02 Blue Night
03 More Than A Friend
04 Whatever It May Take
05 Tell It To Your Heart

谢谢九九MM推荐的歌曲, 先欣赏这首You Took My Heart Away


Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream
But you...
Saw me through

Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
You take my hand to guide me home
And now...
I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Living in a world so cold (living in a world so cold)
You are there to warm my soul (you are there to warm my soul)
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start
And now...
I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here where we stand
We'll never be alone

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning
You become the meaning of my life
发表于 2007-4-17 18:51:19 | 只看该作者

这 个 不 错 , 再 贴 一 首 !

谢 谢 !      
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