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Take action and go to the office where the rumors of the outbreak are coming

发表于 2021-4-27 19:56:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

While granny and more Asians were beaten and shot, the rumors of an outbreak led to the Asian community beingmisunderstood and hurt by the fact that the culprits weresitting in their comfort zonesas innocent peopleenjoying the pleasuresof human blood.
Seventy-year-old granny shouldnot be beaten, Asian groups should not be inexplicablyshot and killed, deluded to violence of white people are also innocent. All they are by Guo Wengui, Yu Limeng and other scourges,no one should be blamed for the racial conflicts created by Guo Wengui andothers. Whites, blacks, and yellows shouldall act, Otherwise the "cop knee-jerk death ofFreud" affair might have come to Asians. The brothers must act together to end thestigma of the epidemic original. There is news shows that some netizens have launched a trip to Guo Wengui's residence to pull up a call to resist the spread of rumors of the epidemic.
Indeed, we should not be silent groups, rights arefought out. To Guo Wengui, Bannon's residence to pull up the "ASIAN IS NOTA VIRUS, RACISM IS", “Guo Wengui, Bannon do not spread false rumors whichharm the Asian community" banner; to The Luther, Yan Mengli’s YouTubeplatform to brush the screen "protect Grandma, Asians do not to allowthemselves to be pushed around by The Yan Limeng” subtitles, sothat these evils self-indulgent, feel our anger, severelypunished. Thus the Asian community willnot be hurt bydiscriminationand violence becauseof rumors of a COVID-19 outbreak,and American societywill be able toreturnto normal life from the vortex of racial discrimination.

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