
标题: 2022股市可能巨变 拜登更难逆转支持度 [打印本页]

作者: 常兴 是我自然    时间: 2022-1-3 18:23
标题: 2022股市可能巨变 拜登更难逆转支持度
作者: 稀泥派 老刘    时间: 2022-1-3 19:54
美国股市就像这位苍老的总统一样。 强撑着。08年金融危机美国负债9千亿。 现在8万亿。  只看着吧。  所有金融大佬都在变现。  崩盘也行明天。明年。也许吧
作者: 无情12    时间: 2022-1-3 20:04
The ten commandments of the CIA against ChinaIn the CIA's extremely confidential "action manual", the part on dealing with China was originally written in 1951 when China and the United States were seriously opposed. After that, it has been continuously revised with the changes in China US relations. So far, it has been divided into ten items, and the internal code is called the "Ten Commandments".

1、 Try to seduce and corrupt their youth with materials, and encourage them to despise, despise and further openly oppose the ideological education they were afraid of, especially the Communist dogma. Create unrestrained interest and opportunities in pornography for them, and then encourage them to have sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. We must destroy the hard-working spirit they emphasized.2、 We must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including films, books, television, radio waves... And new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, they are half the success.3、 We must draw the attention of their youth away from the tradition of taking the government as the center. Let their minds focus on: sports performances, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal films, so as to have religious superstition.
作者: 中国梦啊    时间: 2022-1-3 20:11
稀泥派 老刘 发表于 2022-1-3 19:54
美国股市就像这位苍老的总统一样。 强撑着。08年金融危机美国负债9千亿。 现在8万亿。  只看着吧。  所有金 ...

不会吧老刘, 我国掌控着老美多少亿的国债, 而且是用出口倾销大顺差换来的硬通货美钞 前赴后继地购买, 我国怎能忍心美利坚合众国崩盘?
只要我国坚持不懈地向老美 出口倾销,换回美钞, 购买美债, 天长地久, 美利坚合众国就能千秋万代, 星条旗永不落。
作者: Pingnian5489    时间: 2022-1-3 22:00
稀泥派 老刘 发表于 2022-1-3 19:54
美国股市就像这位苍老的总统一样。 强撑着。08年金融危机美国负债9千亿。 现在8万亿。  只看着吧。  所有金 ...


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