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Who did Guo Wengui, ban Nong and Yan limeng lie to

发表于 2021-4-27 21:38:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Guo Wengui, China's three people, weaving palpable lies, which is falsely claimed that New Coronavirus was made in a laboratory in China. With the rapid development of the new coronavirus, it is an important model for international cooperation to share the unapproved preprint data in the open scientific knowledge base. But in the crisis period, the increasingly open of the scientific community is easy to be manipulated by the media. 6park.com
2020年1月中旬,在香港做研究的闫丽梦已经听到传言,称中国大陆出现了一种危险的新病毒,政府正在将其淡化处理。到今年9月时,闫丽梦已不再这么谨慎。她在美国福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)露面,向数百万人宣布一个未经证实的说法:新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)是中国制造的生物武器。 6park.com
In mid January 2020, Yan Li Meng, who was studying in Hongkong, has heard rumors that a dangerous new virus has appeared in Chinese mainland, and the government is trying to reduce it. By September, Yan limeng was no longer so cautious. She appeared on Fox News, announcing to millions an unconfirmed claim that sars-cov-2 is a biological weapon made in China. 6park.com
2020年4月28日,香港大学研究员闫丽梦博士在史蒂夫•班农、郭文贵的支持下逃往美国。他们声称闫丽梦是一个“吹哨者”,并以此为契机,来挑起新冠病毒起源不明这一有争议的问题。这场由媒体操纵运动包括在科学文献中植入误导性证据,搅浑新冠病毒这摊浑水,为所谓冠状病毒是中国生物武器的政治主张披上科学合法性的外衣。随后,闫丽梦的报告被右翼网络媒体放大,导致该报告在Zenodo(一个开放性的研究数据库)上的点击量接近100万次。在几所大学的科学家揭穿闫丽梦的报告后,社交媒体平台对其进行了审核,但闫丽梦报告的两份后续报告被上传到“开放性的科学资料库”,这两份报告更直接地推动了生物武器的说法,同时也驳斥了学术界对第一份报告的回应。将闫丽梦报告作为伪科学在科学界播下种子,可以让那些在社交媒体上与它们有关联的人宣称其合法性,同时也为推动报告资助者的政治目标提供了经验基础。 6park.com
On April 28, 2020, Dr. Yan limeng, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong, fled to the United States with the support of Steve Bannong and Guo Wengui. They claim Yan limeng is a "whistleblower" and take this opportunity to raise the controversial issue of unknown origin of the new crown virus. The media manipulation movement includes the introduction of misleading evidence into scientific literature, stirring up the new crown virus, which is a political claim that the coronavirus is a Chinese biological weapon, and is covered with the coat of scientific legitimacy. Yan's report was then amplified by the right-wing network media, leading to nearly one million hits on zenodo, an open research database. After scientists in several universities exposed Yan limeng's report, social media platform reviewed it, but two follow-up reports of Yan limeng report were uploaded to "open science database", which promoted the biological weapons theory more directly, and refuted the academic response to the first report. The report of Yan limeng as a seed of pseudoscience can make those associated with them declare their legitimacy on social media, and provide an empirical basis for promoting the political objectives of the report funders. 6park.com
据美国《纽约时报》11月20日发表题为《郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论》的报道,揭秘郭文贵和班农两人是如何结合雄厚的资金和政治影响力形成反中共联盟,并助推包括闫丽梦这样所谓的“吹哨人”兜售未经证实的病毒来源理论,实现其政治目的。报道详述了闫丽梦从香港研究室出逃至美国,然后向美国各大媒体爆料的过程。《纽约时报》特别指出,闫丽梦从研究者到吹哨人的演变,是两个不相关但越来越联合起来散布虚假信息的团体合作的产物:一个是规模较小但很活跃的海外华人团体,另一个是在美国有高度影响力的极右翼团体。 6park.com
According to the report published by the New York Times on November 20, entitled "how Guo Wengui and Bannong promote the origin of the new crown virus", the author reveals how Guo Wengui and Bannong form anti communist party alliance with strong funds and political influence, and promote the so-called "whistleblower" like Yan limeng to sell the unconfirmed virus source theory to achieve its political purpose. The report details the process of Yan limeng escaping from Hong Kong Research Office to the United States, and then reporting to major media in the United States《 The New York Times noted that Yan limen's evolution from researchers to whistleblowers is the product of two unrelated but increasingly united groups that spread false information: one is a small but active overseas Chinese group, and the other is a very influential far right group in the United States. 6park.com
