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名校物业介绍之九: University of Toronto Schools (多伦多大学附中)

发表于 2010-7-17 22:57:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


很多来自国内的朋友,都知道国内的一些名牌大学,通常都设有自己的附属中学,它们的教学质量和升学率一般不错。但在加拿大,似乎很少听说这样的学校。今天,我为大家介绍了一间这样的中学,它可能是全加拿大唯一的 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2010-7-15
what the author said about UTS is true. i have a child studying there.
the entry exams are two rounds. the first round is to screen from among about 1000 students (grade 5, nationwide) down to 300. the 2nd round to get a bout 104 students (50% boys and 50% girls). the two round exams are basically IQ related tests.
Since they are already gifted students, they don't need to go to US famous Univ. to prove something, which makes them better in concentrating on what they can develop in their interests, under the superior education system developed for 100 years in UTS. some families have two or three kids studying in UTS. it is really not like other schools such as Don Mill C.I. which needs to have some students to get in US famous Univ. to prove something. UTS is also not like gifted classes in the public school system under TDSB. the teachers usually have master or doctor degree, senior with proven good teaching experience; parents association is also very active in courses construction, careers guidance and fund raising events.

the total annual cost for studying and activities in UTS is about $18k.

some US famous Univ.(stanford, MIT,etc.) come to UTS every year to request the school to recommend students to study in their Univ. UTS students also receive admission application invitation letters from Harvord Univ.

anyway, it is a good investment if your kids can get in.
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