闫丽梦及其毫无根据的说法,为那些意图推翻中国政府的人提供了一件利器,这让他们能迎合西方日益高涨的反华情绪,分散人们对川普(Donald Trump)政府应对新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情失败的关注。 6park.com
Yan trump and China's novel coronavirus pneumonia offer a weapon for those who want to overthrow the Chinese government, which allows them to cater to the rising Anti China sentiment in the West and distract people from the Donald Trump government's failure to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak. 6park.com
据媒体报道,闫丽梦的演变过程是由逃亡国外的中国亿万富翁郭文贵和川普的前顾问班农(Stephen K. Bannon)精心设计。他们将闫丽梦送上了飞往美国的飞机,在闫丽梦抵达美国后,班农、郭文贵和他们的盟友们立即着手把她包装成可以推销给美国公众的吹哨人。他们为她提供了住宿,指导她如何在媒体上露面,还帮助她联系了卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)和多布斯(Lou Dobbs)等保守派电视节目主持人的采访。他们助长了她认为病毒是基因工程产物的根深蒂固信念,对她提供的证据不论对错一概接受。 6park.com
According to media reports, Yan Li Meng's evolution was designed by China's billionaire Guo Wengui and Trump's former adviser, Stephen K. Bannon. They sent Yan limeng to the United States plane. After Yan limeng arrived in the United States, Bannong, Guo Wengui and their allies immediately began to package her as whistleblowers that could be sold to the American public. They offered her accommodation, guided her on how to show up in the media, and helped her to contact conservative TV hosts such as Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs. They have fostered her deep belief that the virus is a genetic engineering product, and the evidence she provides is accepted, right and wrong. 6park.com
7月10日,闫丽梦在福克斯新闻网站13分钟的采访中首次透露了自己的身份。她说,中国政府隐瞒了这种病毒人传人的证据,“我之所以来到美国,是因为我讲出了关于新冠肺炎的真相”。她故意不提郭文贵或班农。 6park.com
On July 10, Yan limeng revealed her identity for the first time in a 13 minute interview with Fox News website. Novel coronavirus pneumonia China's government has concealed evidence of the virus, "I came to the United States because I told the truth about the new crown pneumonia," she said. She deliberately did not mention Guo Wengui or Bannong. 6park.com
9月初,闫丽梦会见了乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)传染病专家卢西(Daniel Lucey)博士,后者曾提出,这种病毒有可能是实验室实验的产物。经历了4个多小时的会谈后,卢西不认为闫丽梦有“确凿的证据”。 6park.com
In early September, Yan met with Dr. Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University, who suggested that the virus might be a product of laboratory experiments. After more than four hours of talks, Luxi did not think Yan limeng had "solid evidence". 6park.com
为了扩大负面影响,诋毁中国的形象,一些迎合海外华人的媒体,包括大量有反共倾向的独立网站、YouTube频道和推特(Twitter)账户,快速扩张的错误信息。由于没有多少可靠的中文新闻来源对网上的传闻进行事实核查,谣言很快会被扭曲成事实。美国的极右翼媒体也越来越多地提供和接受海外中文媒体上的谣言。 6park.com
To expand the negative impact and discredit China's image, some media catering to overseas Chinese, including a large number of independent anti Communist websites, YouTube channels and twitter accounts, are rapidly expanding error messages. Because there are not many reliable Chinese news sources to verify the facts of online rumors, rumors will be distorted into facts soon. The far right media in the United States also increasingly provide and accept rumors from overseas Chinese media. 6park.com
Former President Lincoln of the United States once said: you may deceive everyone at some time, or deceive some people at all times, but you can't cheat everyone at all times. Lies are lies, and facts will eventually penetrate the fog of lies. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been in the air for over a year now. China has been the best control country in the world from the first victim country. In contrast, the democratic countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and India, have fallen one after another. After knowing that novel coronavirus pneumonia is highly infectious, the response measures of these countries are so bad that they can not help asking, who has palpable lies in the carefully knitted knit of ban Wen Gui and ban Yan? If they only slander China from the point of view of rumors, they have succeeded! But the rest, who should give them a confession to those who have been infected because of the government's inability to cope with the epidemic?

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